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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Fri Jan 10 2020 12:20:32

eBay Removes Chief Strategy Officer from List of Leaders

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay played a game of musical chairs with its "Our Leaders" page on its corporate website, and one executive is missing - its head of strategy.

Kris Miller joined eBay in 2014, and while missing from the page, she still lists her current position as Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at eBay on her LinkedIn profile.

eBay also continues to list her as a board member of the eBay Foundation.

While Miller went missing from eBay's Our Leaders page, the total count went up thanks to the following additions:

Suzy Deering (VP, Global Chief Marketing Officer)
Rob Hattrell (VP, United Kingdom)
Eben Sermon (VP, Central and Southern Europe)
Jordan Sweetnam (SVP & General Manager, North America)

The changes to the eBay Leaders page occurred sometime in the past 2 weeks.

We also noted in Newsflash stories yesterday the departures of David Doctorow, eBay Head of Global Growth, and Ryan Moore, eBay Director of Communications.

Update 1/11/2020: See Saturday's Newsflash article about additional changes in "eBay Foundation Removes Two Members from Its Board."

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 14:02:43 2020

What a horrible company the new CEO is going to inherit, he or she will have to reverse policies set and imagined by serial White Collar Criminals that have ruined the company and the marketplace. Sellers are closing up shop on eBay and removing billions of dollars worth of inventory at a very rapid clip, fee churning will simply sink the Titanic quicker because sellers are not going to put up with being extorted by stupid executives who think they are outsmarting all of us.

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 14:45:38 2020

this stuff is funny. sounds like they are getting ready to tell Wall Street they are getting rid of the dead weight.

but, the dead weight criminals will still be employed making their 7 figure (or more) salaries.

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by: FeelingFroggy This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 15:01:32 2020

How embarassing it would be to get canned by greedbay.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 16:04:23 2020

You get fired if you don’t produce (steal) enough - just like in any other crime family.

In the mafia, everyone has to be “in collections”. On eBay, each depth is given a target amount they MUST make each quarter.

If you fail to reach those goals, you get canned.

For example - how does “griff” still have a job? He does nothing all day long and there is no seller protection. Answer is that his department steal so much from seller via fraudulent returns that he doesn’t have to worry!

The comings and goings of ebays management is of little use to anyone as they are unremarkable and have contributed nothing to eBay as a whole.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 16:45:07 2020

@Feeling Froggiy

All that means is they are not as willing to commit fraud and continue to steal from their customers like Ebay now needs.

@ Ebay Shill Buster

That is probably why they are having such a difficult time finding a new CEO, as none of them are willing to continue committing the fraud necessary to keep Ebay afloat.  Only losers are now willing to have their name associated with Ebay as those that are really good do not want their reputation sullied by having worked at FleeceBay (first time I have ever broken down and called them what they deserve to be called).

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 16:56:56 2020

Companies rise and fall all the time. Ebay is a testament to that. You have to be careful when your #1. There is always someone that says "I can get that business and steal it away".
Thats when you have to be on top of EVEYTHING, and not give an inch. Ebay did the opposite, and said we are on top, we cant loose. Now they are in a hole without a shovel. It's sad, it was good while it lasted.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Fri Jan 10 16:59:05 2020

I guess Kris needed to spend more time with her family. And I don't know why eBay needs a Chief Strategy Officer. The only strategy eBay has is stealing more money while providing less.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Jan 10 18:12:41 2020

I want to know who's making these hiring decisions. There isn't'[t a permanent head of the company, but something has spiked the need to clean out more of the house. Is it those who are hoping to keep their jobs??? What about pseudo king of eBay right now. Is he pushing these changes hoping to keep his job, in any sort of role.

The results for Q4 are certainly speaking louder and louder. What difference is this shuffling going to make if a new person is brought on board. I hope it makes none at all and they choose who stays and who goes.  There is so much more cleaning house that needs to be done, in every single department. Get rid of ALL the upper echelon and rebuild one step at a time.

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by: Scotty This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 10 19:11:13 2020

eBay "Head of Strategy" = oxymoron

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This user has validated their user name. by: unsuckEBAY

Sat Jan 11 08:56:52 2020

Five weeks after Wenig’s ouster, Miller was on the conference circuit sharing her expertise on how organizations should navigate digital disruption.

Miller’s WIRED smarter conference presentation was chock full of the predictable litany of obligatory eBay-speak buzzwords such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, crypto/blockchain, and of course the obligatory eBay ‘flywheel’ analogy.

Miller was brought in as eBay’s strategy head to “oversee Marketplaces' planning and execution processes to continue eBay's leadership of the commerce revolution.” In her LinkedIn profile Miller describes her role as “responsible for working with the Executive Team to develop the strategy and plan to execute across the businesses globally.”

Prior to eBay, Miller was at Bain where she worked for Thomas Tierney for part of her tenure (eBay’s sleepy Chairman of the Board), and in October we wondered if that relationship wasn’t protecting Miller from accountability.

Maybe eBay is good at planning, but eBay sucks at execution and frankly if Miller was a self-aware leader with any pride in her work she’d have tendered her resignation the day Wenig got the boot.

Who’s next? There’s plenty more that need to go before eBay can be rebuilt.

We’d again point to Mark Tritton’s actions at struggling Bed Bath and Beyond as a blueprint (and inspiration) for the executive carpet-bombing that needs to take place at eBay.

Thomas Tierney also needs to take accountability as Chairman for his failure in setting and implementing eBay’s direction and strategy.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 11 10:15:29 2020

Does ebay separate it's pixel rental income form it's collection fees on it's income statement, or is it all "income from operations"?

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by: Frank Abagnale This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 11 10:42:39 2020


Great post!

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by: purpleiris This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 11 12:13:07 2020

I wouldn't be surprised if Etsy is next.

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by: TomH This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 11 16:28:03 2020

I don't know, maybe I'm just tired of eBay, but, do people really think the BoD, that has given us the leadership mess of the last years is suddenly going to turn around and find a smart, efficient broom and turn eBay around into an efficient, honest, and non-game playing platform for independent sellers to list on and make money with again?

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Sat Jan 11 18:41:32 2020

Per Ebay's new UI, some leaders may not show up in all search results.

What a collection of dumbbells.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Sun Jan 12 23:54:26 2020

Does it "really matter"?

eBay keeps hiring the same stupid people (some over and over again like Jordan) so nothing will change.

If you go to the well too many times - before you know it - its empty.

Besides cash - why would you want to work for a company with no long term GROWTH strategy? Yes they will stay in business, yes they will still steal cash from sellers as their modus operandi, yes they will continue to hire people with zero ecommerce experience, yes they will continue to employ 1/2 of the 3rd world to do customer service .... but they will never be any more then they are now.

PP is gone, Stub hub is gone, Classifieds will be next - and then what?

Hows ______ doing?
Butterfield & Butterfield
Kruse International
Precision Buying Service
Internet Auction Co.

the list of course goes on and on.

If eBay would just have used ALL that money to make sellers who got hurt, whole - eBay would be 10x what it is now and more.

But its easier to buy all these companies and more - and screw the small seller .....

All it tells you is how stupid eBay is - just keep doing the wrong thing over and over and over again.

So how about it JORDAN?????????

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by: BargainzBabylon This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 13 03:06:22 2020

''...eBay's leadership of the commerce revolution''?  Huh?  Has Miller been under a rock or is she just deluded? eBay may be shuffling the deck and getting rid of deadwood in light of Wenig's failure, which to me is not unexpected, but it hasn't been a leader in the commerce revolution since the mid-oughts. In fact, it often isn't even part of the conversation when ecommerce is discussed - even the marketing execs there were complaining about that.  

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by: hawk This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 13 05:22:06 2020

there has not been any true , honest leaders at ebay for a long time , just great liars and thieves are hired to continue the theft from sellers. the executive shuffle is to try and make people think they're trying to improve ebay. what a scam.

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 13 06:19:05 2020

I can see Ebay going private, like Dell.  Getting its house in order and then re-launching as a public company.

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by: salesrep1 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 13 06:45:49 2020

Find it interesting that in this day and age when the stock market gave back commissions . Product companies are trying to raise commissions and fees?Is it possible that 10 years from now none of this will exist just 5 years ago the major large stock houses were charging $100 for a buy sell transact and the discount brokers were nearing the $5 mark but the majors kept going. Now most of them are on 0 commissions. Ebay still works on revenue from all angles buyers sellers and ads eventually they will have to decide as competition may put and end to it.

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