Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed Feb 1 2023 07:24:17

eBay to Raise Fees as Part of 2023 Winter Seller Update

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay will raise fees this year, telling sellers it was due to its continuous investments in its marketplace to help sellers manage their business more efficiently and accelerate their sales velocity. 

"As a result of these investments, we sometimes need to make price adjustments that allow us to bring you products and services that drive the best returns and help buyers across the growing eBay marketplace find your items," it continued.

eBay announced the fee hike as part of the 2023 Winter Seller Update on Wednesday, February 1st. The announcement for UK sellers with links to details is available on the eBay UK Announcement board.

eBay UK included a link to the eBay Winter Seller Update announcement on, which was not yet live when we published this post this morning.

Details about the eBay UK fee hike is on this page, which did not state whether fees were changing on its other international marketplaces. 

eBay UK categorized the changes in today's Seller Update as follows:

Running your business

- New eBay webinars and roadshows
- Exclusive bulky parcel pricing from HubEurope
- Expanding the per-order fee credit
- Free optional listing upgrades
- Adjustments to Shop subscription rates and final value fees in selected categories

With regard to fees, eBay UK stated:

"In addition we're expanding the per-order fee credit to when you voluntarily issue a full refund to a buyer for selected reasons, as well as giving you free optional listing upgrades to help you make your listings stand out. As we've continued to invest in making eBay a vibrant and trusted marketplace, we're also adjusting Shop subscription rates and final value fees in selected categories."

Fee changes in the UK will hit sellers on April 1, 2023.

We'll be following the news as it develops and will provide details on any fee increases and other changes that may be coming to eBay sellers in the US.

Update 2/1/2023: It's official: eBay is increasing final value fees for US sellers in most categories from 12.9% to 13.25%. See more details in EcommerceBytes Newsflash: eBay to Raise Selling Fees for US Sellers in 2 Weeks.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Wed Feb 1 08:37:15 2023

"eBay will raise fees this year, telling sellers it was due to its continuous investments in its marketplace to help sellers manage their business more efficiently and accelerate their sales velocity. "

eBay Bull Shit

Just like eBay payments are as good as Paypal, yea 4 days vs 4 seconds!

eBay delusion runs deep in San Jose. . . .

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 09:22:52 2023

I have to agree with Tool - but for other reasons.

While costs HAVE gone up - running Walkers (food costs) and the TONS of employee giveaways + the hiring of do nothing employees IS expensive, the main costs to running eBay have not.

How much has eBays electric bill gone up?

Did they buy new servers?

Did they hire new programmers?

Sure general costs have gone up, and real increase is MORE then covered under eBays "enhanced" advertising programs and eBays "promoted listings" game.

The small amounts that cost eBay more are easily covered by those programs - the rest is just a money grab.

Question: " will sellers make any MORE sales with these new price increases or is it all just more BS?"

Smart people know the answer.

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by: plcombs This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 09:40:35 2023

Translation...Here at eBay we've had Zero Revenue Growth now going on 7 years, so to increase our bottom line and maintain Share Prices we have to charge our users more....SORRY,

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by: terry55 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 09:55:57 2023

They already get rate increases 2-3 times a year from USPS shipping rates, not mention including charging on promoted rate on shipping too. Ebay will be just like the USPS, a dying business, raising rates will not bring you more money when I have to drop prices just to sell. Pretty soon I won't be able to sell anything

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by: OnlyPollyPocket This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 10:02:28 2023

What Terry55 first thought.  eBay already gets fee increases every time the USPS gouges us for more $$$.

Guess I will have to raise MY prices again...LOL, not that I sell much anyway.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Wed Feb 1 11:24:59 2023

In the voice of Rob Schneider :
ToolGuy - Drivin' it Home
pace306 - pointing out the basics
plcombs - sees it the way it is
terry55 - knows the end is near
OnlyPollyPocket - Here we go again

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by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 11:39:26 2023

"eBay will raise fees this year, telling sellers it was due to its continuous investments in its marketplace to help sellers manage their business more efficiently and accelerate their sales velocity."

Managing my business on eBay has been steadily more difficult over the last 10 years, but particularly spiraled out of control in September 2020 with the start of managed payments.  My "sales velocity" has plummeted over the past year.

Why should sellers pay for eBay's FAILED attempts???

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This user has validated their user name. by: epuise

Wed Feb 1 11:52:42 2023

Indeed... Every Shipping Rate hike is more $$ in eBay's pocket. It's killing online sales.

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by: mindelec This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 12:24:17 2023

while i don't ever like to see fees go up, an extra 36 cents on a $100 sale is not going to kill me.  far more damage is done by the constant usps increases.

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by: Runs.With.Scissors This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 13:53:39 2023

"The beatings will continue till morale improves"

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 13:58:22 2023

Everybody needs to relax.  Every platform is going to eventually raise prices.  You just have to get ready and make adjustments.  Besides, WHERE are you going to?  Even spotify raised prices.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Wed Feb 1 13:59:20 2023

In this inflationary period, prices in general are going up sharply.  So eBay is benefiting from those increased retail prices proportionately, without doing a single thing differently.  To increase general rates while that is occurring is double dipping, a blatant cash grab.  

They do it because they can.  They do it because their competition is even greedier.  EBay could raise rates to 18% and still be cheaper than Amazon, so why not start marching the rates upward?

In one way, I'm surprised at the restraint eBay shows as far as increases go.  We are used to everyone else increasing prices 5%-10%, sometimes more, citing increases to raw costs, labor, supply chain difficulties, shortages, fuel, etc.  This new increase from eBay brings in 2.8% more money in FVF, using the numbers from the store rates going from 12 to 12.35%.  Could be much worse.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 14:03:04 2023

"We’re committed to building a vibrant marketplace that simplifies selling and delivers more buyers to you. To support that goal, we adjust our selling fees from time to time."
That's not a reason...that's a non-sequitor BS excuse.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 14:36:21 2023

As is historically something Ebay does, when then give relief or a reduction in fees on something we get a fee increase to make up for it.  In this case, all sellers are now is EIS and things shipped through EIS do not charge the 1.65% international fee to the seller.  And in this update they have reduced the fees on some listing enhancements a seller may choose.

Hence they needed to raise fees to cover the reductions in fees on this other stuff.  But of course they spin it to be something else thinking we will all buy it as if we can't figure this stuff out on our own.

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by: rhw1 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 14:53:58 2023

I too am not pleased about an increase in the fees, and as others have said, with FVF on shipping, eBay is still getting more revenue per sale than before. But what frosts me, is we as sellers are not seeing any improvement on our end. Less protection from BS buyers, INAD, INR, etc. And the search engine is about as good as Netscape was. If they acted upon the sellers issues with the site, and raised the fee, I would have an easier time accepting the increase. But it’s like the cable companies...we are paying more and are getting nothing, zip, zero, nada of increased benefits, if not less.
Each of us has our breaking points. I admit, I am getting close, but still not there like others here. It’s getting to the point where if I am going to get 13% less than it sells for, AND I have to ship the item, HOPING it arrives in the shape the buyer expects, etc, am I not better off pursuing other means of liquidating my inventory, and putting the CASH in my pocket? No screwed up 1099, no decoding the ever changing eBay spread sheets, no record keeping. The only downside I really see is, with eBay, one does have a potential world wide audience. But with the ever increasing postal hikes, international shipments I'm certain, will continue to decrease and eventually it will become even more cost prohibitive to ship almost anything.
The brain trusts in San Jose have mouths to feed in the cafeteria, and it’s costing them more for the Colombian phone unit. More for the eastern European programmers, and for those at corporate, who know all too well how eBay works, even though they have never sold a thing.
Makes perfect sense.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 15:10:26 2023


I agree its not the greatest "SIN" eBay has ever done or will do - its just their callous Le' se fair attitude towards it all.

They have PLENTY of cash - $5 billion sitting offshore, plus as Ina mentioned in another column - they have enough that they want to lend out some to others - so why the increase - ie wheres the need?

If someone told me that it was needed to keep "the top notch A+" second largest ecommerce site in the world going - Id say OK, but I think we all know that statement ISNT true.

Between the THOUSANDS of listings for fake items, the vindictive VERO goons, the funds they receive from the float and money holds - I "just dont see the need".

There are ALOT of sellers (maybe here maybe not here) that "in todays economy", live off selling on eBay - when do they (and everyone else) get a break??????

No, it cant be changed, but it can be strongly noted that "once again", eBay screws the little guy ... over and over again.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 15:11:34 2023

"We’re committed to building a vibrant marketplace that simplifies selling and delivers more buyers to you. To support that goal, we adjust our selling fees from time to time."

OK - Ina please post a poll

How many sellers sales have gotten BETTER? (because they want to keep raising fees)

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by: Jeff12671 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 16:17:41 2023

They are already bleeding buyers and sellers, this will just be another incremental push to marketplace irrelevancy. Walmart is quickly eating into their market share as it is.

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by: terry55 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 18:30:09 2023

@The End
Yep, got a year or two left, not only does fees go up, also shipping, supplies and inventory. I can only sell 40% of what I did 3 years ago. But I'll survive, instead of working 7 days a week, I'll just close up shop and file for disability and take my grand kids fishing  

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by: CypressC This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 1 19:12:24 2023

All the hand wringing - it's a miniscule raise - it's 0.35%!  It comes out to an annual raise of $350 per $100,000 in sales. That's really not worth complaining about.  

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