Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Apr 1 2021 11:29:03

eBay Begins Allowing Sellers to Upload Videos

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay is beginning to allow some sellers to upload videos, though they'll only be visible to shoppers on the site's mobile app for now. 

Like many announcements about "new" capabilities on eBay, it's confusing, since eBay has encouraged sellers to add videos to listings on and off for over a decade, and since sellers can currently embed videos in listings.

In this 2009 announcement, for example, eBay featured "the first approved Selling Manager application featuring video" - vzaar.

"The vzaar application allows eBay sellers to quickly and easily add video to their eBay listings for a more dynamic shopping experience," it continued. "In a matter of seconds a seller subscribed to Selling Manager can now shoot a product video, upload that video to their vzaar application in My eBay and insert it into any live or scheduled eBay listing."

In 2016, eBay inserted videos itself into seller listings using a service called WebyClip that added videos automatically based on an algorithm. 

In 2017, eBay disabled the use of active content, which had allowed sellers to include videos in their listings, due to security issues - specifically, the ability for bad actors to insert malicious code using cross-site scripting (XSS).

However, eBay's help page states sellers are allowed to embed videos within item descriptions from the following video-hosting sites: YouTube, Vimeo, Brightcove, Ustream, Screencast, Kizoa, and DailyMotion.

Presumably Thursday's announcement means eBay wants to increase sellers' use of videos at a time when other sites are encouraging sellers to add videos, including Etsy and Poshmark.

Unfortunately eBay provided few details about the new feature in the announcement:

Introducing seller videos on storefronts and item pages
We're continually working to give you a modern, feature-rich platform that helps you engage buyers and grow your sales on eBay. As part of this effort, we're introducing video capability for listings and storefronts. 

Over the next few months, you'll start seeing videos on select View Item pages and storefronts. We'll continue to expand these new video capabilities to more sellers throughout 2021. Videos will initially be visible to buyers on the eBay app, and will eventually expand to desktop and mobile web. 

Video is the next step in our ongoing efforts to help you deliver more engaging shopping experiences to your current and new buyers. They let you showcase your products and brand, and help drive buyer engagement and sales. 

As we continue to roll out new video capabilities to sellers, we'll reach out with more information on video guidelines and how to upload videos when you're eligible.

As always, thank you for selling on eBay, 
Your eBay Team

We're very curious about which sellers eBay is allowing in first. Let us know if you use videos on your product listings, wherever you sell, and whether you would consider adding videos to your eBay listings.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 1 12:25:29 2021

Why are videos suitable for advertising and so endorsed by eBay, when videos submitted as evidence to defend against fraud are dismissed as unsuitable?

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This user has validated their user name. by: unsuck

Thu Apr 1 12:29:58 2021

This is eBay's desperate attempt at posturing as though they're not playing catch-up to Poshmark (and Etsy) and falling behind smaller, more agile marketplaces.

Poshmark announced video a couple weeks ago, and eBay's hasty announcement at 7:30PM the last day of 1st-quarter allows Iannone to squeeze it into his earnings call prepared remarks as a Q1 initiative, and sets up the other eBay talking heads to refer to it as something they launched 1st quarter later this year.

The practical examples Iannone (and many other eBay execs) have provided to illustrate his so-called "tech-led reimagination" have largely consisted of rehashing:

1) App Dark Mode (lame & ubiquitous, many apps have it. Hardly innovative.),

2)  Image Enhancement & Background removal (glitchy and week, way behind the awesome "lightroom" app, and even Bonanza has offered a free background removal for years),

3) Local P/U QR Code (big deal, what's the % of eBay GVM is local pickup.... 0.001%?)

Ebay's tech execution hasn't meaningfully improved since Iannone's taken the reigns -- botched Listing Quality Report and payment and check-out bugs and glitches galore are just a few recent examples (not to mention ongoing item-specific battles sellers continue to have).

It's time sellers and other stakeholders start holding Iannone and Pete Thomson's downline accountable.

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 1 13:58:49 2021

with all the daily "glitches" fleecebay should fix them before adding more stuff that probably will not work.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Covid-20

Thu Apr 1 14:16:28 2021

KEY words in their announcement.  ''Some sellers''.

Why did they banish and forbid them years back when everyone thought it was a good idea?  Claiming it was a security risk for fee circumvention etc.. etc...

They went FAR out of their way to ensure ALL VIDEOS were taken down by a certain time frame. Every one of my listings had a video displaying my items in depth.  I remember like it was yesterday ( actually only a few years now) and the maniacal hassle it was to go through each and every one of my listings to delete the code and comply to their primitive paranoid reasoning.

Now, we are ''allowed'' once again, so I guess i have all the time in the world to re-instate the codes. No thanks.

So, why not be able to utilize YouTube?  Did they not agree to your mandated kickbacks ?  Why only Vzaar ( whomever the hec THEY are) ?

As others have stated in the last thread, Ain't nobody trying to jump through hoops and waste all their time anymore by Re-Re-Re-Re-Uploading and adjusting their listings on your broken down goofy website because you are the ''Go-To'' Ecommerce site that moves items from the closet to the bank. THAT SHIP HAS SAILED.

STOCKHOLDERS TAKE NOTE ; Facebook marketplace is FREE.  No garbage interference, No fees, No one trying to tell you HOW to paraphrase your verbatim, what resolution picture to use, what category you SHOULD be placing it in, and certainly, no one on there is accusing you in schizophrenic terms of you trying to rob them or cheat them out of something from thin air. You LOSE Ebay, and you STOCKHOLDERS lose for every nanosecond you grip the the side of this luxury steamship that has already hit the iceberg straight ahead.

Remember, there aren't enough lifeboats . . . . . . . .

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by: postbuster This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 1 17:56:25 2021

I believe that four years ago, ebay told sellers that they weren't allowed to put up videos in their listings.
They said that they were going to remove them because they were 'not allowed'.
Sellers had to work around and just paste the links instead.

Now ebay acts like it's a new idea from them and sellers can try 'something new'.

This kind of thinking is why ebay continues to deteriorate.

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by: aris 2 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 1 21:29:59 2021

They are always late to the party.

First it's ok, then it isn't, now it's ok again. Try and get it right.
What about AUDIO too??

I sell vinyl. Have been a seller since '99. For over 15 years I included a short audio clip of each of the items I was selling since most people had never heard any of these records which were 40-60 years old. Sales were always brisk - everyone knew exactly what they were getting.

Then, Ebay's relentless paranoia set in again and disabled all music seller's links to their audio clips about 2 years ago. Over 2 million listings (that I could easily count with a search) were suddenly worthless to buyers since all links were dead and no one could hear what they wanted to buy anymore. Sales tanked. Not a single thing to fix that was ever done. I had to completely change up my inventory if I was to survive. It was a dumb idea and there was never any effort to rectify such a stupid move.

If Ebay were to host their own streaming page for audio sellers, I'd be willing to pay a couple three bucks extra a month to host my files there. Music sellers are plentiful in Ebay. I'm sure they would join me. That would be a hefty extra chunk of change in Ebay's pockets. But no, they're too busy changing the listing page that didn't need to be changed and adding characters to feedback instead.

Now it's ok to add VIDEO to listings? Where is this going? Who's going to monitor all of this stuff?

I, for one, would get no benefit from this change, but why don't they wise up and let us add to our listings things that will help the BOTH of us make a lot more cash?

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 2 10:11:31 2021

"Why only Vzaar ( whomever the hec THEY are) ?"


Its a small micro sized company in the UK, HARDLY a robust platform to store millions of videos.

Dr Google says:

Total Funding Amount: $3M - thats almost NOTHING to run a platform of the size needed by eBay ..... and it was an ANGEL Round as well ... With out the other 3 people that basically run the company .. it would have no people AND no money.

So - where to look next ..... ahhhh lets look at one of the angel investors .....

John Moreton - his association to eBay is through ...... eBay Alumni Founded Companies. AKA its a white wash (MAFIA) of money. eBay helped start this company via this guy and then gets rewarded by being paid to host the videos. The money goes through the washing machine then gets CLEANED. John gets paid, then pays it all back to eBay .... (who ever said eBay wasnt crafty!?)

(This company was founded by former employees and eBay provides data on their funding history, investment activities, and acquisition trends. Insights about top trending companies, startups, investments and M&A activities, notable investors of these companies, their management team, and recent news are also included.)

Guy #2 is Ken Moss. His last "job" was starting a bitcoin company, Senit. (Ken Moss has 2 current jobs as Executive Chairman at Senit and Chairman at vzaar.). Senit has created a powerful platform that allows people in the world to easily buy, sell and trade crypto currencies. Our technology uses the best of blockchain technology and the cloud to ensure the highest levels of compliance and security for our users. AND YET THEY HAVE ONLY 7 people in the company (thats only worth 2M$) ......

The whole thing is a scam - question is - whos getting fleeced, wheres the money going, and can sellers avoid this cr@p entirely!

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by: elcheapoposters This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 2 14:08:11 2021

Ebay is 10 years late to video, but at least they're moving forward. Storage and bandwidth isn't the expense it was back then. I used to put YouTube video in my descriptions but they stopped allowing it. Customers want to see used items working.

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by: WonderWho This user has validated their user name.

Mon Apr 5 00:45:48 2021

So it's because of all these new vids that they don't have enough bandwidth to answer questions on the forum, huh? 😆

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by: Paul W This user has validated their user name.

Mon Apr 5 01:02:31 2021

I'm sure my video of a postage stamp will generate wild excitement.

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Apr 5 05:02:55 2021

Again, EB is following AMZ.  AMZ is encouraging videos on its site.

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by: JohnX This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 2 11:53:17 2021

I need to add pdf files for technical info.  Anyone knows how to add pdf file or link?

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by: JohnX This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 2 11:59:33 2021

Ebay should be held accountable for its constantly changing rules.  It takes money, time and effort to beautify item contents.  Then ebay suddenly disallowed feature(s).  One would need a full time professional to keep all you items up to date with ebay constantly changing listing rules.

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