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Wed Dec 8 2021 20:09:54

Etsy Is Freezing Some Seller Accounts over Tax Updates

By: Ina Steiner

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Etsy told sellers they must review or update their taxpayer ID and their address, or risk having their accounts frozen in January. However, some sellers are reporting Etsy is already freezing their shops during the height of the holiday shopping season.

In a post on the Etsy seller announcement board on Tuesday, the company advised sellers:

"Starting in January 2022, shops that don't have taxpayer information on file will be frozen as they near this threshold. In order to ensure there are no disruptions to your selling experience and payouts, please update or review your taxpayer ID and address before the deadline!"

Etsy cited new tax regulations that will require it to report payments over $600 it processes on behalf of sellers beginning with tax year 2022. Currently payment-processors like Etsy and PayPal must issue IRS Form 1099-Ks for sellers for whom it processes over 200 transactions that total at least $20,000, as explained on the Etsy help pages.

Tuesday's announcement stated, "Starting in January 2022, shops that don't have taxpayer information on file will be frozen as they near this threshold. In order to ensure there are no disruptions to your selling experience and payouts, please update or review your taxpayer ID and address before the deadline!"

But sellers reported Wednesday that they had received email notifications and ran into trouble updating their accounts. One thread started off as follows:

Tax ID Led My Listings To Be Deactivated By Etsy?

"I've been on Etsy for a year now so I am still fairly new to certain things. I got the tax email and went to my shop manager and updated my EIN number but for whatever reason Etsy said it was incorrect and froze my shop so I updated my SSN. It was approved and all seemed well. 

"All my listings were still there but after a couple hours I found out all my listings were deactivated by Etsy? I am aware that others are having an issue with the tax ID and their shop being put on vacation mode but I have not seen anyone else talking about all of their listings being deactivated. 

"What else can I do in this situation? Do I just wait it out and hope that Etsy will respond to my email soon? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!"

Another seller who said it had also happened to them wrote, "This is so frustrating because my information is correct and this is the busiest month of the year. I feel really bad for everyone having these issues....especially at the highest money making season." 

Compounding the problem, they were unable to access customer service. "I have no idea how to contact Etsy," the seller wrote. "It says the email is not monitored, their phone says they aren't taking calls. I emailed and that email says it is not monitored."

Another seller said they felt they had done something wrong and were in tears. "Now all my listings are deactivated by Etsy. I have been on Etsy for 10 years without any problems until now."

One seller responded to reports of frozen accounts offered some assistance in a thread titled, "This may help if your shop was put on pause due to tax info verification." It may help some but not all sellers.

Remarkably, not only are sellers having difficulty getting customer support, but no one from Etsy has jumped in to the threads to offer help to the distraught sellers.

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by: Mazdaman This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 00:12:04 2021

Wow, so Etsy is learnig how to "WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE" by following eBay's methods!

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by: billly This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 00:33:30 2021

Etsy is now entirely run by poorly programmed, rogue bots. The number of sellers increased by 85% this year alone. They're in over their heads.

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by: Gumball This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 01:21:27 2021

I would start finding another place to list my items. I left Etsy years ago when they grabbed my Paypals and held them for a week before they paid me. I have never looked back.  

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by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 02:35:32 2021

@Gumball - How did Etsy get access to your PayPal?  

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by: Fek This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 04:48:54 2021

Tomorrow is my last day on Etsy.  I may have a clearance sale in January, but I stopped listing new items in October, I haven't renewed any listings since early November and I've deactivated listings for items I will migrate to my new venue, wherever that ends up being.  When I started being expected to offer refunds on items that got 4-star ratings and had to pay for Etsy ads, I was done.  I started doing Etsy to get away from corporate nonsense, and everything together over the last 3 years, Etsy has become worse than a corporate job for most sellers.  Every day I see items that are mass-produced being sold as ooak and handmade and Etsy's ok with that.  I miss the days when Etsy was a co-op that existed for the benefit of the artists.

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by: Fek This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 04:51:44 2021

@Sierra, Etsy used to only use PayPal for payment processing.  Then they started taking credit cards, too.  Then they moved to managed payments, which shut PayPal out of the loop.  But back in the day, Etsy and PayPal were integrated and most payments were issued through PayPal.  Etsy could charge back through PayPal and there was nothing the seller could do about it.

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by: cvsharkey This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 08:45:58 2021

Duh. Their customers are their sharholders, not their shop owners. Maybe you should be checking for customer service through the corporate site for shareholders....just a thought. Maybe if that line got flooded with calls they'd wake up. You see their stock going down? Should check.

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by: cvsharkey This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 08:47:18 2021

Have you SEEN their share price???? $246.

So, who do you think is making money on Etsy?????

It ain't sellers!

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by: 1 Angry Artist This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 09:12:54 2021

Sharkey nailed it!   As far as Etsy is concerned, the sellers are no better than the Uighur slaves in China who make half the stuff in the Handmade section.

It is the shareholders who are making all the money, not us.  

They claim to be so woke, but the truth is that  most of the legit  sellers/producers who actually make things or curate collections are older women who end up making less than $1500 a year for their work.

I too have been looking at other marketplaces or even starting a website, but where do you go and how do you get traffic?

That's really what you are paying for if you sell on Etsy or Ebay.   The hardest part of online selling is getting traffic.

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by: spooky This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 09:22:25 2021

I get that message from Etsy weekly but when I check my tax info looks all set so it seems they are just sending these out willy-nilly

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by: UB This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 10:18:08 2021

It happened to us as well on Ebay. The IRS notified Ebay that our name/tin did not match thus we had to fill out a new W9 and send it in. Then the next day it shows up on our Ebay account onine and we could have just uploaded the W9 instead of mailing it. Our deadline is Dec 17th or our payouts will be halted until Ebay receives the correct information.

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by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 11:47:14 2021

@Fek - I've had my Etsy shop since 2006 so I remember the days of receiving PayPal payments ... even an occasional check or money order! I've never had a chargeback thru any marketplace, so I don't know how that works ... but it makes sense that, if a payment was made thru PayPal, the chargeback would also be done thru PayPal.

4-star reviews are considered good reviews. Etsy has never expected sellers to give refunds for ANY less than 5-star review.

Etsy Ads are optional. Etsy's ''Off-site Ads'' are optional until a seller has sold more than $10k in a year then they're mandatory. I disagree with the mandatory ads, but it's Etsy's sandbox so sellers have to play by Etsy's rules ... or do as you're doing and go sell somewhere else. Good luck finding a place that doesn't have rules; having your own web site will probably be the closest you can come to that.

I'm sorry Etsy hasn't met your expectations. Craft fairs have been few and far between since the pandemic started, so online selling has helped make ends meet for me. I'm not happy about the mass-produced crap either, but I have no problem reporting these things if it's obvious the seller had nothing to do with the design or making of the item. And, yes, I know Etsy often doesn't do anything about these items ... but sometimes they do!  

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by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 9 11:56:34 2021

@1 Angry Artist - I prefer selling on marketplaces due to the built-in traffic. I had my own web site for more than 10 years and, while it got a decent number of views, I think shoppers just weren't ready to buy online in the late 1990s and even well into the new millennium.

I've sold on eBay since 1998, usually just here and there. Last year when eBay told me I had to sign up for Managed Payments, I decided to give it a more serious attempt ... and that's paid off very nicely this year, as I've essentially doubled my handmade income! There have also been some interesting differences between eBay and Etsy shoppers such as eBay shoppers buying more expensive items than Etsy shoppers! A year ago, I was listing everything on Etsy first and then listing the same things on eBay as time permitted. Once I got a feel for what eBay shoppers wanted, many things have been listed on eBay first!  

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Dec 9 15:25:30 2021

Etsy :
What a load.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Fri Dec 10 10:48:50 2021

Etsy LIED about My sales for the year.
I cancelled and refunded all but one or 2 sales.
So :
AUDIT ETSY for a worm's eye view of STOCK FRAUD.

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