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Thu Dec 4 2008 23:04:52

eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

By: Ina Steiner

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Rachel Makool, Senior Director of Community Development, is said to be leaving eBay at the end of the year. This would follow eBay's October layoffs of the "Pinks," the customer-facing employees who spent their time moderating the discussion boards. eBay is centralizing its global operations, virtually shutting down many country offices. eBay has been making a series of changes that, when put together, looks like a very different company from even 1 year ago.

Changes made to community go beyond staffing. eBay cancelled its annual eBay Live conference and no longer holds monthly "Town Hall" meetings with members. One source tells us eBay is revamping its long-running Voices program, bringing it under the domain of Seller Development and eliminating input on policy issues. Users are speculating that eBay will close at least some of the discussion boards.

Community was the cornerstone of eBay's success. Former President of eBay North America Bill Cobb recognized the importance of communicating with users - they often didn't like what he had to say, but he believed in letting members ask questions and voice their opinions. He attended user conferences and the monthly webcast Town Hall meetings.

But changes at eBay this year go well beyond management style and personalities. The closure of eBay Live Auctions, the limits on what designer items smaller sellers are allowed to list, changes to feedback, the launch of "Large Merchant Services" API technology - they all point to an eBay much more about commodity, and much less about community.

Since John Donahoe took the reigns from Meg Whitman, it's been clear change is in the air (he calls it Disruptive Innovation). It may be in this former management consultant's DNA to cut programs and staffing (Donahoe is sometimes referred to as one of the "Bobs," a reference to the movie Office Space). But what remains somewhat of a mystery is what his vision is for what is left of eBay. An Amazon clone? An ad platform?

In April, top eBay executives speaking at conferences said eBay was moving towards a more retail-like experience, and that "you will not recognize eBay this time next year." Truer words could not have been spoken, and once the holiday shopping season is over, we're likely to see more change.

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Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: Funandgamer

Sun Dec 7 16:48:14 2008

ebay and paypal are still the very best way to get whatever you want for free. Here's how it works.
They screw me once, I screw them 1000 times and 1000 times harder. Join me. It's lots of fun.

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: Texas Sandy

Sun Dec 7 18:46:11 2008

Funandgamer, you do realize you are not screwing Ebay or Paypal when you steal from a individual seller that is merely trying to survive right? Or don't you care? People like you of low morals will get their reward one day. There's a special ring of hell for scum like you, and John Donahue will run it. If the giant example of karma referenced above doesn't wake you up, perhaps there will be another reward waiting for you. I hope you can look yourself in the mirror, lowlife. I recommend you do all your Ebay stealing from Shoplet, buy, and smartbargains, they can afford to deal with losers like yourself. Remember, the razor goes up & down, not across.

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: Funandgamer

Sun Dec 7 22:40:40 2008

ebay is a thief and a liar. They are like the mafia. If you are supporting ebay then you are a criminal too. My first obligation is to myself. I will use the same methods and more to recoup. Anyone doesn't like it, quit supporting the crooks by doing business with them.
Too bad if you don't like it. all the whining on internet sites is not getting anyone's money back. Rest of you people get a clue.
Don't get mad & whiney, get even.  

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: George

Mon Dec 8 13:56:53 2008

This company keeps trying to devine the break even point for sellers by increasing fees to find out just where the tipping point is and just how much sellers can take.  I have heard they are rolling out massive changes to the Paypal fee structure by increasing it to 4.5% from the 2.9% it is currently at now with some smaller increases on the eBay side of the fence.  As if they haven't bled sellers to death already ????

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: Lynn

Mon Dec 8 16:45:15 2008

Why is Ebay being so mean??? DSo they know what problems they are causing and loss of revenue??

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: saki

Mon Dec 8 18:13:16 2008

Today they ran a story on making $$ by cleaning out your attic, and of course the only online auction site they mentioned was Feebay. They need to know that they are sending small sellers down a dangerous road. Please share this info with others and ask them to research boards like this and other worthwhile sites to learn about the problems attic treasure hunters are experiencing.
We can only get them to do something about this if we get to them in big numbers!
Don;t sound angry or upset - just keep it business like and offer the resources you can and hopefully they will look into it!

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: Tiredofthisshit

Tue Dec 9 10:06:14 2008

It's ok. Ebay is going to wind up like the car companies...begging, begging like pathetic dogs for a scrap handout. They keep f***ing the little guy and the little guy eventually, will find another venue. Trust me. The people running this show are idiots. Complete greedy, money-whore idiots and they will soon find out that we are in a recession. People are not going to take this anymore.
Google .....why are you not creating a site  to compete with these idiots?
Let's all email Google and ask them to start up a company like Greedbay.

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: dorken

Tue Dec 9 14:01:50 2008

Seems pretty simple to me - eBay has lost site of the fact that without sellers they make no Money. It doesn't matter how buyer friendly eBay becomes the seller is your bread and butter.  Listen up eBay WITH OUT SELLERS YOU MAKE NO MONEY!  

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: o.c.d.collectibles

Tue Dec 9 14:35:31 2008

Were any of you guys aware that "LiveWorld" (the company that manages ebay's supposedly community discussion boards) just released their most updated version of programming? It's supposedly cheaper and "competitively priced" as compared to other social network management programs, and now has more "features" so that the posts can be better categorized.
This is the most likely reason for posts being shuffled around on the forums of ebay. Do you think ebay execs actually care about what the small seller "community" thinks of them? Highly doubtful. They never even look at or read those threads, they hire this stupid management company at a cheaper rate now, to babysit and play with the seller community.
The only reason why Griff visits there is because he likes to think of himself as a seller too. And he IS a seller!AND a SELLOUT!

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: Ralph er

Thu Dec 11 15:16:07 2008

I mentioned on this forum that ebay was going down the tubes way back in April.
It appears that the Nazi-ism of DonaHOe is complete.

Come January 1st. Discuss only what new auction places you use. No more discussion of ebay. Period.

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: tree411

Sat Dec 13 03:56:37 2008

I searched for almost 1 year to find and alternative site that had promise. I found Bonanzle several months back and never left. They are now # 7 on the powersellersunite site for items listed. Over 13,000.00 members strong with just being out of BETA a few months now...There is hope and Bonanzle is it... I am having great sales and buying to much along the way...The site ROCKS...  

Perminate Link for eBay Replaces Community with Commodity   eBay Replaces Community with Commodity

by: santafe37a

Tue Dec 16 19:05:59 2008

Please fire john donahoe! A 12 year old could run ebay! I have been on ebay since
1998. They had me suppended once. Then I
was able to get back on. There are many on
line auction sites. Auction Fire,Bidmonkey, Blujay,, ePier,
iOffer, and Tulsabids. Lets all support
these sites and watch them grow! ebay is
CURSED!!!! With paypal and john donahoe
Wouldn't be nice to put paypal up for sale on ebay.YesI know ebay is the proud
owner paypal. Lets put ebay on ebay and
sell its self. Then again who would want
to buy it! I too like to pay with postal
money orders. As for I me don't trust paypal at all! Shouldn't have to ask the
sellers if they accept money orders too.
Now ebay has become and inconvince! ebay
and corprate america is evil and greedy!
They don't care about anybody but them
selfs. I hope ebay and paypal both will
disappear this next year next year! It
would be nice if people would stop using
paypal and find something else for online payment.

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