Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
News and insight focusing on ecommerce.
by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thursday March 31, 2016
Amazon Is Bent on Making Room in Its Warehouses
First,  Amazon throttled back  on the inventory it would accept from FBA sellers this mon ...

Wednesday March 30, 2016
eBay Cuts Through the Clutter with New Old Product Pages
The product manager for eBay's Shopping Experience was quoted this week on the company blog, "When ...

Sunday March 27, 2016
eBay Mixes Up Addresses on Return Labels, Chaos Ensues
This is one of the strangest examples of an eBay return mix-up that we've seen in some time - and ...

Wednesday March 23, 2016
Etsy Seller Privacy Concerns Escalate
Etsy sellers are looking for answers about how the company is sharing their information with s ...

Monday March 21, 2016
USPS to Test Service Similar to eBay GSP
According to the Postal Regulatory Commission, the USPS will launch a market test of an experimenta ...

Saturday March 19, 2016
Warning to Amazon Sellers - FBA Warehouses Too Full?
Amazon is refusing certain inventory from FBA sellers who are wondering if it's because its warehou ...

Tuesday March 15, 2016
Revisiting Speculation about an eBay Acquisition
When eBay announced in 2014 that it was breaking up the company, analysts wondered if it would sell ...

What Do You Think of the Etsy Shop Redesign?
Etsy is  redesigning seller shop home pages , it revealed today. It's giving sellers the ...

Monday March 14, 2016
Could Gadget Prove a Deterrent to Package Theft?
Package theft is a growing problem - and it can hit online sellers hard if it happens to one of th ...

Wednesday March 9, 2016
Would You Sell through a Real-Life Amazon Store?
Amazon surprised many people when  it opened  a real-life bookstore in November in its h ...

Monday March 7, 2016
Sock-Stuffing Amazon Warehouse Workers
First there were stories about Amazon requiring workers to stand in long lines to go through a se ...

Friday March 4, 2016
eBay and Etsy Both Look to Commodities for Growth
As Amazon squeezes retail chains thanks to its ability to offer cheap goods fast and efficiently, ...

eBay, Etsy and Online Merchants Hit by PayPal Outage
People have been unable to access their PayPal accounts today, March 4th, 20 ...

Wednesday March 2, 2016
eBay Returns Dates to Feedback, Sellers Cautiously Rejoice
A reader tipped us off today to a big change: "eBay is now once again displaying the exact date fe ...