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Fri Mar 10 2023 23:45:07

NEW: Etsy Delays Seller Payouts due to Run on Silicon Valley Bank

By: Ina Steiner

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Some Etsy sellers failed to get disbursements on Friday, and in a letter that a seller forwarded to EcommerceBytes, Etsy explained it was due to the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) debacle.

(See update below.)

Things got rocky for the bank, which lends money to startups and handles banking for tech firms. There was a run on the bank after venture capitalists told their portfolio companies to pull out their cash, and SVB went into FDIC receivership on Friday.

Etsy sent the following letter to sellers who were impacted by its issues with the bank:

"We wanted to let you know that there is a delay with your deposit that was scheduled for today. This delay was caused by the recent developments regarding Silicon Valley Bank, who Etsy uses to facilitate disbursement to some sellers. We are working with our other payment partners to issue your deposit as soon as possible.

"We apologize for any inconvenience or disruption this may have caused. We know that you count on us to help run your business and we understand how important it is for you to receive your funds when you need them. Please know that our teams are working hard to resolve this issue and send you your funds as quickly as possible.

"No further action is needed from you at this time. Please feel free to reach out to our Help Center 24/7 with any questions you might have."

However, sellers discussing the issue on the Etsy discussion boards and elsewhere were concerned at the lack of details and some said they were halting activity on the site.

"I will be taking orders through this page only as the bank that is used by Etsy has been seized," one seller posted on Facebook. "I am out a lot of money as I have sent all orders even though I have not yet been paid out by Etsy, and if this isn't fixed, I will never see that money. If you would like to place an order, message me through here and I will get back with you ASAP!"

EcommerceBytes couldn't find any announcement on Etsy, and we reached out to the company on Friday evening. It had not filed any notice with the SEC as of that time, indicating its exposure could be immaterial. But for sellers facing cashflow issues with bills to pay, today's disbursement delay is material to their businesses.

Update 3/11/2023: Sellers will have to wait days to get their disbursements. An Etsy spokesperson provided us with the following statement, which it also posted on its website:

"At Etsy, supporting our sellers is our highest priority, and we understand how important it is for these small businesses to be able to receive their funds when they need them. We recently experienced a delay in issuing payments to some sellers related to the unexpected collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Our teams have been working around the clock to implement a solution, and we expect to pay sellers via our other payment partners within the next several business days."

(Note that's business days.)

Update 3/12/2023: Relief! Depositors will have access to all of their money starting Monday, March 13. No losses associated with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank will be borne by the taxpayer, per the FDIC website.

Update 3/13/2023: See the latest news as of Monday morning: "Etsy Starts Unclogging Payout Jam That Impacted .05% of Active Sellers."

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Perminate Link for Etsy Delays Seller Payouts due to Run on Silicon Valley Bank   Etsy Delays Seller Payouts due to Run on Silicon Valley Bank

by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 01:00:29 2023

So Etsy is the depositor which covers up to 250K per holder but I think depending on how they classify it then it can cover much more. I wonder are those accounts listed as For Benefit Of (seller name) or are they pooled only under theirs. Etsy is required to have certain reserves I'm sure.  Now I wonder if they And others are having any probs with getting paid from their payment processors.

Remember when that cowboy drove all the way to Cali to pick up his money when Payup didn't have his loot

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sat Mar 11 07:34:35 2023

How convenient for Etsy.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Sat Mar 11 07:39:40 2023

This snowball has just got started

When you can't pay sellers, sellers stop selling!

Etsy's in BIG trouble. . .

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 07:46:53 2023

Etsy will find any excuse to hold on to a massive pile of seller funds.  I literally laughed out loud when I read this.  While I do empathize with the shop owners who haven't been paid, there is a saying ''fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice (or, in Etsy's case, multiple times), shame on me''.   I let my Etsy shops go inactive when sellers were required to use Etsy Payments where available because Etsy is too flakey to handle funds from purchases.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sat Mar 11 08:58:00 2023

Ya figure an Etsy would be using a well known successful bank.

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 09:35:57 2023

I would think the 16th largest bank in america is kind of well known.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 09:49:04 2023

Wonder how many major Etsy shareholders might own a piece of SVB.     Wonder which of the bank’s ‘investments’ dried.  Wonder why Etsy, who has assumed control over transaction processing for those affected, isn’t nevertheless liable for and now lawfully delinquent in disbursing ‘delayed’ payout funds.

Wonder if this could conceivably trigger the Fed to legislate requirements for venues who have assumed control of payment processing and disbursal - and who ‘act’ like a bank when ‘questioning’ transaction ‘propriety’ - to have backup contingency plans in place, funded by reserves from profits to the extent they receive payments, to use for disbursements when their ‘other’ banks mismanage themselves into insolvency.  

That would be a wonder, wouldn’t it.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Sat Mar 11 09:56:48 2023

@The End

Silicon Valley Bank is well known!

16th largest bank in the US

Been in business for 40 years

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sat Mar 11 11:53:32 2023

I mean Old Money is more dependable.
16th is WAY down the totem pole.
I'd never use 'em.

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by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 11:54:52 2023

I've known that bank accounts are insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC for decades so I assume that corporations also understand that they have the same level of FDIC insurance.

Of course nobody expects a bank to fail, but it's only been 15 years since all hell broke loose in the banking world the last time. I was thinking that big corps (or insanely wealthy individuals) with mega millions (or billions) would probably be challenged to divide up their funds so there's only $250k per institution, but when I googled about that, I learned about CDARS (which is now called IntraFi), which seems to allow "millions and billions" to be insured thru IntraFi while the depositor works with their local bank. Interesting. And even more reason that there should be little, if any, financial loss for most people (or companies) ... assuming they're aware of IntraFi!  

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 12:01:57 2023

*** Associated with the rapid increase in interest rates ***

1) Inflation occurred
2) Tech companies began to downsize
3) Small startup companies began to “go under”
4) SVB was downgraded
5) Due to the downgrade there was “a run on the banking system”.

It is said that because the Federal Reserve increased interest rates TOO FAST, is why the banking system couldn’t adjust fast enough. And all those low yielding bonds the SVB had acquired had lost value due to interest rate SVB didn’t have the money to bail out their financial problem because their bond values crashed.

I heard last night that over 1000 companies will not make payroll for their employees because of the default.

This is scary. And Etsy was part of it.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Sat Mar 11 12:23:06 2023

This story just made the top of the page of Daily Mail online. They quote sellers as saying they can't pay their mortgage or feed their children.  

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 12:38:55 2023

*** Where is your money? ***

Even if FDIC insured, it can take up to 60 days to release funds. Next week, I plan to open up another personal bank account with another bank; just to be safe.

What is the Federal Reserve to do? The only tool they have to fight  inflation is to increase interest rates, however this SVB default was an unintended consequence.

Keep an eye on your money and your bank.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Sat Mar 11 12:40:09 2023


From Yahoo Finance: The fallout for the venture capital world from SVB’s issues is likely to be severe. The bank has said it had relationships with more than 50% of all venture-backed companies in the U.S., and some 93% of its $161 billion in deposits are uninsured. “If those accounts get frozen, deals can’t get met, software can’t get paid for—these kinds of delays, even by a few weeks, can be really catastrophic for business,” one venture investor told Fortune Thursday.

"and some 93% of its $161 billion in deposits are uninsured."

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by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 13:38:55 2023

@toolguy - I agree with that and it sucks for the companies, their employees, and everyone on down the food chain.

Based on my very limited research into IntraFi this morning, I have to wonder why more companies aren't using it. Maybe it's harder to get involved with, I don't know the details, but I think I understand the general concept ... with IntraFi being a middle party between the depositor and MULTIPLE banks, ensuring that none of the participating banks hold more than $250,000 for each depositor.

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by: flybuy This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 15:15:03 2023

Sellers will leave Etsy if they are forced to accept payments through them. Hopefully this will result in scrutiny of other platforms payment processors such as Ebay.

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 15:20:09 2023

No one should worry. The taxpayer will bail out the banks AGAIN. Just like the auto companies they are to big to fail.

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 15:42:20 2023

*** SVB is looking for a buyer ***

The U.S. government doesn’t ALWAYS bail out every bank. Years ago, Washington Mutual and Bear Sterns defaulted. JPMorgan Chase purchased both banks.

SVB is looking for a buyer.

Some say SVB is a niche market for VC investing, however, I plan to distribute my money into different banks. Get to know what your bank invests into. Currently, the housing market is dead as a box of rocks due to high interest rates, and this could be the next shoe to drop if people begin to lose their jobs while defaulting on mortgages.  

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by: HappyOne This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 16:24:40 2023

I suspect many “big” companies temporarily holding or having a large cash float were depositing there money in the SVB money market account paying 4.5% on sums up to $4,000,000 and 5.5% for funds over $4,000,000. Some of these funds will be tied up for a quite awhile. I suspect some of these funds will be lost. When most banks are paying 1% or less on money market deposits one should be a little suspicious? Old saying - If something sounds too good it probably is. Wonder if Ebay had much money in SVB?

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by: HappyOne This user has validated their user name.

Sat Mar 11 16:31:12 2023

''their'' not ''there

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