Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
News and insight focusing on ecommerce.
by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sunday December 31, 2017
Seller Says Sales Tax Fraud Is Rampant on eBay
As lawmakers and tax agencies across the country look for ways to force out-of-state sellers t ...

Friday December 29, 2017
President Trump Calls for Higher Postage Rates for Amazon
President Trump turned to Twitter today to call for higher postage rates for Amazon. Here's the pr ...

Thursday December 28, 2017
Online Sellers Could Benefit by Paying Estimated Taxes Early
Online sellers and freelancers could benefit by paying their state quarterly estimated taxes ...

Tuesday December 26, 2017
The Steep Cost of Holiday Returns
Returns are now on every retailer's mind, online or off, and a  new column  discusses ho ...

Thursday December 21, 2017
eBay to Add More Ads that Compete with Listings
eBay is planning to offer a tool that gives sellers the ability to create their own first party ...

Tuesday December 19, 2017
Google Drops eBay Product Reviews
Google has stopped displaying eBay product reviews on Google Shopping. The development comes after ...

Monday December 18, 2017
Sellers Debate Reason for Surge in eBay Promotions
eBay sent out invitations to seller promotions on Monday, but be sure to check the start date if ...

Sunday December 17, 2017
Annual Online Marketplace Awards Nominations Now Open
You've heard of the Peoples Choice Awards - ecommerce has the annual Sellers Choice awards ...

Thursday December 14, 2017
Victim of eBay Privacy Breach Speaks Out
We reached out to an eBay user who had left a product review for an HIV medical test kit on eB ...

Tuesday December 12, 2017
How to Remove Product Reviews on eBay
Concerned about the  privacy breach involving eBay  product reviews, a reader asked if i ...

Monday December 11, 2017
Google Says eBay Is Working to Resolve Privacy Flaw
A day after we informed eBay and Google of a privacy breach involving eBay customer identiti ...

Google Masks Customer Names after Alerted to eBay Privacy Breach
After EcommerceBytes alerted eBay and Google to a privacy breach yesterday, the real names of eBay ...

Sunday December 10, 2017
eBay Privacy Breach Exposes Customer Names on Google
In what appears to be a major breach of customer privacy, eBay is exposing customers' real fir ...

Friday December 8, 2017
Is eBay Frequently Bought Together Feature Win or Lose?
An eBay seller discussed a feature they saw today for the first time called "Frequently bought t ...

Wednesday December 6, 2017
Do You Ship in Amazon Boxes to Speed Delivery?
Of all the tips sellers share, this one is the most intriguing we've seen in a while: ship you ...

Monday December 4, 2017
eBay SNAFU as It Struggles with Structured Data
eBay added an Amazon-style Buy Box to its new catalog Product Pages as it feels pressure to show ...

Why iPhones and eBay Do Not Always Mix
A reader alerted us to a discussion thread where eBay solicited feedback about a certain change ...

Sunday December 3, 2017
eBay Seeks Auctions but Beware of Promo Start Date
eBay threw sellers off guard by the timing of a new promotion designed to entice them to list ...