Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Nov 5 2019 23:34:57

eBay Launches New International Shipping Option

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay Send is a new shipping option eBay is making available to US sellers for their international orders. Currently eBay is allowing only certain sellers to use the service.

eBay will launch the service in January 2020, when all sellers will be able to include eBay Send in their listings as an option for buyers. eBay describes the program on this page of its website:

"eBay Send is a convenient alternative and cost-competitive to the leading international shipping services for small packages supporting over 200 countries and territories around the globe.

"Starting in January, this new option will be available in the listing flow, under Shipping Details, you have the option of selecting Calculated or Flat international shipping cost listings. For either of these options, select "eBay Send International Standard" shipping service from the drop down menu.

"After your item sells, select the "eBay Send International Standard" option when you print a shipping label with eBay Labels for buyers in destinations outside the US. Drop off your package at any US post office or schedule a pickup."

You can also find a rate card and terms on the eBay site.

The program is quite different from eBay's existing Global Shipping Program, powered by Pitney Bowes, as explained by eBay:

- eBay Send International Standard is a Delivered Duties Unpaid (DDU) shipping service. This means buyers won't pay duties and tax at checkout on eBay but may have to pay the carrier for duties and tax on delivery.

- The Global Shipping Program (GSP) is a Delivery Duties Paid (DDP) shipping program. Buyers pay duties and tax during checkout on eBay, and will not pay additional fees upon delivery. Additionally, GSP manages export compliance.

Another major difference: "While eBay has worked with shipping carriers to create the eBay Send International Standard shipping service, you're still responsible for getting the order to the buyer in good shape."

eBay listed the following eligibility requirements:

- The item is physically located in the US
- You're listing the item on
- The total order value is less than $5000
- The item does not exceed the weight limit for the country you're sending to
- The max length and girth of the package is 84"

One significant drawback of the program: "You cannot combine multiple orders into one shipment to the consolidation center. Each order purchased with eBay Send International Standard needs to be packaged and sent separately."

The services powering eBay Send appear to be DHL and Easyship. Check it out on the eBay website and let us know what you think.

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by: justchangecarriers This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 00:10:16 2019

how is this any different than just shipping internationally? That isnt a duties paid service either. What is the benefit of this over just shipping internationally normally?

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by: P.Dorf This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 05:34:31 2019

as a buyer, absolutely no benefit, just as bad as GSP if no combined shipping.

Obviously, the only beneficiary will be ebay, taking an even bigger cut of the shipping costs

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by: buffalochick This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 05:43:28 2019

Same ole ebay. Just another way to make money from sellers wanting to ship internationally. No actual guaranteed "delivery", just another ship gouging method. What is different than dropping it off at the PO? Nothing, just more money in ebay's pockets, from ours.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 08:57:44 2019

Better off using Global Shipping Program, if the customer has to pay to get the package you are going to get a ton of returns.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Wed Nov 6 09:03:47 2019

I DON"T ship International under any circumstances!

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ina

Wed Nov 6 09:08:26 2019

A seller told me eBay marketed it as "an economical alternative to USPS First Class Package and Priority Mail International."

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 09:13:30 2019

All the risk is on the seller, eBay is just looking for any way to get the cost down in the shopping cart to make a sale, they are not worried about buyers abandoning the item by not wanting to pay duty.

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by: ebayisscrewed This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 09:17:03 2019

I would have to see the rates.   International First Class rates are ridiculously high and in many ways a major roadblock to increasing international sales.   I welcome any change that saves money.   Furthermore, if backed by DHL, I am in if it is cheaper.   DHL provides the best international services. . .  period.  

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by: 1st Armored Division 1971-1973 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 09:36:36 2019

I am assuming Ebay Send will work with Managed Payments while the Global Shipping Program does not.

Then it might be useful.

Otherwise, what is the point? You cannot combine items into one package is a severe drawback.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 10:15:29 2019

ok ... so what am I missing here?

What exactly is the point of it all? Is it just so the Wall Street clowns think eBay is actually doing something?

"In the beginning" eBay had 10000000s of issues with overseas shipments and customer (buyer complaints). Buyers would realize that they needed to pay customs/taxes/duties and blame eBay and the seller. Sellers would get negatives and eBay would (as usual since all problems in the universe are eBay sellers faults) thumb their collective noses at sellers and say "taking losses is part of business .. etc).

eBay also was starting to reach "peak buyers" on its platform and needed a revenue stream. So 1) create a VIG on shipping and steal money from sellers 2) work out some deal with some one who can ship internationally and then eBay could tack on a fee on that (hidden in the costs to buyer - thus getting a higher FVF from it).

It also solved (initially) INR and SNAD. INR is still covered under GSP, SNAD is not.

Shipping internationally was BIG then - costs were low, the dollar exchange rate was good and eBay didnt have its own VERO issues to deal with.

One thing about eBay - they are like iron. Tough and brittle but then are chickens and bend easily. I say this as they folded MANY times to VERO participants who told them "we dont allow overseas sales on our products, even though theres NO such rule under US law). I know about it as I went through it - but couldnt fund a lawsuit against eBay (and Casio at the time) to fight for my rights.

In the end it didnt matter to eBay as they were making money "on the other hand" aka they were charging people over at (now defunct) to be part of the program and handed them tools that a vendor could then have used to find "listings they objected to" ..... so why fight to let sellers ship internationally?

Then in stepped USPS with e-delcon. That program let US based shippers (if you could stomache their rates, ship to specific countries and get a "delivered status" on packages - just what eBay needs/needed for sellers.

I 've used DHL in the past - prices were good (got them through a shipping consolidator) but now that theres so little international shipping - I MAYBE get 1 a month.

This new service seems to be 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of another - aka another 1/2 baked eBay idea.

Why the trial run? Why only let SOME people in it ? I was part of the GSP pilot program - was no big deal ... whats the big deal here?

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 10:39:10 2019

Show me the money, ebay.
On a 2 lb. Priority Mail Intl. package to Canada, I get an $8 discount off the USPS rate through, amazingly, ebay. Are they gonna beat their own deal?

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by: angryllama This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 10:57:50 2019

This NEWEST eBay Money Grab is a "solution" in search of a problem.
On AVERAGE each month I currently ship 1 to 6 orders EXPORT out from USA to a "select" list of about 40 1st World countries like Canda, U.K. Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, but NOT to Mexico Russia or ANY 3rd or 4th World countries.
I've had exactly ZERO problems with ANY of those sales/shipments.
All were USPS with ONE LONELY Priority International and ALL the others were First Class International Package.
ZERO and I do mean ZERO comments from export buyers complaining about EXPENSE or about being dinged by THEIR OWN COUNTRY for Import Duty OR VAT.  ZERO.
Those IMPORT/EXPORT buyers are already WELL ACQUAINTED with the FACT that it is THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT who charge them Import Fees and VAT ( National Value Added Tax ).

Any eBay seller who thinks USPS export rates are $high must have NO UNDERSTANDING of just how much GSP is WILDLY OverPriced and Out of Line.

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Wed Nov 6 11:00:25 2019

How is this going to work with ebay's large scammer base. When the scammer decide to file a false SNAD and ebay falls all over themselves catering to the scammer as usual, the seller has to then pay retail to have it shipped back to the USA?

At least with GSP sellers only have to pay return shipping from Kentucky. I'm not seeing how this new Send benefits anyone.

Until ebay protects sellers and has round trip options, nothing they do including this latest money grab is of any consequence.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 11:08:27 2019

There are no benefits, just for eBay to keep the shopping cart cost down, all the risk is on sellers who will be blamed for not disclosing full cost of the orders on the shopping cart total.

Buyers will not pick up 50% of the items if the duty is high, eBay has not told the truth about this fact, they just don't really care if you are socked with more defects, they will simply cash in on that too when they charge your accounts an additional 5%.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 11:21:33 2019

Ina -

Can you KINDLY confirm one way or another - if this program covers INR?

You wrote "you're still responsible for getting the order to the buyer in good shape" that SNAD or INR ?

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Wed Nov 6 11:26:55 2019

DHL, I consider crooks. If on the receiving end. They manufacture their invoices to look like you're paying Country taxes when you've already paid them. Received a few copies from customers of mine. They are not thought well of in general. The guys who deliver are completely shady as well.

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by: ThebigR This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 11:39:58 2019

Customs hanger will take full advantage of the sellers. Item arrives in customs buyer receives notice it is waiting then opens a INR dispute with ebay once dispute is settled in buyers favor and refund issued they beat feet down to customs and pick up package. You lose enough money and merchandise you'll avoid ebay send like the plague...

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Wed Nov 6 11:52:41 2019

@eBay Shill Buster - I see a lot of eBay listings that specifically state that the seller is not responsible for any fees, tariffs, import duties, etc., that a buyer is required to pay.

As to eBay Send, I agree with others who have already stated, what's the point of using it? Unless eBay was giving sellers a huge discount on the cost, since you have to take the package to the post office, why not just pay for your package there? I am intrigued by this line: "You cannot combine multiple orders into one shipment to the consolidation center." So, does that mean that the label you print through eBay Send goes to one location to be then forwarded to the buyer, similar to GSP?  

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 12:48:52 2019

You are not responsible for Duty, but you will be responsible to get your merchandise back and pay eBay an extra 5% when they tag your accounts due to this defect machine they have created.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 6 14:19:46 2019

OK so INR is covered (not SNAD)

"Each purchase of the eBay Send International Standard service includes our shipping protection plan. You can be assured that your international shipments will arrive at their destinations, or we will protect you if there is an issue that is beyond your control."

"Each eBay Send International Standard shipment includes a $100 shipping protection plan to help in case of lost or damaged items. Click here to File a shipping guarantee claim."

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