Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Aug 2 2018 20:58:48

eBay Is Making Seller Hub Mandatory?

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay is moving all business and professional sellers to the new Seller Hub selling portal beginning this month. In fact, some sellers were moved on Thursday with no advance warning.

A report came in through Ecommerce EKG, prompting us to investigate. "eBay switched me over to Seller Hub with no warning. I had a Selling Manager Pro subscription," an EcommerceBytes reader reported. Another seller responded, "Same here almost. I was in plain ol' Selling Manager. I ain't happy." (Thanks to those sellers for reporting the the issue.)

We found an announcement dated August 1, 2018, buried in the eBay discussion boards in the Seller Hub section, where sellers who aren't already using the portal would be unlikely to come across it (note that eBay has an Announcement Board for general seller news where more sellers would have seen it):

Seller Hub Update: August 2018 (Community Team; Aug 1, 2018 5:07:11 PM)
If you see a change to your eBay selling platform, it's likely that we've moved you to Seller Hub. During the month of August, we are moving all business and professional sellers to the eBay Seller Hub. With this change, you'll still have access to the selling benefits you did before, but the interface will be different.

Seller Hub gives you even more powerful functionality - and a single destination to manage and improve your entire business on eBay. It is also the place where eBay will be making future investments for business and professional sellers.    

Some of the newest features in Seller Hub are below:  

Optimize listings fast with tools like the mobile-friendly checker
View buyers' checkout notes on your main page
Ship orders on time every time with reminders and deadlines
Get a holistic view of your performance, plus restocking, pricing, and sourcing guidance.
You can find more information about using Seller Hub here.
For a video overview of Seller Hub, check out our webinar here. 

Thanks for selling on eBay.

The reports on Ecommerce EKG indicate eBay failed to message or email the announcement to sellers who were and who will be impacted.

One can't help but have deja vu when covering such stories. We came across an article we wrote one year ago about eBay trying the same maneuver to push sellers into Seller Hub in mid-August 2017

Note that eBay also offers a "quick listing tool" for those it refers to as consumer sellers, and it appears those sellers are unaffected.

In related news, we kicked off a survey yesterday to learn more about sellers' experience with Seller Hub - now it's more timely than ever. We'd appreciate your constructive comments - here's a link to the survey on SurveyMonkey.

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Perminate Link for eBay Is Making Seller Hub Mandatory?   eBay Is Making Seller Hub Mandatory?

by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 2 22:03:56 2018

This is simply a continuation of the saga of Devin's utter destruction of the eBay marketplace that he has been ruining for over 5 years now.

Forcing sellers into Seller Hub the biggest software flop on the web is part of forcing all eBay sellers to use eBay payments, Seller Hub and Payments are going to be one in the same.

eBay is a disgrace, customers do not feel good about doing business when they feel disgraced, Devin is a disgraceful fellow that no eBay seller feels good about doing business with.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 2 22:12:50 2018

Is ebay forcing sellers into seller Hub. I sure hope so. Gives the backyard lawyers here something to whine about again. Remember lawyers.....Ebays playground, their rules or you lose contrary to what the backyard lawyers are preaching.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 2 22:26:13 2018

So far so good on not getting stuck in it but this is another one of Wenigs ''My way or the Highway'' Tactics.  I swear the idiot CEO is determined to destroy Ebay by the end of the year by once again making all of these changes just before Holiday Season.  He must realize that the odds are he is going to be out of a job by the end of the year because nothing he does works, so he is going to take as many sellers down with him as well as try to destroy Ebay.  Nothing short of a vindictive sociopath running that company now.

I currently use Turbo Lister and if i remember correctly it does not work with Sellers Hub so all of a sudden everybody that uses Turbo Lister will have to make a complete unannounced change to another listing tool . Supposedly we were going to get at least a month warning before that happened, but why should anybody take that fool at his word about anything.  Ebay BOD and Shareholders need to get him out of there before he destroys the stock price completely by destroying the platform.

I am sure that Wenig PROMISED during that audio challenged Q & A period that Sellers Hub would be up and fully operational along with the catalog in time for the 4th quarter Holiday Season and that Ebay would rake in the $ and growth that will make the other sites look pathetic.  Instead he is going to make Ebay look worse than it already does as more and more sellers leave the platform because they do not want to use this piece of manure full of glitches platform.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 2 22:55:00 2018

Since Wenig's business knowledge begins and ends with figuring out how much to tip at a business lunch, he surely is unaware that when he says "my way or the highway" re anything ebay...highway is actually a viable option.
One which will become well traveled.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 2 23:05:07 2018

The more I think about it the more likely I will be to cancel all my stores and just take the 50 free listings a month and make my move to the other sites that much quicker.  I have already cut my income down to 40% from Ebay so just move it that much faster and save all the store and listing fees.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 01:29:58 2018

Programs that eBay never needed in the first place:

Seller Hub, eBay Payments, Promoted Listings, Product Pages, eBay Catalog and Structured Data, eBay AI (Idiotic Intelligence), their terrible search engine that is supposed to be an actual Product Search engine.

Add on the stupid versions of their home page, this includes the last few versions at least.

This is all of the accomplishments of Devin over the years, now we know why numbers are down and sellers have had enough of his so called leadership.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 02:18:48 2018

@Silver Ice King

TurboLister and the Seller Hub have nothing to do with each other.  I've been using the Seller Hub for quite a while now and I still use TurboLister.  So the information you posted above related to this is not correct.

What Ebay was suppose to do [before they retire TL] is provide us with similar options that TL offers in the Seller Hub.  They have not even come close to anything like that yet which is why we can still use TL.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 06:42:20 2018

@ Marie

You may be correct, but i do not trust Ebay to not suddenly throw that out there also saying it is fixed.  When I did speak to Turbo Lister about this they stated that when Sellers Hub is up and running, their software will be Incompatible with Sellers Hub as there is a major part that will just not function correctly with Sellers Hub and to fix it would be to costly in Ebays eyes.

That is why they won't even look at monetizing it down the road as many of us had said we would pay for it rather than lose it.  The other reason is they want all that information that is currently still sitting on our hard drives.  How can we not be happy to give them access to all that data?

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Aug 3 07:58:32 2018

sasikat9, what exactly is a backyard lawyer? Is this a term that you coined or Rudy Giuliani?

Perhaps if glitch-a-day eBay did something right "backyard lawyers" would sing their praises.

And you can say "eBay's playground" until the cows come home but eBay is nothing with out its sellers and the sellers are leaving the droves.  

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by: extremetm This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 09:42:21 2018

Been in Seller Hub for about 6 months. There was a learning curve. Now I'm used to it and kno where everything is. All they did was move this right and that left with a few stat pages.

Problem is, ebay will likely change it again in 6 months, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again, then again......................................

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 11:58:31 2018

Need a good laugh about the folly eBay has become under Wall Street promises Devin?

  Aug 3, 2018 4:58:31 AM

Starting yesterday I went to check on some things I had in my Watch List. Clicked My Ebay as usual, and a  box came up over the page saying, Welcome to Seller Hub. Let us help you get started. I didn't clickk on it, as I want no part of that. I thought  it was mandatory for business sellers, but not casual sellers?

I haven't sold anything in quite a while, but do still like to buy, but after reading all of the issues people are having with SH, I don't think I want to be involved with Seller Hub. Is there a work around?  Thanks!

 Aug 2, 2018 12:53:35 PM

 I was forced to take seller hub yesterday. I hate it.  I had a conversation with a service rep and was told I could not switch back. I spent about a half an hour  asking questions about how to navigate on this clumsy, irritating site, and have figured it out , but I HATE it.  I noticed someone else say they were going to switch to amazon.  I currentlly am listing 1800 + postcards.  Could someone show me how to make that work on amazon?  David

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 12:03:23 2018

 More bloopers from Devin's stand up comedy act, almost as good as his bore you to tears interview at eBay open.

  Aug 2, 2018 9:38:09 AM

The update announcement says (in part)  "During the month of August, we are moving all business and professional sellers to the eBay Seller Hub."

Since when is an ID which sells around 40 items for around $400 (give or take) in the last 6 months considered a Business or professional seller?

I was assured months ago I would not be switched into the Hub as I'm a 'part time' micro seller.

Why have I been switched and why can't I be switched back?

I can do everything I need to do efficiently on my old Selling Pages. I neither need nor want 90% of what the Seller Hub allegedly has to "offer".

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 12:11:58 2018

  Not only is Devin moving sellers from MyeBay, he is introducing new pages into MyeBay to make the best interface eBay ever develped completely worthless, this CEO is an utter waste of time and needs to be fired, he promises of 'Modernizing eBay and replatforming' is the destruction of a once great company by a man who has no idea of what he is doing.

 Aug 3, 2018 5:03:30 AM

 At first I didn't like the new My Ebay page because it only allowed me to view 3 items per page vs. 7 on the old format.  Now I'm finding that the page takes forever to load.  Because I can't see anything but the page headers, I literally am frozen waiting for the page to load for a VERY long time before I can use the scroll bar.

I'm really not happy - it's wasting my time!  Allow use of the old format until you manage to clean it up.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Aug 3 12:26:07 2018

A common phrase used on the boards. I hope you're updating your  

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 12:43:29 2018

@Silver Ice King

I am correct and it has nothing to do with "trusting Ebay".  It is just a fact.  I have been using the Seller Hub for a long time and I have used TurboLister as well.  TL is a very old program for Ebay and they just want to get rid of it as it is hard to support on the current system.  I don't know anything about what a CSR told you as that is the first I've heard that.  

The Seller Hub has been up and running for a long time.  A few issues along the way, but still up and running.  I am NOT Beta testing it for Ebay.  The last time Ebay tried to make it mandatory lots and lots of sellers complained, so they eased up and let sellers opt out if they wanted to.  But they have always said at some point sellers will have to move to the Seller Hub.

I like everyone else hate it when Ebay makes the unannounced changes and posting the upcoming change in the fashion they did is really an unannounced change.  Posting it on a board that does not get much traffic was intentional in my opinion and not at all fair to sellers it is affecting.

The SH us not that bad.  It takes a little getting use to, but it isn't a bad thing.  Some people are just naturally resistant to change.  It is human nature.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Aug 3 12:48:48 2018

I have been using the sellers hub when it was first announced, figuring I would be stuck with it anyway at some point. I've learned to work with it to a point that it's comfortable, but not without issues.  

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 13:16:22 2018

"Remember lawyers.....Ebays playground, their rules or you lose contrary to what the backyard lawyers are preaching."

Dont know who that is (being referred to) ... in my case - my info comes from an Ivy League trained lawyer - "so Im good".

eBay can and will do anything they please - doesnt mean its a smart thing to do ... but when you have no experience in the job you were hired to do ... what can you expect?

I find it the snotty comments abut sellers feelings here abit odd (never mind rude).

In what other job/industry would you accept the poor level of service that eBay gives as acceptable?

If it was a restaurant or another service type job - if you got ripped off - "you" would be the FIRST one on Yelp complaining - so why is eBay different?

If it was your health, your home, even your pet - wouldn't you go to someone who has a degree or experience in that field? If you were dick - you would want the BEST there is - not a lawyer - to heal you. So again - why is eBay different?

Have you ever heard of a company actively ignoring - nay going on a witch hunt against its customers?

Do you remember NEW COKE? Coke thought they knew better and it was an abject failure - so they switched back.

Seller Hub provides no more functionality then MY eBay - the SECRET (thats NOT a secret) is that eBay plans to collect and sell that data to god knows who. Seller Hub will tell eBay what sells, who sells it, how fast it sells and more - and you know that eBay wont give sellers a dime in return.

Im still not fully in Seller Hub - my MY EBAY page changed (useless, same info there (aka no new tools) bigger font size (for no reason)) and I hate it.

eBay breaks things that work just fine - for gits and shiggles - to be expected I guess from morons with no experience.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 13:18:04 2018

sick not d_ick - apologies for the bad word typo

Ina - if you need to change it - please do!

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 3 13:36:30 2018

We know that eBay has a moron CEO who sellers want nothing to do with, but the 'Marketing Research Director' is nothing but a 'Yes Man or Woman" for the clown you have major problems, because sellers have been telling eBay on their own forums for years that they want nothing to do with Seller Hub.

Now when customers tell you to your face that they do not want to buy your product and you keep jamming it in their face, you are a monumental flop and failure, but we already know that is exactly who and what Devin is.

Now it is just a matter of time before the incopetent Board of Directors figures it out and removes this moron from eBay HQ.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Aug 3 15:00:32 2018

Today, I was in my listings and hit the Sell button and the top right of the page. All it did was a refresh of the page I was already on. Good grief. Can't they do anything right at all. Just something even basic?????

The new supposedly easier listing tool couldn't find Vesta Match Box in the Tobacco category and decided to put me in something to do with dogs? The only way I could list it was by using another listing and modifying it completely. Talk about screwed. Something's just gotta give in the next few days. I'm going bonkers.

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