Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sat Aug 22 2020 22:55:29

No Denying USPS Delivery Delays

By: Ina Steiner

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On July 12th we wrote about new USPS directives such as eliminating overtime and how they might result in delivery delays. 

USPS data released today that shows on-time rates began declining that very week - including Priority Mail on which many small online sellers rely. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform published the "on-time" performance data here.

Look at the last page of that PDF document where you can see Christmas- and Covid-related dips in Priority Mail performance, followed by the current decline that began in mid-July.

In response to an inquiry last week about reports that mail was piling up in Iowa and sorting equipment was being removed, USPS spokesperson Dave Partenheimer told EcommerceBytes on August 13th:

"The Postal Service routinely moves equipment around its network as necessary to match changing mail and package volumes. Package volume is up, but mail volume continues to decline. Adapting our processing infrastructure to the current volumes will ensure more efficient, cost effective operations and better service for our customers."

When asked if the USPS was seeing "service issues," he responded, "We are taking actions to address inefficiencies in our operations, and in this case, addressing needed changes based on declining mail volumes," and he referred us to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's comments from August 7th.

In an August 14th letter to Congress, the Postmaster General acknowledged delays, though he downplayed them, writing: "I also recognize that there have been unintended consequences related to these efforts that have impacted overall service levels."

The complaints about delivery delays have been confirmed by eBay, which works closely with shipping carriers in part so it can display estimated delivery times to shopper. It said USPS delivery and scan delays persist, and things are so bad, eBay said it was looking at other more reliable delivery options.

On Friday, DeJoy told a Congressional committee the USPS was removing mail processing equipment to make room to process packages and had no plans to reinstall mail-sorting machines that had been recently removed.

Remarkably, there were reports the same day, August 21st, that some mail-processing plants in Washington had hooked back up their high-speed letter-sorting machines despite a national directive not to do so.

The performance data released today comes 2 days before the PMG is scheduled to appear before another Congressional committee.

Shipping delays aren't the only concern for sellers as they look ahead to the holiday shopping season - they must also contend with higher shipping rates that will be in effect from mid-October until after Christmas, the first time the USPS is imposing a temporary rate hike.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sun Aug 23 09:25:00 2020

There are tons of Nit Wits in the Postal machine now.
We did 'em a favor and hired their ignorant butts, and that's the thanks we get.
CLEANSE the Stupid "You-Centric" morons OUT !
Or we will lose everything.

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 23 11:16:51 2020

Hmmm. I am curious to see how service/price compares to similar countries in Europe.

The US seems to have been the beacon of the world. But now it seems we are behind and rapidly declining on any/all quality of life, and services. I would be willing to bet that there are those trying to destroy the USPS, and are waiting in the background to pick the bones., Too many vultures in the US now, and nobody there to stop them. The politicians are in the vultures pockets.....So what do we do?

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 23 11:48:10 2020

Triple Whammy.

Maybe expressed algorithmically as c19 x ^42% x R2020 equals Y. As in why your package will have an increased chance of missing the next light-cycle on the eCom Highway.

The c19 is the virulent part of course. Think staffing. Not just the challenges faced by USPS when instead of three clerks moving the line at the retail counter, there is one. Who needs to, you know, eat and, stuff. During which time, no revenue is realized and the lingering line lengthens. No income for a truly strapped people’s service provider

Not just challenges there, or with the last mile - the tip of the berg you can see - but everywhere else on that road. Vendors. Truck drivers. Pilots (and their stressed support pyramid of flesh and machine), Intake sorters. Machinists and mechanics for the logistically unimaginable fleet of equipment, hardware, and transport assets. Middleman receivers and pass through agents, and Customs of course. Oh, and all THEIR server-farm ants and tunnels and stash of trouble tickets too.

A logarithmic explosion of support network staffing shortage along the highway. The feeder roads, access and exit ramps, side streets, bottlenecks all.

And, like most roads, they only undergo expansion construction when traffic is made unbearable by Volume vs. those bottlenecks. That’s volume, as in the ^42% part applied. Suddenly, without break, it’s Christmas everyday, kick started to a New Normal. Virus or no, it’s as if nobody can ever see it coming.

Now however, add that to the virus nobody was ‘ready’ for.

Or rather, was somewhat ready for otherwise, but was mostly dismantled by the R2020 part of the equation. Even before they took their pick axes to the post office.

Which, in many forms going on 4 decades, but at unprecedented levels in this one, is represented by the R you see parenthesized next to YOUR government rep’s name during their ceremoniously silver-shoveled sound bytes . And 2020 speaks for itself from the Pulpit Politic. Rignt now, and especially in context to topic no less.

So, what there’s no denying, is that it’s hard to imagine anybody who is NOT being ‘infected’ by some aspect and impact by this triad of terror, even if it’s not biological. Do the math.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sun Aug 23 12:02:56 2020

Insider Postal sabotage should bring the Good Ole Fashioned INSTANT death penalty.

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by: HappyOne This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 23 18:31:17 2020

Part of the USPS problem is their legacy costs. I have ten Post Offices within twelve miles of my house four within two miles. Each office is a relic of the past. Old buildings that connected landlords have been collecting rent on for years. Most buildings date to the mid 1950’s during the Eisenhower administration. They are unsafe places to work; with records of employee injuries. Some are in need of major structural repairs The earliest was build in the 1860’s and still has a place to water and tie up horse and buggy (costly nostalgia); the latest built in the 1990’s with suicide traffic in and out by curve on very busy highway and little public parking (whoever owned the land must have knew someone). Three or four modern Post Offices could replace the ten but each village will not give up their obsolete Post Office for a modern 24/7 Post Office close by.  

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by: mindelec This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 00:45:53 2020

it started becoming noticble for me the beginning of august when the post offices here in atlanta stopped scanning media mail packages as received or giving them any other scan until they got to memphis where they would get both the received in memphis scan AND the received in smyrna scan on the same day.  here is an example.

Sun, Aug 23, 2020, 3:36 PM PDT Washington Dc Network Distribution Center US Package has left the carrier facility
Sun, Aug 23, 2020, 3:03 PM PDT Washington Dc Network Distribution Center US Package arrived at a carrier facility
Sat, Aug 22, 2020, 8:06 AM PDT Hyattsville MD US Package arrived at a carrier facility
Thu, Aug 20, 2020, 9:14 PM PDT Memphis Tn Network Distribution Center US Package has left the carrier facility
Thu, Aug 20, 2020, 7:33 AM PDT Memphis Tn Network Distribution Center US Package arrived at a carrier facility
Thu, Aug 20, 2020, 6:18 AM PDT Smyrna GA US Package arrived at a carrier facility
Sun, Aug 2, 2020, 5:54 PM PDT Package has shipped

there is no way that this went from smyrna to memphis (400 miles) in an hour.  i am seeing this a lot right now, the package sits somewhere until suddenly it shows up in memphis.

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by: tlcranch95 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 01:12:15 2020

Sent a First Class USPS package from Central Coast Cal to LA, not even 400 miles and it took 20 days. They break or lose most of my orders. I had to put both shops on vacation.

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 04:39:43 2020

"some mail-processing plants in Washington had hooked back up their high-speed letter-sorting machines despite a national directive not to do so."
^^The news stated that the workers in some centers had re-assembled the processing machines.  Without those processing machines they have to sort the mail by hand.
And as for replacing them with packaging machines....if you were going to do that, you would have the machines already in place and working.  It's the same as DJT saying he was going to eliminate the ACA and replace it with a better healthcare program.....when?  We're still waiting.
Dejoy should invite AMZ in as a consultant how to move mail using robots and automation.  And invest in updated machines.  People are breaking down, give them a break.  Also offer early retirement buyouts.
I saw part of Dejoy's testimony and he seems a sincere man, but he's going about it all wrong IMO.

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by: wrslss1222 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 05:46:17 2020

It should be a Federal Offense with time in jail for anyone, including Postal employees, that deliberately tamper with the mail, including delaying delivery.  Supposedly, a good portion of Postal workers are Veterans, so if this is true, how can these workers, in good conscience delay delivery of medication to other Veterans?   There should be a complete audit of the entire Postal system.  And, the sad part, after all is said and done, the Post Office will continue raising rates, give poor service, which will put the small online businesses out of business.

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by: Jono77 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 05:54:33 2020

I'm turning off postage to USA on my website and eBay today. We need a reliable postal service to grow any economy. It's a shame the people in charge of such large companies nowadays are mostly wrongheaded and arrogant fools operating way above their abilities. We're all doomed if we continue to let these morons run the show.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Mon Aug 24 06:04:53 2020


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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 06:26:31 2020

"It should be a Federal Offense with time in jail for anyone, including Postal employees, that deliberately tamper with the mail, including delaying delivery."
^^ I believe a Senator or Congressman made that same comment.  

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by: Cbaker This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 07:08:07 2020

Simply put, this is a union slowdown.  They do it until they get their way.  One more reason unions no longer make sense in a 21st century economy.  Want to know why the USPS has lost money for decades? Look no further than the union bosses.

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by: lancecorp This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 07:19:00 2020

While I've had my own frustrations with late packages - this is one of the side effects of Covid. I've talked with friends that work for USPS, FedEx and UPS - the load on them is worse now due to so many ordering online than it is at their peak season - Thanksgiving - Christmas. All have been trying to upgrade and add package sorting machines to accommodate the increases.

The problem is not only with USPS. I have a friend with a package sitting in a UPS hub here in our city since 7/23 that hasn't been delivered yet.

And the USPS has been hiring but they find it hard to find good dedicated workers when so many are making more with the enhanced unemployment than they would be working. My PO has a different temp every day or two because they quit due to how busy our post office is - they want to be transferred back to the hub just to sort packages.

Notice in this article that the machines being disassembled are for LETTERS. Most of us use package - not letter when shipping and they were dismantling the letter sorters because there just isn't as much mai - except junk mail - going through the system since the advent of email, texting, online bill pay ect.

When it affects us personally - some don't try to see the other side of the coin. Are we becoming just like the younger generation - a me, me that wants everything yesterday? I hope not.

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 08:42:26 2020

@Lancecorp, you're right.  It's not orchestrated by the unions.  These guys/gals are overworked.  I see what the AMZ drivers struggle with, all the packages piled high in their vans and struggling to get them in the door.  Maybe we need to open the doors to Immigrants who can add to the labor force?  I'm sure UPS/Fedex/USPS will tell you they don't have enough people working.

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 10:01:55 2020

@Chicago48 :  Immigrants?  Absolutely YES to those who have entered LEGALLY and are striving to become US CITIZENS.  Those people deserve every chance and assist we can give them!

NO - absolutely NOT ! to those undocumented ILLEGAL aliens who refuse to appreciate what a privilege it is to live here, where they enjoy opportunities available in no other country (after escaping a horrible life in their own) - takers and users who are out for themselves, biting the hand that feeds them. ILLEGAL and refusing to be grateful enough to this country to show it by earning citizenship.  

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 10:04:08 2020

@Raillady - did I write "illegal"?  You know there are refugees that are vetted that can come in and do the work.  I'm all for letting qualified immigrants in, esp. those that can take the lower level jobs.
However, under this Administration.....don't hold your breath.

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 10:06:57 2020

Mail theft and tampering indeed are considered crimes - it is confusing because apparently ''tampering'' is handled at the state level. And it also can be dealt with under the auspices of other types of crimes:  Criminal mischief, criminal tampering etc. Frankly, I strongly agree with Chicago48 - anything involving messing with mail should be at the Federal level.

Here is a good comprehensive article:

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by: Garcia This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 10:07:26 2020

Anyone who says that delays at the post office have not changed is not a seller and has had no experience with package shipping.  There are real delays that started with the new postmaster.  Lying about it won't change it.

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by: 1st Armored Division 1971-1973 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 24 10:08:46 2020

It should be obvious by now.

When you give all the money to the top few percent who do not pay taxes there isn't enough to pay for road, sewers, bridges, just basic infrastructure, and it gets run down. The people who maintain infrastructure are the middle class and their jobs disappear and they are the ones who spend money to keep the economy running well. It is a downward spiral.

The USPS despite it faults gives great service and I rarely have a problem with a package arriving. To me it is just as import part of the infrastructure of this country as our highways and needs to be maintained in good shape. It provides a service no-one else will at a affordable price.  

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