Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Sept 13 2018 22:54:24

eBay Sellers Can Now Offer Tiered Volume Discounts

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay added a new feature to Promotions Manager so sellers can give shoppers an incentive to buy in quantity. By adding tiers to the Volume Price Discount feature, sellers can now offer buyers greater discounts for purchasing greater quantities.

Here's how eBay describes the new functionality:

"Volume price discounts, give tiered discounts to buyers purchasing multiple quantities of your items. The improved item page treatment makes it easier for buyers to buy in bulk, so you save on shipping."

In a sample screenshot, eBay showed how the new feature will appear to buyers, labeling it "Bulk savings" on the listing page. 

The sample listing shows shoppers they can buy 1 at $5.99/ea, buy 2 at $5.39/ea, buy 3 at $5.09/ea, or buy 4 or more for $4.79/ea.

Sellers discussed the new feature in a thread on the eBay discussion boards, where a moderator answered questions.

Sellers can't offer shoppers the ability to mix and match, however - in other words, if they want to buy 10 items to get a bulk purchase discount, it has to be 10 identical items - variations are excluded. 

The eBay moderator spelled out this limitation as follows:

"The Volume Discount tool does not support variation listings at this time. We are looking into the possibility of adding support for variation listings in the future.

"Discounts currently work per item only, meaning that volume discounts do not work across different items/SKUs."

You can see from the screenshot below that the feature is integrated into the listing, which makes it especially attractive since eBay stopped showing promotions at the top of listings for many sellers. However, it only works for sellers who have large numbers of identical products.

As is often the case, thanks to an alert reader for the news tip.

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Perminate Link for eBay Sellers Can Now Offer Tiered Volume Discounts   eBay Sellers Can Now Offer Tiered Volume Discounts

by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 01:07:27 2018

Great for Chinese sellers. They can afford 20% off for 4...

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by: mcposty This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 02:39:31 2018

Sounds like a perfect fit for sll their beloved china sellers.

But it is not a bad plan

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by: angryllama This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 03:27:46 2018

STOP the PRESSES !  Ebay accidentally did something good.  Yes, I am both praising this change and noting that given the VECTOR of years and YEARS of poor decisions on the part of eBay this IMPROVEMENT must have been accidental.  Don't Fixate on how INCLUDING VARIATIONS in how this would be applied WOULD be even better.  Good Enough is better than BAD every day of the week.
Expect it to be KILLED or REVERSED in short order.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 06:21:05 2018

This is only good IF AND WHEN IT WORKS. On glitch bay is will only work on Mon, Tues and Fri from 1am to 2am.

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by: TomH This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 07:30:56 2018

I sell mostly Collectibles, but, I do have a couple of lines that fit this perfectly. I will give this a try and see how the buyer response is.  I do this presently via separate listings, but if this gets good buyer action then for me this would be very beneficial.

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by: b86fiero This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 10:10:32 2018

I might give this a go to gauge buyer interest.  I already offer a percentage off 2 or more items purchased at the same time so this may end up being the better way for my store.  

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by: Troy Stiffler This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 10:13:00 2018

What are the effects of this within Cassini? That seems to be the only thing that matters anymore ... making sure listings don't become dormant and disappear.

The idea of offering this discount to my customers is flat-out dumb. But I'll do it if it helps score better with Cassini.

Also (just for you guys) - Amazon started this a couple years ago. Oh, eBay. Haha.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Sep 14 10:31:26 2018

All the gimmicks in the world wont' work for listings that can't be seen.  Another scheme.

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by: Vernfern This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 10:37:29 2018

For those sellers offering goods that are often purchased in larger quantities, this is a good step in the right direction. As a buyer, I purchase electronic repair parts for audio equipment restorations and I strongly favor the US seller. This is a feature I would make use of as a buyer if the seller gave a quantity price break.

It is true this has limited appeal and will not really apply to the majority of listings. However for those where it does, it is a good step in the right direction.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Sep 14 12:40:13 2018

I ran into another one of their schemes yesterday. It just made me roar with laughter. One of my baby accounts is only allowed $1500 a month for listings, but they were kind enough to increase the number of items to 50. Huh. Not when you sell jewelry.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 17:31:06 2018

Great idea in practice but not in principle .... since it only works if you have multiples of any one item.

Since eBays CRACK programmers are busy learning 6502 assembler, or maybe Fortran for CPM - they didnt realize/cant figure out that it should be PER seller total and NOT per item.

Its only good for those who sell multiples of the same item and NOT for "the rest of us".

I dont have multiples so I guess Im SOL.

Why multiples of items PER seller wasnt done - is a mystery ... like the great pyramids, Amelia Earhart, the Lindbergh kidnapping and the sinking of the Andrea Doria ..... somethings there just are no answers for ....

I had this issue YESTERDAY when I wanted to but multiple items from one vendor. He had (1) of each - but all together it was  5 or 6 items ... no discount for me (I emailed him myself though) but if eBays (on) crack programmers had made it PER VENDOR .... there would have been a sale ... now I have to wait for the guy in France to reply ... if ever.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Sep 14 17:48:52 2018

Oh Pave Fortran be still my heart. I was a Cobol junkie. All massive financial programs were written it. Did occasionally escape into the 4GL
but they liked me overseeing their massive payment system. I guess so should be proud of

A maximum of $1500 is always going to be $1500. They are such idiots.

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by: Grady This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 14 18:48:34 2018

The three people still buying on FeeBay will certainly enjoy this when they order their 99 cent garbage from China. They won't see anyone else's listings anyway, right?

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 15 01:27:21 2018

My best guess is that this "benefits" maybe 1% or less of sellers...
...those with large quantity, low price, and high margin.
Not exactly a boon to the fee intake, given the low total sale of multi-item, low price merchandise.

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by: Grady This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 15 15:15:15 2018

I think they are just doing a bunch of PR stunts with all of these daily announcements of "legendary new features and improvements". They are probably trying to get a bunch of "good news" out to the media before they make the dreaded 3Q press call. There isn't going to be any good news that day.

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by: Dellthorpe This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 15 16:38:37 2018

Every time I turn around Ebay is trying something new. If they would conduct business without defrauding sellers they would not always b so desperate. If u have been defrauded by Ebay/Paypal report it to the FBI - ( It only takes a minute. Also the USDOJ. Ebay and Paypal do not have a clue how to conduce business. Ebay brags (Devin) about being around so long but in their case that's a bad thing. Ebay has a history of scamming the buyers and sellers since the beginning and only a person with think skin will buy on Ebay. Ebay and Paypal conduct business like a street thug. I do not understand why someone would want to open a store there. I never buy or visit the stores - I check the listings for what I want it I find it I buy it if not I buy elsewhere. A far as the Marketplace on Ebay boy why would one want to get in bed with street thugs knowing ur going to get scammed. PAYPAL IS GOING TO FALL ON THEIR BUTT AFTER THE FINAL SPLIT- NO ONE TO BRING THEM SUCKERS TO SCAM.
When the stock market bubble burst - Ebay/Paypal RIP.

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by: thebobman This user has validated their user name.

Mon Sep 17 00:43:15 2018

I got a lot of surplus  internal computer power cables from a company that built computers and servers. Got something like 10,000 cables for $100. Really difficult to sell those when chinese sellers are selling them for $0.99 with free shipping. I pretty much have to sell the 1st one for $4.50 with shipping to even turn a profit, but after the first one, i'd gladly sell them for an addional 50 cents each, but would much rather encourage people to buy 10 or more. They all weigh less than an ounce and i could easily cram 50, maybe even 100 in a flat rate envelope

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by: Paul W This user has validated their user name.

Mon Sep 17 14:22:25 2018

Oh, I love this improvement.  For MQFP listings with free shipping it is a game changer.  I'll be revising a bunch of listings today.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Tue Sep 18 13:06:23 2018

If you have a store, you can use Promotion Manager to set discounts (link below).  There are 4 different types of sales.  Discounts are based on how many items you buy, how much you spend, buy X number get a discount or free item, even just a straight discount off a minimum purchase.  This is for sellers who have a diverse range of products, or items that people would not usually buy in quantity,  Ebay didn't ignore sellers who can't offer quantity discounts of one item.  The method has been there for quite some time.  Some people aren't aware of it, or don't want to take the time to figure it out.  Much easier to complain.


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This user has validated their user name. by: FidoMaster

Mon Oct 29 19:13:58 2018

I saw ECBs reminder re-Tweet on this and thought I'd quickly share a couple thoughts:

1. I viewed the volume pricing tool as a worthwhile addition to the promotions offerings.

2. That said, eBay rolled the tool out with both percent and price reduction capability.

3. Inexplicably, and as an example of eBay jerking around customers, discontinued volume price reduction functionality without any communication - any customer-seller that spent time building out CSV product pricing loads basically gets to write off that time as a compete loss.

4. Meanwhile, in other important areas (like getting promotions to show up on store pages like they should) eBay can’t be bothered to update and pretends like development is in lockdown for Q4.

5. The self-service/help for volume pricing also sucks (at least the new UI is more intuitive).

Insert rant about poor customer service, backed-up support queues, and eBay unnecessarily burning through SG&A with confused customers needless calling and Tweeting into support.

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