Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Mon Sept 14 2015 21:00:53

Changes to eBay User Agreement Impact Sellers

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay is making changes to its User Agreement, and some of the changes have sellers wondering about the impact. The changes, which go into effect for current users on October 28, 2015, were announced today. Here are two sections that are changing that have the most potential to impact sellers:

Listing Conditions: In light of our introduction of the eBay Seller Hub, we updated this section to reflect that we may display information about the commercial performance of your listings to other sellers. Learn more about how our eBay Seller Hub works here. We also added language in this section to indicate that we may remove metatags and URL links included in your listing to improve third party search engine results.

International Buying and Selling; Translation: We added language to this section to indicate that we may automatically translate member-to-member messages into local languages where those translation services are available.

eBay is granting itself permission to edit a seller's listings by removing certain information. 

Translating sellers' messages to buyers through automatic translation services could result in errors or misunderstandings.

One reader has already asked what it means when it says eBay can display information about your sales in the new Seller Hub. We've asked eBay - in the meantime, if you look at the screenshot on this page, you'll see there's a section called, "Study your competitors" along with the ability for sellers to "filter competitors."

Update: eBay spokesperson Ryan Moore confirmed this is the case - he provided a screenshot (you can view it on the Newsflash story). Bottom line, eBay is providing information to other sellers about your selling performance.

If you have questions about whether eBay will be revealing information about your listings in the new Seller Hub, such as listing price or selling price, you might consider asking during Tuesday's eBay Radio broadcast which is set up to answer questions about the Fall Seller Update.

We've got more about the changes in Tuesday's Newsflash. Be sure to read the full announcement, and let us know what you think here.

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by: ebayclosed2016 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Sep 14 22:38:04 2015

That's great. I just had my first official pinterest buy button purchase today.Shopify, for a flat $25 a month displays my 38,000 items, pumps it full of SEO and throws it on pinterest. If you want twitter the twitter buy buttons when they come out, join me elsewhere.

Oh, we had 6 sales on ebay today, down 68% from this day last year. How did I have 6 sales on ebay today and 8 on bonanza? I have no idea, but I love it.  

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 00:21:05 2015

I had my 2nd sale from Tradesy in 2 months and when that store picks up, I'm moving all my apparel and accessories from EB and Ecrater (dead!) to Tradesy.

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by: Tiffee Jasso This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 00:58:33 2015

I am confused by what links Ebay is removing from ads since any outside links in your ad is already not allowed. Would that be links for photos posted from 3rd party photo hosters like Auctiva? Ink Frog? etc. And if so, why?

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by: joyful17 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 01:30:45 2015

I just looked at the Seller Hub page...what a disaster! I do NOT want eBay making comparisons about my items(if I want to check similar items...I can do that on my own) and telling me I have 0% chance of selling at the price listed. This is control being practiced beyond any reasonable limits! I have been a seller since 2002...and am appalled at these arbitrary actions being taken now! Can we opt out of this Sellers Hub ??Do not need or want all the info they are throwing at us!

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by: comet This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 01:33:21 2015

I just came over from looking at the PINTEREST EVERYTHING (Opening pages where allegedly EVERYTHING pinned--altho I doubt the trutiness of this)  is shown.  I was kinda--shocked--at the number of pure and simple ads posted by ZULILY;  some "Natural hair"  place; pregnancy sites--Now;  hers the thing--I have never looked at ANY of these places and am highly UNlikely to be looking for maternity clothing! I also saw hundreds of hair care and make up pins---how are they ID'ing "My" interests--if in fact that IS what they are DOING?  

Well in  any case--I have a Pinterst Board labeld STUFF I SELL ON EBAY and as far as I know I have gotten no direct sales---

And precious few sales of any sort ON ebay altho this week I have had a total of---3.  Two from the same buyer;  used summer clothing!   Did manage to sell the buyer another of the same item I had on hand=-=yay me!---but---once again I am selling one and two items maybe a week vs my FORMER sales of everything I LISTED selling in one or two lists.  

One of my accounts has not sold ONE THING since--JUNE--and I have the SAME sort of stuff on there.

OH---the car guys on Motors?--THEY are allowed to list their PHONE NUMBERS;  EMAIL ADDYS;   and other info that the REST of us are NOT allowed to do--however I list on Motors and am DENIED and THREATENED when I try to add this.

But--once again ebay is pitting it's sellers AGAINST some one--now it is SELLER vs SELLER instead of BUYER vs SELLER.

If they haven't already---is the next big thing to intervene when some one looks at MY item and hits BUY--to re-direct them to some one ELSES similar item and say--THIS SELLER IS CHEAPER/CHINESE-IER/SELLS MORE/HAD A WHACK JOB  BUYER AND GOT POOR FB---and then NOT allow them to buy MY item?

I don't think this is all that far off.  

Ebay---just a four letter word.

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by: comet This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 01:37:11 2015

@joyful71--Thank you for the heads up--I will check this tomorro==but NOW we know what all those whack job "Your item looks like it needs more TIME to sell;  change the price to between blah and less than blah and the average selling price is De-Re-Me."  Which of course it never IS.  

ZERO chance of selling?  Wow---that IS harsh.  Also 'splains a few other things.  NOT showing OUR listings;  items that mysteriously STOP selling (for MANY different sellers)  on the SAME date after selling healthily for YEARS---yeppers.

Just a venue????  

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by: mcposty This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 01:48:57 2015

Just randomly looked through categories, bo matter what I chose, its full of china stuff.

Ebay is just another alibaba so I could care less what the idiots do, since im just about done remiving items.

Havent bought anything off ebay in ages

Please ebay just tank already

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Tue Sep 15 07:41:14 2015

eBay doing what eBay does best....sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

And it's not going to stop until they've run every great small and medium seller off their site.

eBay is just a venue....eBay is just a venue....eBay is just a venue......NOT!!!!!

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Tue Sep 15 09:35:57 2015

I don't want any help

I don't need any help

eBay already works and works well for me.

Why? Because I've become a professional HOOP JUMPER ~ LOL

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by: Moonwishes This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 09:44:27 2015

>>we may display information about the commercial performance of your listings to other sellers. Learn more about how our eBay Seller Hub works here. > We also added language in this section to indicate that we may remove metatags and URL links included in your listing to improve third party search engine results.<<

Since I'm not on eBay anymore I haven't a clue what metatags, etc. they are talking about but this seems to me to be George Orwell 'doublespeak'. How can taking away things that HELPS SEO be something that improves it? Totally confused on this one. Wouldn't you love to SEE the study and research behind this change? Oh woops, this is eBay. Undoubtedly their is no research behind this change.

Yet again I'm so glad I don't sell on eBay, but on a combo of ecrater (where I have sold well over 200 items this YEAR) and on Amazon (well over 550 items). I do wish there was a decent auction site that was well known where I could auction some things, but eBay has stabbed itself in the foot too many times and is hemorrhaging it's life out. No point using some site that the buying public has never heard about.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 09:53:42 2015

ZZZZZZZZZZZ  Nothing important.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Tue Sep 15 10:13:21 2015

toolguy writes: "Because I've become a professional HOOP JUMPER."

toolguy, that is the most truthful thing you've ever written.

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by: comet This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 11:34:12 2015


Damnabbit--ya beat me to it!!!!!

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by: TRSeller This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 11:42:49 2015

I see no problem - It is no different than  the information you can already glean with  subscription to Terapeak. as for the linksand stuff to improve SEO - anything to improve SEO is a good thing and levels the playing field.. So far from what I have seen the coming changes are all good for sellers.  

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by: Mark4 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 11:43:15 2015

yesterday's score card, ebays sales =0 = 6 Looks like Bonanza is the new ebay.

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by: ebay-dreckfresser This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 12:24:51 2015

I noted the following clause in ebay's new user agreement:

''When a buyer or seller issue arises, we may consider the user's performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement in an effort to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.''

This clause is very general and ambiguous, but it may be signalling a change whereby cases, requests and disputes will no longer be automatically resolved in favor of buyers and against sellers. Is that what ebay intended? Or is ebay once again resorting to ambiguous doublespeak as a means of deception?

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by: sickandtired This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 13:12:39 2015

ambiguous doublespeak as a means of deception?............

Of Course - that is ebay SOP.

I decided about 6 months ago to stop fretting about ebay punishment and forget jumping through hoops.

I changed my policy to "no returns" (I know it is really meaningless, but makes me feel better) and made shipping 3 day.

This did not impact my sales as far as I can tell. They aren't what they were anyway.

Bonanza and Etsy both bombed for me - did give each a fair chance, but a few sales a year were not worth the effort. Stand alone website also was a waste of money. Not useful for what I sell. Amazon is not a fit - I don't sell new, media, books etc.

I can't remember a single policy change or feature or enhancement that has been a positive for me overall, so once again it is time to just suck it up, and keep searching for a decent alternative site.

Ebay is NOT a venue - it is a meddling, incompetent, busybody control freak......but sadly, still the best game in town at this point :(

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by: Henry This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 13:17:18 2015

Next up sellers will be forced to use eBay Valet which is as close as eBay will get to becoming Amazon.

I am going to opt out of International sales because I don't want eBay translating or modifying my communications.

All those who attended the eBay Summit better read the small print - disaster ahead!

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by: Henry This user has validated their user name.

Tue Sep 15 13:23:10 2015

Why in the world is eBay going to show other sellers my selling performance and listing information? What is the purpose? What is the value?

These misguided people have no idea how to manage a marketplace venue. I am not sure this is even legal. It is definitely marketplace deception and highly unethical!

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Tue Sep 15 13:31:25 2015

Toolguy says "Why? Because I've become a professional HOOP JUMPER ~ LOL

Some might substitute another phrase than "hoop jumper" as it relates to you and your posts.

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