Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sat Aug 25 2018 15:13:47

eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari

By: Ina Steiner

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One year ago, Sunil Rajasekar, then Vice President of the eBay Selling Experience, told attendees of the eBay Open conference that well over a million seller were using Seller Hub. But he was stumped about why more sellers weren't using the Performance and Growth sections of Seller Hub. 

To drive his point home, he said, "It's like we've given you guys a Ferrari, why drive it in second gear, well below the speed limit, in the slow lane?"

One year later, sellers say the Hub can be helpful, but there's no indication they're driving it in the fast lane. 

There are still some features lacking, and reviews on usability are mixed, according to sellers who took a survey about the Seller Hub this month. 

Check out the survey results in Newsflash, and let us know if you agree.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 15:31:25 2018

I would think its more like Kia than any other car. At least a ford can get out of its own way. Kia's just get run over.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 15:54:41 2018

Expected and not surprising.

It's what you get when you survey an office full of pie-eyed 20-somethings...
...and not the end user.

if ebay understood marketing, it's stock would be at $94, not $34.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 17:01:13 2018

Seller Hub is a joke, an invention of Hal Lawton and Devin designed to round up sellers into an interface where they could sell them store subscriptions and Promoted Listings.

We all see how great Hal Lawton was for eBay, almost as good as Devin and the new Dud Cutler who has done nothing but follow Devin's lunacy since he got the top job of marketplace director.

Seller Hub is so good that eBay has to force sellers into it and will not allow them to get out, sort of like the old communist government tactics during the cold war..

By the time Devin has completely copied the Amazon interface Seller Central he will be fired for the utter destruction of the eBay marketplace best interface ever, MyeBay.

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This user has validated their user name. by: RKTOYS

Sat Aug 25 17:05:14 2018

The only reason I use seller hub is that I was forced I to it.  That's how these dipstick project managers and their even dumber disciples do software these days.  They don't write software to solve problems, they just so whatever gets them off and to hell with what any lowly users might want/need.  This visa holding seat warmer should be glad anybody used his dumpster fire pretending to be a platform.

Perminate Link for eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari   eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari

by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 18:12:36 2018

At it's most basic, ebay is a digital newspaper classified section with a sophisticated drill down menu.
If such a newspaper doesn't show what you're looking for...WHERE YOU EXPECT TO FIND becomes tomorrow's fish wrap.
Simple lesson for ebay: be good or be gone.
Object lesson for ebay: You can't feed Wenig's ego AND make money.

Perminate Link for eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari   eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari

by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 21:00:01 2018

If Seller Hub is a Ford it is the Ford Pinto and it blows up upon impact, it sure did backfre against eBay's CEO.

Seller Hub, the disaster that keeps on giving grief to sellers on a daily basis.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 22:10:34 2018

ebay's less-than-useless concerted effort to fit everybody into the same box.

Many millions just want to list, sell, get paid...just like their OWN banner says.
The only meaniful stat for that crowd is their paypal balance.

And that's a mere click...not some convoluted process.

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by: SANT1N1 This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 22:27:31 2018

One day it'll be an Edsel.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Sat Aug 25 22:40:35 2018

Devin put 2 + 2 together and figures if Jeff Bezos is the richest man on earth his interface is the reason why, so he is intent on copying Amazon to the T so he can be rich like Bezos.

Silly if you ask me, sellers are drinking the Real Coke on Amazon and Devin is trying to force the New Coke on them at the same time.

Seller Hub does nothing but waste 3 times the time and is a waste of effort on the part of eBay, they will never be able to improve on MyeBay, it is the perfect interface for the type of traders eBay sellers are, we buy and sell using it for decades now and Devin destroyed it to justify his job.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 26 04:28:04 2018

Sound's like Mr. Raj needs some remedial analogy training.  

First, he speaks of ''driving'', which implies control.  Control?  *snort*. The only thing seller's are left to control these days are their device's off buttons.  And more and more every day are exercising that last bit control eBay has left for them.  Otherwise, their sellers are being taken for a ride.  Better fasten your seat belts - gonna be a bumpy ride.

And a Ferrari?  Seriously?  The only thing holding the rust molecules of their bald tired, polluting, sputtering 'engined', part hemorrhaging , bondo patched, duct taped Jalopy of a venue is the fifteen coats of paint eBay has overlayed upon it in increasingly desperate attempts to appear roadworthy.  They toot their own horns and it comes out 'ahhOOOgah'.

Really now, eBay needs to pull it over.  All that honking they've been ignoring for the last decade is the traffic they've jammed up trying to pass them by now.  Including the horse drawn Amish.

eBay also needs to heed the signs.  Slower traffic keep right.  (Or left as it were for our friends across the pond.). And pay attention to the wise words etched in the side rear views: 'objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear'.


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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sun Aug 26 07:50:37 2018

Oh no, it's a Yugo.  Yugo, it won't.

The ONLY thing that this forced on me hoopie Hub does for me is shows me how pitifully my business is performing and push me to do even more with my efforts building elsewhere.

If eBay build it they will run.

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by: Junkyardog This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 26 09:34:27 2018

You can work around seller flub. Use phone and print labels through PayPal.
After having my nose rubbed in it twice I avoid it like the poo it is.

Perminate Link for eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari   eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari

by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 26 11:14:07 2018

ebay has become an upscale food store...delicatessen, flower shop, fish market.

Anyone care to guess what percent of it's customers want just a quart of milk and a loaf of bread...but are forced to pay extra for those items to help pay for the upkeep of the rest of the store...AND the never-ending plans for modification?

Why do they resist the concept of ebay Lite for OOAK?
It wouldn't need a Ferrari engine...single stroke would do fine.
Did I mention no maintenance?
Mercari comes to mind. listening?

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 26 12:27:58 2018

A seperate ebay for OOAK has about as much chance of happening as a seperate ebay for Clothing, or Bikes, or Crafts. What make the OOAK sellers think they are more special than the rest of us.

Perminate Link for eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari   eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari

by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 26 13:23:28 2018


Limited supply of merchandise readily comes to mind...

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This user has validated their user name. by: Number 6

Sun Aug 26 14:28:57 2018

'The only reason I use seller hub is that I was forced I to it.'

Darn right - that's the only reason sellers use anything ebay foists on them.  It rarely works properly, if it does, they soon find a way of messing it up.

Everything I can think of since the beginning of eBay has been messed with, changed and made worse.

Many sellers remain [at least we do] on eBay only because we make enough sales each month to justify bothering, barely, but just enough, so long as we keep listing fees down by only listing as many 'free listings' per month as our pathetic store allows AND make sure those same listings are available on multiple venues - overall we make the same from listing on all these other venues+eBay each month as we used to on eBay alone - as soon as eBay falls below cost of listing vs time involved and profit, we'll drop to a lower store again, and then just list a fwe items each month we think are dead certs for eBay sales - we're lucky in that a % of what we sell does always and only ever sells on eBay, but there are not enough of them to make it a viable eBay business anymore.

Not all that is eBay's fault, times have changed, they were once pretty much the only online game in town - what they have failed to do is keep up with the changes, they got lazy and arrogant (Donahue for sure) and they thought they could continue to treat their sellers, their main source of income, like s**t and set listing limits, stupid DSR hoops, this mad return malarky, pay again to show in search, and who knows what next.

We only ever list on the USA sight, but we do ship international.

Today I have one of their idiotic emails saying:

"Unfortunately, your account no longer meets one or more of the Top Rated Seller requirements based on Global seller performance standards. This doesn't apply to your performance in US; UK and Ireland; and Germany, Austria, and Switzerland regions."

As we don't list on their international sites, how can we be below or above any kind of standard?  Doesn't make any sense at all, just more of their anti-seller made-up-in-a-meeting nonsense - I doubt anyone that works there could explain what the hell it all is or actually means.

Perminate Link for eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari   eBay Seller Hub More Ford than Ferrari

by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Sun Aug 26 16:34:46 2018

''What make the OOAK sellers think they are more special than the rest of us.''

It's not about being ''special''.  OOAK is not just a catagorical difference.  It's a whole different market, with different buyer expectations - not for the basics of CS of course; that's universal - but for an imperative need to judge unique item condition and customized sale term differences based on relative comparisions and variations that can not be 'cataloged' and shoehorned into a one size must fit all blueprinted template.  

No MSRP 'basis' applies.  No UPCs are defined nor barcodes tabooed.  No mass produced multiple quantities that can serve as 'replacements' for defective manufacturing typically exist.  You can't source multiple quantities for those items with a phone call or contract.  And it is most emphatically not a 'retail' market.

And the fact that the example given was even used as a basis for discounting any need for consideration for that market diversity shows how little that seems to be generally understood - certainly not by the powers that wanna be at eBay.

In fact, it is also the precise market that was the ''sucessful past'' that eBay trashed when eBay took their struggling toddler of a retail market attempt, eyeballing Amazon all the while, and dumped it all together - i.e., ''store to core'' - with attendant platitude predictions of awesomeness.

And ironically, have since tried to paint THEMSELVES as being ''special'' in the process.

They HAD a niche once, locked.  And abandoned it to chase another already established and light years ahead.  

And isn't THAT ''special''.

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This user has validated their user name. by: LasVagueness

Mon Aug 27 01:00:12 2018

"Performance" and "growth"...hahaha!!! I would find categories for stagnation and loss more useful.  

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by: Paul W This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 27 03:31:15 2018

Look for PayPal to open a market for OOAK once the split is complete.

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by: Jono77 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Aug 27 05:14:59 2018

I've had an eBay store for 9 years now but last week I downgraded from a Featured shop to Basic and moved 700+ listings from my shop to three private accounts and immediately started selling stuff I had not sold for years. eBay's robots/algorithm's are a total mess.

The simple way to make money is to be fair with your customers.
Stop raising prices.
Fix what is brokenB
Be transparent about problems.

I feel like we are working for a communist regime. eBay will fall if they do not learn from what they have been doing for the last 5 years.

Immediate payment was inflicted on my account 4 years ago which killed off all my overseas multiple purhchasers. My income was halved overnight and since Seller Hub only acts as a constant reminder that my takings are down 43% - %55 I downgraded my shop.

eBay has it's collective head in the clouds with not one brain cell at ground level.  

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