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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Mon July 22 2019 16:25:26

eBay GTC Renewal Date Fix Upsets Sellers

By: Ina Steiner

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Some sellers are getting upset about the renewal date of listings that eBay changed this month as part of its GTC mandate (Good Til Cancelled). The original poster on this thread started yesterday believed that the date-changed on some listings meant eBay would be changing renewal dates frequently.

The seller wrote in part, "This morning, I notice several items that DID have 19 days left... now showing 2 hours and a few minutes left. Apparently, eBay's solution to the GTC/30 day debacle is to "adjust" ending times as they see fit, further adding to the confusion for sellers. I know where items are in my selling list... but with this new thing, eBay is going to constantly be "re-ordering" our selling list."

A reader pointed us to Sunday's thread and said they also believed eBay was overcharging sellers as a result of the renewal-date changes.

eBay announced the GTC Mandate in February, and it went into effect in March. In May it said it would change GTC renewal dates in July. 

eBay confused the issue back when it first announced the GTC mandate, failing to anticipate that a 30-day auto-renewal period would not sync with monthly billing cycles and would therefore result in sellers paying listing fees twice in a month for some months.

A seller responding to yesterday's thread on the eBay discussion boards said what sellers were seeing this month was a one-time date change in response to the problem that the move to GTC caused, and to avoid sellers being billed for more than 12 renewals in a year:

"As eBay said in the announcement. They were going back to the ORIGINAL date the listing was posted to pull the posting date to use for future renewals. For those that have had certain GTC listings up for a long time, this will result in some odd date ranges on the renewals like you are seeing on some of yours. All of these are in FAVOR OF THE SELLER as you can see with yours. It is a one month bonus and next month it will settle into an even flow."

An eBay moderator confirmed that seller's response was correct and said, "The August renewal date is based off of the original date the item was listed on the site. August will be an odd month as far as renewal dates are concerned. Sorry for the confusion this has caused!"

In May, eBay had explained it would roll out a fix to the renewal-date issue in July, and it appears that's what is causing the sellers' consternation. There's no notice on the Announcement Board this month giving sellers a heads' up.

It's been a confusing rollout - let us know if it's going smoothly and if you have any questions about the date changes you may be seeing. Especially if you have concerns related to billing.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 17:10:10 2019

eBay has sent out fraudulent bills to sellers, on July 20th they fraudulently billed multiple accounts hundreds of listings when the listings did not end on July 20th, we check everyday and end the listings before they automatically relist, they added fraudulent charges to 7 ID, hundreds of them all on the same day, July 20th, 2019.

Sellers need to check their fees because eBay GTC automatic relisting is charging them fees that are not due at all.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 17:13:30 2019

I also want to point out that eBay is controlling the Down Detector forums, they have been deleting posts going back years critical of Wenig, so paid subscribers are able to censor the Down Detector threads, do not bother to post there folks.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Mon Jul 22 17:47:34 2019

Whenever eBay relists my items it's for 32 or 33 days.

That's a good thing from what I can see

But when you list an item it's for 30 days

I like my stuff in order, all the same like tools next to each other so buyers can easily see stuff they are interested in without scrolling thru everything I have.

Makes me wonder if anyone at eBay actually sells on eBay. . . .

All eBay employees should be required to have no less then 25 items listed at all times. If Wenig instilled this maybe eBay could become a better site then it is today. . .Just a thought

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by: thievesBay This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 18:19:19 2019

They're trying to turn around renewal dates faster attempting to get more relisting fees. As I and have many others have said before, eBay does stuff like this randomly on a daily basis. Not a single aspect of anything they won't change as long as it means it favors them and they get money. It's outright theft and it's done on purpose. If you don't catch it, eBay just stole from you. If you do catch, then you have to deal with their horrible customer "service" trying to explain what's going on. Odds are they do nothing. For sure they'll say it was a glich. Or "cost of doing business". Or "seller is responsible for their own listings, we're just the platform". Then "if you don't like it you can leave".  

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 19:03:24 2019

They're trying to turn around renewal dates faster attempting to get more relisting fees.

%100000000 right

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by: Freeeeeeeee This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 20:01:52 2019

How could a company as big as eBay get such a fundamental calculation as not matching the invoice cycle with new gtc listings wrong  ? How?

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Mon Jul 22 20:26:01 2019

eBay has done the right thing by relisting for 32 & 33 days avoiding the chance of an item being listed twice in 1 month with a 30 day listing.

Give eBay credit where credit is due. . .

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ina

Mon Jul 22 20:27:16 2019

Someone documented an issue related to renewal dates on the eBay boards here:

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Mon Jul 22 20:51:03 2019

Ina, no can see!

We're sorry, but you have been restricted from using this site.

You have been restricted for the following reason:

Your posting privileges have been permanently revoked effective Tue Nov 14 due to repeated violation of the eBay Community Rules of Engagement.

Your post Re: Best Match shows two fake Gucci listings at top was edited to remove "253227073631" in compliance with the following Rules of Engagement:

"8. No naming and shaming. We will not tolerate posting about listing or member violations. Item numbers, auction links, negative/neutral feedback scores, other members' ID or contact information posted for the purpose of shaming another member will be edited or removed. Read more about this policy here."

Important: Creating multiple accounts for use on eBay's boards for the purpose of disruption or to avoid detection may result in permanent sanction or suspension of all associated registrations.

If you would like to appeal your suspension, contact

Return to my original page

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 22:13:24 2019

How could a company as big as eBay get such a fundamental calculation as not matching the invoice cycle with new gtc listings wrong  ? How?

It is called Wells Fargo Fee Churning Fraud, Google those words and you will see the future of what is going to happen to eBay under White Collar Criminal Devin Wenig, this is all deliberate, there is no way that it could happen any other way.

eBay will blame the programmers, but this is Devin's criminality at work in real time, that fool that thought this up, that Temkin fool is also behind this latest date changing fraud that generated fees to sellers account that they would not be aware of unless they looked at their invoices before they see the fraudulent charges when the cash is stolen from them.  

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 22:20:33 2019

Here is the future of eBay after they get busted for fee churning fraud like Wells Fargo did.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 22 22:39:41 2019

Read this thread and notice the date of the posts, this day July 20th is when all of the fraudulent GTC listings were charged against all of our selling accounts.

I watch the accounts many times a day there is no way eBay could have charged us for hundreds of GTC automated fees as they did, because all of the listings would have been ended before they had the chance to fee churn our selling accounts.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 23 00:00:53 2019

Wenig has said over and over that Ebay is going to get additional revenues from their current sellers even while sales are dropping.  He never said that they were not gong to out and out steal it, which is the level to which Ebay seems to have fallen.  Wenig has never had a problem stealing from his customers, both buyer and Sellers and only seems to react when the buyers catch it and Ebay makes sure they get their money back.

Somehow I am sure that Ebay is overcharging their buyers on Sales Tax and then not remitting it which then also boosts their revenue when the Sales Tax Liability suddenly goes away.  I am at the point that if i were to ever choose to donate to a charity that I would just take the full funds myself and make the donation as i no longer trust Ebay to even take care of that responsibility now that Wenig is resorting to every trick the book to not show that they are somehow making more money from sellers each quarter despite lower sales.

Just think about this, if Ebay is this bad now when they still have to del with Paypal so there is still some transparency, imagine what things are going to be like when Wenig has total control of your money and there is no longer any outside company looking over his shoulder to see that they correctly calculate the sellers fees and profit.  I wouldn't even put it past them to create fake chargebacks since Sellers will no longer have a reputable company watching their backs since Ebay will become judge, jury and executioner.  I really hope that the buyers in my  category realize that Ebay is no longer the place that it once was an start changing where they look for their items.

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 23 00:22:37 2019

eBay is committing multiple frauds all at one time, not only did they change the renewal dates on millions of listings, they changed the start dates on all the GTC listings that they fraudulently charged our accounts on July 20th to a new Start Date of June the 20th which is a lie because these listings have been running steady since the morons started the GTC forced listings months ago.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Tue Jul 23 02:13:47 2019


"Somehow I am sure that Ebay is overcharging their buyers on Sales Tax and then not remitting it which then also boosts their revenue when the Sales Tax Liability suddenly goes away."

You've lost your mind!

eBay's NOT that stupid and if you think they are you're highly mistaken. . .They have a heard of lawyers who would advise against anything like that. . .

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 23 09:03:57 2019

This is systematic corruption folks, sellers need to check their invoices, Devin's criminal GTC relisting fees are renewing out of time and will ruin many sellers businesses placing them into collection default at months end and causing millions of dollars in NSF fees, we have the evidence to take this case to the FTC, SEC and to all the states AG.s.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Tue Jul 23 09:30:07 2019

Eleven Years I've been waiting to come back to sell on Ebay.
I'll stay away 'til the "climate" is right.

New Excellent Venue Please......

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 23 10:58:43 2019

"They have a heard of lawyers who would advise against anything like that"

And yet they manage to steal, rape and pillage sellers in 100 other ways - so whats your point exactly?

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by: eBay Shill Buster This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 23 13:04:08 2019

Pace, this is big money eBay is defrauding out of sellers on these fraudulent relisting fees, we are looking at 50 buck on some accounts due to their fraud, x 7 IDs, enough to put all the accounts into default and will generate NSF fees unless we close the bank accounts.

This is a major fraud case Wenig is responsible for and eBay will have to answer for it to the community, we have filed reports with the SEC, FTC, CA AG.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Tue Jul 23 13:34:34 2019


"so whats your point exactly? "

eBay's NOT about to break the law in any way shape or form, if there's a loop hole eBay will find it. . . .

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