Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Aug 30 2022 21:18:35

A Warning as USPS Restructures Network without Review

By: Ina Steiner

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USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy wants to completely transform the postal delivery network. But despite one observer calling it "the most massive change in postal operations in decades," DeJoy is doing it without consulting the Postal Regulatory Commission.

That's according to Save the Post Office's Steve Hutkins, who was named 2 years ago as "one of the most consistent independent USPS observers looking out for the best interests of ordinary U.S. residents," according to

The USPS revealed the plan in its Eagle Magazine last month, writing, "As part of a massive redesign of the postal processing, transportation, and delivery infrastructure, systematic replacement of many existing facilities will dramatically improve working environments, while improving service performance and operational efficiency."

But in his article this week on, Hutkins details his analysis of the plan and why he gives it a big thumbs down - with ramifications for online sellers who rely on the USPS to get their orders to customers.

Interestingly, the USPS has talked about difficulty recruiting employees. The new plan, according to Hutkins, will result in longer commutes for letter carriers - he estimates by an average of 120 hours a year ("the equivalent of three weeks’ work, unpaid") and an average of 5,000 more miles, which he estimates will cost an extra $3,150 in gas (non-reimbursable). That could exacerbate the staffing problem.

Hutkins also noted that despite receiving tens of billions of dollars from Congress, the Postmaster General continues with his Delivering for America plan that, according to Hutkins, "has already slowed down First Class mail and raised prices across the board, and it will eventually include reducing retail hours, closing post offices, and disposing of historic properties. The PMG is also talking about eliminating 50,000 jobs."

Despite Congress' funding that shows bipartisan support for the Postal Service, it doesn't appear to have concerns about the fact the Postmaster General is disregarding the important oversight role of the Postal Regulatory Commission. It would be helpful to hear from the PRC if it agrees with DeJoy's assessment of the delivery-network plans, or if it shares the concerns raised by Hutkins. 

As far as we know, PRC Chairperson Michael Kubayanda has been silent on the issue of the PMG moving forward on plans the PRC has not reviewed.

It raises the question, what other changes might the Postmaster General be making under the radar?

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 15:10:28 2022

This is not a time to be political party politics.  The corruption is not only at the top (BOTH parties)  it has seeped into the upper layers of at least two federal agencies I can think of. It is all about power, and power corrupts. Give Trump credit for exposing much about the swamp. I am NOT better off now than I was 4 years ago but I vote for WHO I think is least dishonest and "party" only comes into play when leaders are forcing minions to do what they want.  We just elected one in NY - Nancy will eat him alive.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Sep 1 16:16:41 2022

Marie = moot
Luv ya but.....
We are witnessing the takedown of America.
Sure to leave many speechless and in disbelief.
Stand ready to defend America on the Americans' Level.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Thu Sep 1 19:06:15 2022

Selling smaller items (under $100) I never really noticed eBay's criminal behavior on sales tax!

eBay charges a "SELLING" fee on sales tax? I can barely understand eBay collecting a money acceptance fee for the sales tax, but a SELLING fee? That should be considered CRIMINAL.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 2 02:52:02 2022

@The End

Not exactly.  It is more an attempt to take down democracy.  And it does make a difference how Dejoy got his job and his loyalties.

It is sad so many things really are political in nature.

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 2 11:45:33 2022

***How bad is it, really?***

Why do people believe that prices for everything should remain the same, forever?

I pay more for shipping, however, my packages fly cross country faster than ever. Before Dejoy, priority mail would take 4 days from Coast to Coast, however now, my packages take just 2 days to be delivered. I do not agree with Dejoys politics, however, I have no problems with the USPS mail system.

And BTW, my life today, is indeed better than 4 years ago. Much has to do with the choices we make in our lives and the Federal Government had nothing to do with that. WHERE we live, seeking education, family size, and what types of products we sell online are the choices that WE make.

As an artisan jeweler, my female customers are: college professors, a retired physicist, retired techies, doctors and general health professionals. Now that women make more money than ever, they spend more money, too.

My great grandparents lived in poverty, however, every generation since, has done better than the generation before. We can all bitch and complain about how horrible and unjust life can be, but the reality...the U.S. has the best economy on the planet.

Yesterday, employment numbers in the U.S. we’re announced and they are crazy strong, I’m a female Hispanic with a math degree who worked in tech, unlike my sister who never seemed an education and had too many kids and is always poor.

I feel very fortunate to know that I can prosper when I make smart decisions in my life.  

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by: fusgeyer This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 2 12:07:01 2022


Your packages are safe in the delivery truck or your rural route carries vehicle. I used ot work for the USPS as a rural route carrier. The back of the truck is locked. The driver accesses what they need for delivery from inside the truck.

Most of the packages I send through USPS are flats. I just drop them in the indoor collection slots in the lobby. It is literally 2 miles from my door to the Post Office. When I have packages, I just drop them at the counter. So far, nothing has ever been lost due to not being scanned at my post office.

Free pickup is only available for expedited services. First Class Mail, and other non-expedited delivery methods have a fee for pickup, unless your carrier comes to your door and you hand them your mail.

We have a central mailbox location, so there is no to the door delivery. If I catch the mail person, then they will gladly take my prepaid packages.  

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by: BargainzBabylon This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 2 14:01:59 2022

It's not communism we need to worry about, it's extremist authoritarianism. Co-opting the USPS, which is a public service for all, in a political take-over is in the authoritarian playbook, along with neutering the press with bogus "fake" claims. DeJoy is simply part of that, and is treating the USPS as his own fiefdom.  

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 2 17:41:20 2022

@ fusgeyer

Many shop owners on the Etsy forum have complained that their parcels never get scanned. Every year, especially during the holiday season, there is a surge of shop owners who say they don’t see tracking for items left at the post office without obtaining a receipt, while their packages are lost and are never delivered.

We can’t assume that workers at one post office have the same work ethic as workers at another post office. Otherwise, we’d never have lost packages, at all.

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by: Whatever This user has validated their user name.

Fri Sep 2 22:18:11 2022

I am still working despite the fact that I "retired" 8 years ago. Can't live on my SIIS. I now live in a very small rural location. We don't have UPS or Fedex shipping here. Small po that closes up for lunch. If he closes that one it will mean a 30 mile trip to the PO toi mail. Our carrier - bless her heart doesn't pick up either.  I saw this coming when rumphead appointed this idiot. I've been trying to move away from the internet and back into the community but the opportunities are limited. Guess it's a waiting game now for me.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 3 01:43:05 2022

@ Stone Cutter

Whether the problem getting packages scanned on Etsy, Ebay or some other site, the answer is the same.  The seller should start by talking to their local carrier.  If that doesn't work, contact the local post office and ONLY talk to the Postmaster of that office.  

Scanning ALL packages is part of the carriers job.  If it is a problem, we just need to speak up.  I once had the problem.  I spoke up and the problem was resolved by my local Postmaster.

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by: shut1968 This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 3 13:15:59 2022

@ GetAGrip

Post pick up is not available everywhere, I live in a rather large city and ship out about 10,000 packages a week and when I inquired about getting packages picked up was told the service is not offered in my area.. forcing us to drive about 30 minutes to the main hub in Atlanta every day to drop off at the commercial dock.

When I inquired at the local office here about bringing the packages to them I was told "no thanks. we don't want them"

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 3 17:37:58 2022

***And what about those temporary workers***

About 3 years ago, I saw footage on the national news, of a home owner who video recorded a UPS worker who literally threw packages off a truck into puddles of water.  And this was during the holiday season.

Complaining to a local carrier manager does no good when employees are “temporary” and will lose their job, anyway.

I ship packages worth $250-$1200. There is NO way I will ever leave my packages with any post office without having obtained a receipt. I stand in line. And I get a receipt.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Sat Sep 3 20:18:44 2022

"There is NO way I will ever leave my packages with any post office without having obtained a receipt. I stand in line. And I get a receipt."

This. This is the way.

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by: wca This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 3 21:33:27 2022

I see some T**** talking points and even conspiracy theories from Qanon in this thread.  This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country and we could easily lose our democracy if voters do not pay attention to what they are accepting as true.

Legitimate news sources like MSNBC and CNN have expert staffs with many years of experience who have been doing in-depth reporting on the corruption revealed by the 1/6 hearings and the catastrophe of our most important defense secrets being moved to a private insecure area for anyone to find and/or sell to the highest bidder.  Their reports go into the history of current events and are not snide or gossipy or disrespectful.

If you expect to live more than a few more years and don't want to live in a country where laws mean nothing, studying current news so that you aren't fooled by lies and conspiracy theories when you cast your votes is of utmost importance.

If you don't think this is really important, look at what has happened to women, the rights of people of color, movements to change voting laws in many states to overturn the vote of the people, and even the safety of school teachers/librarians/law enforcement over the past 6 years.

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This user has validated their user name. by: DZT

Mon Sep 5 03:58:19 2022

The current operating model for the USPS is a bloated obsolete bureaucracy with absolutely no accountability. Just walk into any post office & it is like walking into a time portal back to 1974.  The whole thing needs to be torn down & rebuilt from the ground up. Sounds like DeJoy is heading in the right direction....It only takes a few minutes of reading on the postal employees website to see just how dysfunctional the whole mess actually is.....

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