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Sat Dec 28 2019 22:49:28

Seller Objects to Changes to Newegg Returns Policy

By: Reader

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Dear Ina,
Newegg just announced they're changing the 3rd party return policies for all sellers and how returns are handled. 

As a seller there are many buyers who abuse the return system, and many companies find that returns severely hurt their bottom line both at physical stores and online. Returns hurt both the manufacturers and end user sellers, as either the manufacturer takes the loss because of its agreements with the seller, or the seller loses because they have to refund money and may incur return costs such as shipping as disposal of the item. 

Also, unlike other sites, it seems that sellers will not have the ability to ask for more information with regards to the return to help the customer with an exchange or support. 

Many physical stores have changed their return policy's shortening the time items can be returned. Also, many sites consider returns regardless of how they are handled to be a negative. It seems when sites make these changes it is about taking care of the customer. 

Customers need to be responsible for their own errors, not opening up and installing a desktop and then realizing they want a laptop. I hope you will ask Newegg to comment. 

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by: notfunanymore This user has validated their user name.

Sun Dec 29 07:42:57 2019

It’s pretty simple. Their house, their rules. You should feel honored that they allow you to sell on their site. Isn’t it a privilege? No different than eBay, amazon, and the rest of them.  They make it ONLY benefit them, you are a tool they use to create more money.  You rent space from them. You pay their employees, their bills, you pay for the technology that screws you. Oh, and if you make a mistake and list an item that some company says is fake, they’ll drop you like a hot potato, you’ll be left with legal troubles you’ll never be able to handle. You can scream all you want, you can complain, you can hold your breath, cry, etc.. all that will do is get you evicted from the venue. They don’t care, there are more unsuspecting suckers or sellers, waiting in line to get a piece of the action.. it’s good for a short time until they change the rules...  

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by: Shanna This user has validated their user name.

Sun Dec 29 12:12:02 2019


Simple question for you, if I have a contract with you, and part of the contract states that I can change any terms of the contract at any time for any reason, but you cannot, do we really have a contract between us?

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sun Dec 29 13:55:15 2019

Seems ALL the selling venues are now "Shepherding" small businesses, having initially invited then in under false pretenses. The old Bait and Switch.
OUTLAW SHEPHERDING of our businesses.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Sun Dec 29 15:53:07 2019

@Shanna - In the real world, contracts (for instance, putting a new roof on your house, renting an office building, leasing an automobile) must be agreed to by all parties involved. But eBay's (and I assume most other marketplaces') TOS states that when you sign in on their site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in the TOS in their entirety, even if you don't know what those terms are.  

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by: SellerGirl This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 30 07:21:54 2019

notfunanymore, It's not a privilege to sell on some platform, they literally would be out of business without us.  That's why we need a seller's union, to help us organize to stand up to the capricious notions of the platforms and the whimsical changes they make to the terms of service without or input or consent.  We are NOT slaves or employees, we are independent businesses and fully human beings. We don't have to just be their little worker bees serving a corporate queen with an insatiable hunger for profit.

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by: notfunanymore This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 30 07:51:21 2019

Shanna, here’s the problem. Cash, they have more of it than you can imagine. They have more lawyers on payroll than most companies have in employees. So, unless you have more money and more lawyers, your screwed.
Sellergirl, the privilege part is sarcasm. When you sell on their platform, you are exactly what you say you are not.. it’s not getting better, it’s only going to get worse. When I used to sell on the platform I was sued two times for products that companies did not want on eBay. It cost me some money, it cost eBay zero. You assume all responsibilities which is why selling online is no longer profitable for small sellers. Some sellers think they can just ignore when you receive letters from companies that are going to sue you, that’s done at your own peril. Just trying to be realistic here..  

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This user has validated their user name. by: RKTOYS

Mon Dec 30 08:36:28 2019

It's just astounding that eBay has created so much opportunity for a better alternative to topple them and the response always seems to be "hey, let's be even bigger idiots than eBay!"

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by: comments This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 30 20:33:13 2019

I will NEVER buy anything from newegg EVER again. Their marketplace is FULL of Chinese fakes. Returns are difficult, 10 different employees will give 10 different answers. I bought a new expensive product I got a second hand product return that had shown obvious signs of mounting, damage, and weak/dirt on a "new" item.

When it comes to service you can easily get much better service from a 10FB seller on ebay then the multi national billion dollar company Newegg.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Tue Dec 31 15:23:51 2019

Etsy and Ebay Terms of Service are subject to being vaporized pending review by Attorneys General.

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by: aris This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 31 23:27:27 2019

Newegg? Wow, really? People still buy stuff from there?
15 years ago, they were 'the' site to use-even cheaper than Amazon, but wow, things have changed a ton since their ownership change, what...a decade ago??

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by: purpleiris This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jan 1 09:45:20 2020

@Shanna, very well said. I've been saying for years that the terms these sites have are not legal. To go and make unfavorable changes to a site your customer base relies on for income AFTER a seller has already agreed to the existing terms and state of the site should NOT be allowed.

It's one thing to have such terms on a site that says they can change them at any time without notice when the site doesn't have a monetary effect on its users. It's much different when money is exchanging hands and livelihoods are reliant on the site. Such terms should not be legal in that case.

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by: purpleiris This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jan 1 09:49:24 2020 a matter of fact, in the case where money exchanges hands and livelihoods are dependent on the site, it should be the customer base that CONTROLS the terms and features of the site. After all, it is THEIR businesses that are not only supporting them, but also generating the income for the site.

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by: purpleiris This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jan 1 09:53:50 2020

@TheEnd, you said "Etsy and Ebay Terms of Service are subject to being vaporized pending review by Attorneys General." Where did you get that info? I would certainly love to follow that story. LOL

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by: purpleiris This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jan 1 10:09:48 2020

I went looking for info about where the government is at in their pursuit of these sites and didn't find what I was looking for. However, I did find a Letter to the Editor dating back to 2010 where the author (a seller) filed a complaint with the NY SAG (Attorney General). In it, she has some good info about how to more effectively get something done by contacting your SAG and Congressmen.

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by: Biglouis This user has validated their user name.

Sun Jan 12 07:47:28 2020

Consumers have been given too much power by so-called lawgivers and its time they were put back into their box where they belong.

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