Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Apr 7 2020 11:42:36

Sellers Split on Marketplace Response to COVID Pandemic

By: Ina Steiner

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One third of online sellers are dissatisfied with how marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, and Etsy are handling seller issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey of EcommerceBytes readers that ran from March 29 - April 2, 2020. 

When asked, "Overall, are you satisfied with how ecommerce marketplaces and service providers are handling seller issues during the COVID-19 pandemic," 40% of respondents said yes, 31% said no, and 29% said they didn't know.

Sellers elaborated in the comments, revealing some key areas of dissatisfaction: fees, customer service, and marketing to attract buyers to their sites.

"No customer service. Have eBay / PayPal issue, can't talk to either," wrote one seller; "No telephone contact for eBay customer support," wrote another.

eBay specifically was criticized by some for only *deferring* fees instead of waiving them. Wrote one seller: "eBay's "we're here to help" deferring of fees for ONE MONTH is a complete joke. If sellers can't pay THIS month, they're somehow going to be able to pay 150% each of the next two months? It's like a pay-day loan... Unless they think there WILL be an Easter miracle, it was a hollow gesture. Showing - AGAIN - they have no clue. At all."

Another seller also criticized eBay's handling of fees, writing: "Despite whatever sales are missed this month are gone forever, eBay still wants an anchor store fee despite providing even less service than normal. They are not willing to suffer at all but it is okay for me to pay up. No other site charges me anything substantial so there is no comparison. Amazon and PayPal have suspended loan payments for the month and are not (to my understanding) making a balloon note for me to pay next month with dwindling sales and unknown future sales."

On the other hand, some praised eBay.

"eBay has brilliant from the get-go. It is unfortunate when some people or groups criticize them. I have been selling with them since 1997 and completely feel supported by them at this time. On the other hand, I feel like Etsy has little vested interest in protecting us sellers and it's more about how the lack of sales affect Etsy."

"eBay has been great. They offered thousands of free BIN listings," another seller wrote. 

That same seller was less pleased with Etsy's handling of fees: "Many sellers on Etsy have said in the forums that would love to have free listings or a generous extension on the usual 120-day listing duration, but Etsy so far has not offered that to anybody. What's worse, Etsy still intends to move forward with the controversial new offsite ad program (the one that charges 12 or 15% in extra fees on any sales they can attribute to an offsite ad for up to 30 days after an ad click). All Etsy has done was push back the start date by about two weeks so sellers have a little more time to prepare. One person in the forum sarcastically called it "a stay of execution." On the bright side, some Etsy sellers who are upset about the upcoming offsite ad program are using this two-week stay of execution to start building their own Shopify sites or move their existing inventory over to eBay and other websites."

One seller said, "Amazon FBA sellers are getting a hard dose of reality right now as Amazon freezes their inventory."

Another said they felt Amazon should step up on behalf of their sellers by offering low-cost loans: "I can only speak for Amazon. They need to acknowledge the great responsibility for small 3rd party sellers they have. Amazon should launch a program to make working capital available to sellers at no to small interest rates."

Some respondents also felt marketplaces should be doing more to attract buyers to their sites.

One seller wrote about marketplaces that aren't doing enough to help the small businesses: "You can't make any money later if most of sellers are gone!!"

One seller described a stellar experience with a web-hosting service: "We only sell on our own website, NOT through venues. HOWEVER, the sales manager of our website hosting service provider personally called to see if we needed anything and if they could help in any way. That's a first! "

Offering promotions exclusively to new sellers can also sting. "I have my site on Shopify and am very disappointed that they are only offering free fees to new sellers only; no loyalty to their existing customers."

Additional Survey Results
EcommerceBytes also asked sellers how the COVID-19 outbreak impacted their online sales, which you can read about on the April 5th EcommerceBytes Blog post.

The survey also included questions about on whether readers had changed their selling practices and their 6-month outlook - stay tuned for more survey results to come.

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Perminate Link for Sellers Split on Marketplace Response to COVID Pandemic   Sellers Split on Marketplace Response to COVID Pandemic

by: FeelingFroggy This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 7 12:00:14 2020

Don't know about anyone else but I got ahold of customer service this morning via phone. About had a heart attack. We live in Michigan and our Governor is about the most inept in the 50 states. She is spending more time on TV complaining than she is running the state. No one can get an answer from her at all. But then again she is pandering to Biden for VP.
Amazon customer service is still up and running but I have noticed that when trying to order any grocery product you have to order in master packs. No more one of this or one of that. Great . I will be going to the local grocery store today for what I want. Haven't tried Ebay as we never shop there anyways.

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by: Frank Abagnale This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 7 16:47:17 2020

This pandemic has made think that while sellers should not have all their eggs in one basket, the other baskets better include your own basket otherwise the other baskets can be just as bad as your original basket.  

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by: purpleiris This user has validated their user name.

Wed Apr 8 12:07:08 2020

This whole situation just proves why a marketplace site should NOT compete with its customers. If Amazon wasn't competing with their customers, then they wouldn't have their own orders to fill so SMALL business that actually need the money could do the selling instead.

Amazon is hiding behind some kind of hero's mask, acting like it's only shutting out small businesses because they're too busy helping. It should be the small businesses who are helping to provide to consumers, not the marketplace they sell on.

This just goes to show how predatory Amazon really is.

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by: donald This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 9 00:46:36 2020

@ purpleiris I agree with you 100%.  Amazon constant double-dealings have screwed us big time.

Thank God I have other channels to make money. Otherwise this Goliath would have eating me alive.

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by: Troy Stiffler This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 21 13:15:38 2020

Fun anecdotal problem I'm having this morning. My eBay bill became past due. It tends to happen once-or-so a year. I pay the past due balance, and everything is unrestricted as though it's all okay. Today, they just told me no! So I just dropped $3000 (which is A LOT of money to me right now) on paying the past-due balance, and was told they can't help unless I pay the balance, which is not even past due (and won't be for the next 10 days). They have a special CV19 deferment plan, for which my application was ignored because it was past-due as of the 1st.

Sell your eBay stock now. I think this exposes a problem they know they have. They are built on small businesses that are suffering. And they know they aren't getting paid. I think that eBay is tightening up because nobody is paying their bills. They're probably bracing for an unfathomable amount of bad collections debt. So they had to change their billing rules to protect themselves. Sales are down and small businesses are charging up credit cards and liquidating, trying to keep their head above water. Revolving capital advances/loans are all on hold. And businesses like eBay are apparently not able to work with anyone, even as they would pre-CV19. Which means eBay itself is likely bracing for ruin from all of this. If they can't extend an exception, like in my instance, to help a customer, that means they're having serious financial difficulties themselves.

I pay eBay $50k+ a year out of my pocket, and they treat me like this. Something is financially rotten at the core.

Much like the SBA loans and corporate "we care" messages - this support is all fake. Money is going to be funneled to bigger companies who have private contacts and people who don't actually need the money. If you're an average small business, there's no help coming.

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by: Troy Stiffler This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 21 13:28:57 2020

Just got my third response from customer service. They are unable to help at this time with the issue mentioned above. They apparently changed their procedure to make it more strict during this crisis time.

They're apparently in too much financial trouble themselves to help. I don't see it any other way.

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