Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
News and insight focusing on ecommerce.
by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thursday July 30, 2020
Will eBay Dial Back Its Open Approach to Returns?
In December,  eBay executive Jordan Sweetnam said  eBay was open to the concept of gi ...

Amazon Grows US Net Sales 43 Percent in Second Quarter
Amazon grew net sales in the US 43% in the second quarter (April, May, June). International net ...

Tuesday July 28, 2020
eBay Sales Up 35 Percent in US in Second Quarter
eBay grew sales (GMV, or Gross Merchandise Volume) by 29% FX-neutral in the second quarter to $2 ...

Monday July 27, 2020
eBay Reinstates Seller Protections due to Shipping Delays
eBay is reinstating shipping-defect protections for sellers retroactively back to July 1st and thr ...

Sunday July 26, 2020
Sellers Stuck in eBay Store Levels despite Changes
eBay changed the benefits sellers receive with their eBay Store subscriptions, but it is not allow ...

Thursday July 23, 2020
Google Adds PayPal for a More Robust Ecommerce Platform
Google opened its platform to PayPal so more shoppers can purchase directly on its site instead of ...

Wednesday July 22, 2020
eBay Guards Managed Payments Info Like State Secrets
You would have more luck prying information from a CIA operative than you would from getting e ...

Tuesday July 21, 2020
Next Test of eBay Managed Payments: Disbursements
eBay has been processing payments for sellers for some time - as of July 20th the number was nearl ...

Sunday July 19, 2020
eBay Adds Surcharge for International Sales
Sellers who are studying the new eBay Managed Payments fees should take note of the fact there is ...

Saturday July 18, 2020
eBay Publishes New Fees and New User Agreement
eBay notified sellers of changes to its User Agreement, effective August 20, 2020. In its email, ...

Wednesday July 15, 2020
eBay Gives Sellers More Free Listings
eBay is giving sellers more free listings each month beginning August 1, 2020. The number of tot ...

Sunday July 12, 2020
Unverified: USPS Directives Could Result in Delayed Mail
Reports are running wild of new directives at the US Postal Service that could result in major del ...

eBay Payments: The End of PayPal Mad Money?
A letter from a reader yesterday raised some interesting points about eBay Managed Payments an ...

Tuesday July 7, 2020
eBay Security Concerns Lead to Packing Slip Changes
eBay is now prohibiting sellers from customizing packing slips or adding a personal note - and bec ...

eBay Coaxes Sellers into Payments with $50 Incentive
eBay is giving some sellers a $50 - $150 incentive to sign up for Managed Payments ahead of the mi ...

Sunday July 5, 2020
Should eBay Let You Sell Your Account?
Over the years, we've heard from sellers wanting to sell their eBay accounts but who were unsu ...

eBay Sellers Grapple with New Payment Registration
One growing area of concern among sellers is the process of setting up their Managed Payments acco ...

Wednesday July 1, 2020
Would You Let Amazon Handle Your Customer Service?
Would you let Amazon handle customer service on your behalf? Amazon already does this for seller ...