Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
News and insight focusing on ecommerce.
by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tuesday November 29, 2016
eBay Opens Creepy Popup Store in London
Would you submit to "intelligent bio-analytic technology and facial coding" as you shop - or ever, ...

Saturday November 26, 2016
Black Friday and Small Business Saturday Keep Sellers Busy
eBay released data about its Black Friday sales, and it said it sold lots of Toys, Tech, and Fashi ...

Thursday November 24, 2016
Amazon Mum as Sellers Plea for Missing Funds
Sellers failed to receive satisfactory answers from Amazon when their regular disbursements failed ...

Tuesday November 22, 2016
Can Amazon Brand Central Help Protect Small Sellers?
The problem of knockoffs online isn't new, but lately there have been more stories about how small ...

eBay Billing Status Remained Green Amid Billing Meltdown
eBay  apologized to its top sellers  on Tuesday for billing problems and said the issue ...

Saturday November 19, 2016
eBay Billing System Is FUBAR
eBay is experiencing some major problems with its billing system, and sellers are paying the pri ...

Thursday November 17, 2016
Tradesy Gives Sellers 2-Week Notice of Fee Hike
It's a bad week for some niche online sellers. First eBay revealed it's set to  hike fees &nb ...

eBay Hikes Fees for Sellers up to 200 Percent
eBay is raising commission fees for media sellers on The news comes in the middle of t ...

Tuesday November 15, 2016
eBay Cozies Up to Mattel ahead of Christmas
You may have noticed eBay's new TV commercial featuring a "Barbie Doll & Dancin Fun Horse" toy ...

Sunday November 13, 2016
eBay Double Standard Reaches New Height of Hypocrisy
A false SNAD claim is not allowed on eBay according to its  Buying Practices Policy . (Not al ...

Thursday November 10, 2016
Amazon Raises Fees - the End of Penny Booksellers?
Amazon is raising fees and making big changes in the Books, Music, Video, and DVD categories that ...

Do Trump Views on Trade Help or Harm Online Sellers?
President-Elect Donald Trump was vocal about his position on international trade during the campai ...

Wednesday November 9, 2016
eBay Thwarts Popular Tool by Cloaking Feedback
As eBay continues to reduce transparency on its marketplace, buyers and sellers are losing a pop ...

Tuesday November 8, 2016
eBay Ignores Reports of Weapons Policy Violations?
A reader reported that a feature on eBay appeared to be malfunctioning - when the reader reported ...

Secret Deal between USPS and Chinese Shipping Firm
It's not surprising the US Postal Service would sign a deal with an international shipping f ...

Saturday November 5, 2016
eBay Chokes Buyer-Seller Communication
eBay sellers are unable to respond to questions from would-be buyers, and some are concerned t ...

Friday November 4, 2016
Why Sellers Feel Abandoned by eBay
Imagine losing a key software tool you use to manage your business - that's what some eBay sellers ...

Thursday November 3, 2016
eBay Explains Its New Browse Pages
eBay talks frequently to Wall Street about what it sees as the benefits of its Structured Data Ini ...

Tuesday November 1, 2016
Etsy Sales Rise 19 Percent, CFO to Step Down
Etsy Gross Merchandise Sales (GMS) rose 19.1% to $677.2 million in the third quarter year-over-yea ...