Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sun May 23 2021 21:14:07

eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

By: Ina Steiner

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A week after sellers were caught off guard by the latest Item Specifics mandate, eBay moderators addressed their concerns. One told sellers not to be discouraged and leave the site, and she hinted about another change that might be coming.

On May 11, eBay rolled out changes to listings in the following categories: Holiday & Seasonal, Action Figures, Comic Books, Sports Trading Cards and Books, as part of the 2021 Spring Seller Update.

Some sellers said that they noticed Item Specifics kept disappearing, such as "Donnascreations" who wrote on May 19

"For the past week I keep having items come up were item specifics keep disappearing. It is across a number of different categories.  Now I have 40 listing that need item specifics, in the past few hours. I didn't revise or change the listing but things like book titles disappear which I know were there. When the item specifics notice comes up I can click on it and a whole bunch of information is missing but if I go directly into the listing and look at it or through the revise the information is there. I'm very confused."

Another seller reported the problem the same day during eBay's weekly chat. "Wagnerjohn1" wrote:

"I sell 99.9% books. Should I begin updating my 700+ listings with the new "required" item specifics (Title, Author, Language) even though it seems like all the bugs are not worked out and all my updates might disappear the next day (as this has been reported to have happened to several others in the community)? You require this done by 12 July. What happens if those listings are not updated?"

One third-party developer responded by pointing to one of the tools they provide eBay sellers, writing, "My recommendation is to capture all of your item specifics after you have them updated. If eBay makes further changes that eliminate your details, at least you will have a backup file that will be easier to update and upload in bulk."

And a seller replied, "I create and maintain listings, including item specifics, in the SixBit database. SixBit bulk edit can be used to add item specifics and update selected listings. Pictures can also be stored or tracked by SixBit. I would not want to contemplate selling on eBay without SixBit."

eBay moderators did not answer the question about disappearing Item Specifics, but they did address other sellers' questions about it. "Item specifics help increase the visibility of your listings on both eBay and on external search engines," Brittanie said. "The more data you give us about what you're selling, the better we can match your item to what a buyer is looking for, either through query search, left-hand navigation filters or category merchandising pages." You can find her full response here

One seller called the changes to Item Specifics in the Music > Records category "ridiculous," and explained why in great detail. eBay moderator Tyler thanked the seller for their insight and said he would forward it to the structured data team so they could review it and adjust as they see fit. Tyler also encouraged sellers to write directly to the team at, saying it was particularly useful when sellers find irrelevant item specifics or incorrect category changes.

Brittanie, one of the eBay moderators who responded to sellers about Item Specifics, said eBay was in the business to help sellers make sales. "We don't want out sellers to be discouraged and leave the site."

She went on to say: "The long-term plan is to make it easy for buyers to find the items they want and bring sales to our sellers. We'll continue to make improvements towards that aim, though the particulars aren't something I can share."

That last line indicates she may know about a change coming to the site that sellers don't yet know about. Any guesses as to what it is and how it will bode for sellers?

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Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 23 21:42:00 2021

It's anyone's guess what any upcoming change may be, but I would put good money on it being problematic for sellers (and probably buyers alike).  As this recent item specifics change illustrates, it seems eBay's motto over the past 10+ years has been: "If it ain't broke, fix it until it is!"

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 23 21:42:35 2021

Sellers, please dont leave the site yet, that would take all the fun out of the next round of unreasonable changes that we will be springing on you.  Please don't leave and rob us of the fun watching all of you getting upset with our next round of changes.  As more and more sellers abandon our site it makes us have to work harder and harder to come up with more ways to take money from those that remain instead of being able to relax drinking at Walkers West and eating wings which is how we prefer to spend our days.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 23 22:08:59 2021

"We don't want out sellers to be discouraged and leave the site."

Ummmm the cow already left the barn - now you want to close the door?


Abysmal customer service
forced managed payments
1 way feedbacks
NO seller protection
being the main driver of theft, fraud and deceit
selling seller data with no compensation for sellers
fraudulent 10k statements

and so much more - NOW that you are STILL monkeying with specifics - NOW you are worried sellers will want to leave?

Top Hatter, Mercari and Poshmark need LESS info and they manage JUST FINE TY VERY MUCH ...

Sellers arent as stupid as you think - they know when they are being hosed!

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

This user has validated their user name. by: Covid-20

Sun May 23 22:39:01 2021

Off to the graveyard.  haaa.
Only DAYS left as per the ridiculous amusing inbox emails dictating the "Mangled Payments" edict.
Every passing day with yet another warning to add my banking info.

I'll be winning this round.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

This user has validated their user name. by: Bill

Mon May 24 00:32:26 2021

I was told that May 21st was to be the day that I had to join MP and I just deleted them in my account. I got a message in my account last Monday that it was my final notice and I would be shut down. I deleted it immediately and have not heard back since. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.  

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Nothingnewecrater This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 00:49:09 2021

Well I'm down to 25 items on eBay and 659 on ecrater. I been threatening to leave eBay ever since I started back in 1998. The transition has never been more appealing then right now. All eBay knows how to do is trash their own site and ignore the sellers needs. I will try things on ebay and when I start seeing more watchers then buyers. I will end them and list them at ecrater where I'm getting dozens of hits and only single didget hits on eBay. EBay may still be around because of larger sales. But they have all but ruined the old stuff market on their site.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 01:04:20 2021

The only way to "fix" Ebay and these item specific goofs is to have the executives get on Ebay as sellers and sell.  Experience what we experience.  I believe one exec is on Ebay, but they all need to get on it.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 01:05:29 2021

Nothingnewecrater--how's Ecrater working?  I was a "seller" (never sold anything) long time ago and closed my account.  When I search for things, I never ever see Ecrater in the Google searches.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: mindelec This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 01:10:00 2021

what i don't get is why i am having to type in author and title for books with isbns that *are* in ebay's catalog.  they already have the info!

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 01:15:18 2021

If eBay wants to make it easy for buyers to find what they want, then FIX SEARCH! Give us back the wildcard search that JD took away when he was sinking the eBay ship! And please DON'T go down the road that Amazon and Etsy have both taken ... showing shoppers ''things they might like'' (or, in my experience, probably NOT like and would have ZERO interest in buying!).  

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Jono77 This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 05:58:18 2021

These changes are ridiculous. When you go to a record or book shop you browse through what is there. Effectively eBay has done away with browsing.

They are removing the shopping element. If you don't know a book or record exists then how will you find it without being able to browse the stock?

If you go to a restaurant they don't ask you what you fancy eating they show you a menu.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Jester This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 06:34:20 2021

I usually refrain from jumping on the eBay beat down train here but I will say their searches have become so manipulated it makes it hard for me a long time eBay seller and buyer to find what I am looking for these days. Never-mind the poor new person trying to find something they want. It can take me 4-5 searches or more before I find anything like what I am looking for as I try subtle variations of word combinations that describe my sought after item.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: thriftinginoregon This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 09:04:43 2021

Searching has become horrendous on eBay it now takes a few different tries to get what I might want to look at and I am no longer confident that I am seeing what I need to. Put the wildcard back. You are hurting both the seller and the buyer.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Nothingnewecrater This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 09:35:21 2021

@Chicago48 It's picking up for me lately. I was always on the lowest % tier 2.9%. But increased it to the top tier 12% couple months ago. And see a noticeable increase in sales. You have to really work on promoting your store so people can find your stuff. It's all hands on. I noticed ecrater isn't as visible as it was 10 years ago in Google searches too. That's why you have to keep promoting your store almost everyday. Everywhere where you can. EBay is a household name now and sales are in the toilet. Fresh eyes are always a good thing.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Frank Abagnale This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 10:38:01 2021

Part of the problem with item specifics are for sellers that list a large variety of items and have little knowledge of the terminology used. If you're selling an art print for example, what is the difference between abstract, modernism and art nouveau?

And I love the answers from Tyler on the chat boards. He should really patent the terminology "thanked the seller for their insight and said he would forward it to whatever to (the department it supposed to go to)".

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: I Must be Crazy This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 11:31:47 2021

This BS of trying to make listings more visible on external search engines has been going round in circles for years. To date, I don't see that any of it has made any difference. Ebay continues to pull in smaller slices of an ever increasing pie.

Sellers have been discouraged for a long time. They have been and continue to list inventory elsewhere if not leave the site entirely.

It will never get better. The managers of eBay have had billions of dollars flow through the company and could have built a new platform from scratch. Three times! They have chosen not to do that. They have chosen not to invest in their fulfillment infrastructure. Zero. What they have done is toss together their payment skimming scheme and continue to piece together the Cassini platform.  

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Mon May 24 13:08:16 2021

The day I shut down my listings they sent me a message "Why don't you relist them?HAHAHAHA. In pig's eye.. I believe I'll take away their $50,000 in fees and put them back in my pocket

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Mon May 24 13:42:44 2021

@Nothingnewecrater - I've been selling on eCrater since 2008. I pay fees in the 2.9% tier and don't do any self-promotion, and I'm very happy with my sales there. I have around 7K items listed, and buyers always seem to find me, so whether it's Google, Bing, or another search engine, I make sales. I also get a lot of repeat buyers which is nice. Of course, the very best part of eCrater is I'm not micromanaged to death, plus I'm not paying a ludicrous amount of fees.  

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: mattkdelima This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 17:25:14 2021

Yes please leave the site. One fewer competitor. I'm sure your not-trafficked shopify store and Instagram page with 27 followers will be able to accomplish what ebay does for you and more.

Perminate Link for eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged   eBay Addresses Mandate, Tells Sellers Not to Be Discouraged

by: Actual Seller This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 24 19:28:43 2021

The problem here is that someone lied to eBay about how "SEO" aka Search Engine Optimization works and told them that if they keyword spam, Google will rank them higher.

This can not be further from the truth. Keyword spamming will actually derank you.

So now idiots at eBay who understand nothing want us putting the same keywords over and over for a better ranking and it is trashing the user and seller experience while hurting organic ranks.

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