Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Apr 30 2019 09:19:18

eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay is publishing its Spring Seller Update today, and the company is promising to protect sellers from abusive buyers. eBay is also going to penalize sellers who practice retail drop shipping, which is when sellers list items they don't have in stock and use a retailer or marketplace to ship items to buyers.

"Sellers who use retailers or marketplaces to ship directly to buyers are in violation of our drop shipping policy. They will be lowered in search results and may face other sanctions. This will give sellers who own their own inventory or drop ship from wholesalers, greater search visibility."

Notice that drop-shipping from suppliers is allowed - the new policy is clearly an attempt to reduce incidents where buyers receive their eBay orders in Amazon packages (or Walmart and other retailers' branded boxes), which can lead to confusion and/or disappointment on the part of eBay buyers.

eBay published the Spring Seller Update on the UK website, we expect those policies to roll out in the US as well, and we'll be updating this post as eBay posts the update internationally.

Here's what eBay UK says about new seller protections:

New protection from abusive buyers
We're introducing new measures to help find abusive buyers, prevent them from filing return requests (under certain circumstances) and, in some cases, suspend them. If we become aware of abusive buyer behaviour, we'll remove relevant feedback or defects from your seller profile.

Furthermore, we've heard your feedback and we'll be removing false "Item not received" or "Item not as described" claims from your Service Metrics where these are related to abusive buyer behaviour.

eBay will also start taking into account a seller's track record:

"This summer we'll announce new seller protections that will be based on your track record and how we'll protect you when you provide a great service to your buyers"

Another change in the UK Update that seems likely to roll out in the US and elsewhere:

"The renewal schedule for Good ‘Til Cancelled listings will move from every 30 days to one renewal per calendar month."

The eBay UK Seller Update includes additional changes, including the following: 

- New benefits for shop (Store) subscribers;

- Enhanced growth tools;

- New item specifics requirements

- Improvements to your selling experience.

Let us know what you think, and look for further updates here as they become available.

Update 4/30/19: Here are links to the official announcements - including changes to the eBay User Agreement.

Here's our overview article - be aware there are changes to eBay Stores fee structure.

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Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 09:49:32 2019

Smoke and Mirrors.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

This user has validated their user name. by: VV

Tue Apr 30 09:54:54 2019

How do they know what is 'drop shipped'? I sell on ebay & amazon. I sometimes reuse amazon box for an ebay order or an ebay box for an amazon order. In either instance it has MY label on it.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: WhatsUp2656 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 09:55:01 2019

On the drop shipping, how in the world will they know if it is drop shipped or not? I have products that could be sent from the distributor, but I have mine in my possession, but the drop shippers are above me in all searches even though I have perfect scores. It’s been my experience that certain sellers can do anything and it’s okay.  

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

This user has validated their user name. by: epuise

Tue Apr 30 09:58:17 2019

There should be NO "I.N.R." cases allowed to be opened when Tracking shows "delivered".

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: Truk This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 09:58:20 2019

At this point does anybody really trust in eBay ?

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:11:09 2019

WhatsUp2656 - my thoughts exactly.  I do not drop ship, but I do (on occasion) re-use shipping materials from other retailers (including Amazon), assuming they are in good shape and appropriate for the item I'm shipping.  In my experience, when I ship something in an Amazon labeled box (which is probably less than 1% of the items I ship), it gets there faster.  Is eBay going to penalize me if they find out a buyer received something in an Amazon box, even though I had the item in my possession and shipped it myself?  If not (which is my hope), how are they going to determine who is drop shipping?

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: Papadurun This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:12:10 2019

Yesterday I called customer service about a buyer who sent a photo of a product I never carried. She claimed she received it in a package I did send. The CS rep actually agreed with me. I haven't had such a nice experience since 2009.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: thebobman This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:12:10 2019

They need to do something about the sellers that claim to be in the usa, then take 10 days for delivery, no tracking til the day before delivery and arrives in a DHL express package that appears to have been shipped from overseas

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:15:57 2019

"Sellers who use retailers or marketplaces to ship directly to buyers are in violation of our drop shipping policy."

I own everything I sell - but what is it eBays business whom sellers get things from and how they run their business?? If the point (like the one on DWs head) is to not have cancelled sales/dissapointed customers because a seller is preselling items, not being able to get them and then canceling sales - then yes that is understandable, but more then that ... isnt eBays concern.

"We're introducing new measures to help find abusive buyers, prevent them from filing return requests (under certain circumstances) and, in some cases, suspend them. If we become aware of abusive buyer behaviour, we'll remove relevant feedback or defects from your seller profile."

That paragraph says nothing. How are they going to "find them"?

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: AngelaTC This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:18:00 2019

I don't like getting packages from Amazon when I bought off eBay, but how will eBay possibly know where the packages originate?  

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: nothingnew This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:19:00 2019

@Truk- HELL N O !!!!

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: Disgusted This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:26:01 2019

They will be lowered in search results and may face other sanctions.   What?  They don't show them now.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Tue Apr 30 10:32:02 2019

I have never dropped shipped anything.

Everything I ever sold on eBay I was in possession of at the time of the sale.

Anyone can be a "drop shipper". . . . . .

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: buffalochick This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:42:47 2019

Lip Service is all that page is. No details, no actual layout of plans, just yup, we'll protect you.  If anyone here is stupid enough to believe those words, I feel sorry for you. Ebay NEVER does anything for anyone, except ebay, let alone sellers.  That sounds great, but then it always does. No details, no rules, no nothing. It's coming... yup, so was having to contact a seller prior to opening a case. Remember THOSE protections? How sad is this company... just so sad to see this once great company put out such crap.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:47:54 2019

The UK website just states vague nothingness - no specifics. "We MAY", not "We WILL".

Should I roll the roulette wheel? How do you run a business on "MAY"??

Cant they do anything right?

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: eastwestphoto This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 10:48:48 2019

lets hope that eBay keeps is word about abusive Buyers, because its killing eBay and the sellers both!  

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: Jairib This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 11:00:00 2019

They have been losing A LOT of sellers since there evolution of competitive Marketplaces to sell on.  While I welcome these 'protections', I cannot help but wonder if it is too little, too late??  I know I & almost everyone I know have expanded to a multitude of platforms and no longer rely solely on ebay for my living. I get better protections, better service & most importantly, better prices on them. I feel like they are going to have to do much more for sellers to retain any of their customer base.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: FLSailinGirl This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 11:03:34 2019

The key here is who gets to define ''buyer abuse''.  There was a thread on the messages boards a couple months ago about a scammer using multiple guest accounts who filed multiple false SNADS and even went so far as to provide falsified return tracking numbers to get a refund without actually sending the products back.

The seller could prove that all of the transactions were the same buyer, but when they questioned having those SNADS on their Service Metrics, they were told directly by eBay reps that situation did not qualify as ''buyer abuse'' and the SNADS would stick.

As long as eBay is the judge, jury and executioner, they have all the room in the world to simply say something isn't ''buyer abuse'' and seller protections do not apply.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 30 11:09:32 2019

I think the way to look at this is the way that Judge Judy looks at teenagers.

How do you know when they are lying?  Their lips are moving.

All of this lip service is great until you try to put it into effect as a seller.  There is nothing mentioned about how they are going to accomplish any of what they state.  Nothing more than lip service and as we all know what that means.  Every time they punish Sellers it is well defined what how they are going to go about it, but when they say they are going to protect us, nothing.  

Ebay is not going to punish any of their Buyers as they consider them their customers and Sellers are nothing but NOISE.  Until I see the changes actually happening and being reported by someone other than the Blues or Ebay Cheerleaders to me this is nothing but more lip service just like they provide to Wall Street every Quarter regardless of how poorly they have done.  Until Wenig is gone from Ebay nothing is going to change in favor of the Sellers except more and more lip service.

Perminate Link for eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers   eBay Spring Update Protects Sellers, Penalizes Drop Shippers

This user has validated their user name. by: RKTOYS

Tue Apr 30 11:37:34 2019

Just more word salad.  Fortunately won't have to deal with it once the demand for bank access comes.  What's the point when you're down to one sale per month?

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