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Thu Apr 7 2016 14:29:05

eBay Changes How It Communicates with Sellers

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay sent an email to sellers today informing them of "Updates to eBay's seller communications." It will now send a weekly email each Tuesday informing sellers of promotions, product changes, tips, changes, and more.

In addition, it will send a monthly email on the first Wednesday of each month that will include sellers' sales and performance data as well as guidance and inspirational stories. (eBay will send the first monthly newsletter on April 20.)

At the same time, eBay will no longer send individual reminders, promotions, announcements and newsletters.

Some sellers might prefer the change, but it's hard to understand how that would "make it easier for you to manage - and grow - your business" as eBay stated in the letter.

"This is just one of the many changes we're making in the months ahead," it advised (so apparently there will be lots of news in those weekly newsletters).

What do you think of the change in how eBay communicates with sellers? With all the email to keep up with, do you prefer one weekly roundup of changes and announcement, or do you prefer to get news from eBay as soon as possible?

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by: FeelingFroggy This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 7 16:12:35 2016

Gesh just what we need MORE JUNK MAIL. DELETE DELETE.

There is exactly nothing that Fleecebay has to say that I really care about. Most of it is lip service anyway.

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This user has validated their user name. by: bitbybit

Thu Apr 7 16:20:18 2016

This immediately comes to mind "No news is good news"

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by: dans parts This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 7 23:04:20 2016

I got a total of one email from eBay today to only one of my accounts.  It had a 500 Free listings offer.  Nothing about a change in Seller Communication.

None of the other accounts received a message in My Messages, or in the Gmail account they are forwarded to.  One account hadn't receive any message from eBay since March 20.

All but one of those accounts DID receive the free listing offer, but the only place I saw/knew about it was in the Selling Manager in each account, where I could click to accept the offer.

Guess maybe their new communication method is like the one they foisted on us a while back: "No communication is good communication" when it came to Defects on Communication.

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by: comet This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 00:24:33 2016

My 500 Free Listings offer on one of my accounts only showed up AFTER I used a number of the regular Free Listings (50)  to relist items that have not SOLD.  Thanks ebay.

As for them sending me "Performance"  info---I would first have to HAVE sales to even NEED anything telling me about performance.  I still firmly believe that items are NOT BEING SEEN by shoppers and that ebay is once again WASTING TIME AND MONEY on stupid crap like this and by NOT PROMOTING THE SITE.

Thanks ebay.  

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 02:50:48 2016

Only time will tell if these weekly emails will be more informative for members.  Each of us has to make the decision for ourselves if we are actually going to read the emails or just ignore them.  But one thing I know for sure.  Some of those that choose to ignore the emails will be among the first to complain about some change they had no idea was about to take place and of course blame Ebay for not telling them about it.  Some just don't realize it isn't in Ebay's best interest to read the emails it is in members best interest.

I'm sure there will be much to just be scanned over in the emails.  But somewhere along the line there will be something of interest and/or importance.

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This user has validated their user name. by: cfrphoto

Fri Apr 8 08:43:51 2016

eBay has intermittently stopped sending emails before. Does this mean that notice of promotions starting on Monday won't be seen until Tuesday?

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by: Beth This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 09:25:41 2016

I got the 500 freebies offer but not by email. I "found it" on my summary page just where I've found the last 10 mos or more.

as for no emails? What? their hosting service started charging them?  that's BS and THAT is one change I do not like. But they've been very sporadic about it for years now so who exactly do they thing will miss it? I think it will be the same people who are on your site still complaining about things that changed 10 yrs agao

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by: VeryGoodVintage This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 09:53:48 2016

What a joke! I always find out what is going on at ebay from eCOMMERCE BYTES long before I can find out anything about ebay from ebay!

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This user has validated their user name. by: RKTOYS

Fri Apr 8 10:22:01 2016

What is so difficult about scheduling events at regular intervals and sending notifications out?  No, seriously, what is so difficult about these concepts?

I have never received e-mail about listing promotions, outside of the constant pestering to give away mobile devices because reasons.  Interesting that this update comes after I finally unsubscribe from Paypal's torrent of blithering about their worthless CC scanner.

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by: FeelingFroggy This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 13:00:44 2016

As long as they include the Opt Out - Unsubscribe button I don't care. Just Unsubscribe and go on our way.

We are smart enough to know how business is. Ebay isn't.

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by: Toledo Maude This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 13:19:38 2016

Typical, this morning there were four messages waiting for me in my message basket.  Sadly, three were the standard redundant ''waste of time'' messages from eBay.

The fourth message was a question from a shopper.  20% likelihood of converting into an actual sale, but at least something from a potential buyer..

I would love to see eBay send out only E-Mails rather E-Mail and also send duplicate message to internal eBay message basket.  Save the message basket for shoppers and buyers.

And another thing, I only want the eBay app to ''Ka-ching'' when there are actual offers or sales.  The useless shopper questions can wait until I am working on the office computer.  

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by: Henry This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 8 14:03:06 2016

Who cares? eBay is going to do what they think is best for them.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Apr 8 22:22:04 2016

As someone above stated, I get my news on this site long before I get it from eBay, if I get it at all.

And I don't need my news spun or sugarcoated by eBay.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Don Wagner

Tue Apr 12 19:23:25 2016

Got my first eBay Newsletter. Great content - I am guessing it is internal training stuff geared for their CSR's, as there was a lot of facts and data, with not that much gimmicky spin to it. I have often wondered why they never shared this kind of details.

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This user has validated their user name. by: baconsdozen

Wed Apr 13 07:00:03 2016

Thats the ebay way,find something that isn't broke and make it so.

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