Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Feb 22 2022 20:48:27

eBay Fulfillment: Coming to a Country Near You

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay has flirted with the idea of offering a fulfillment service for sellers for over a decade, but thanks to a partnership with a Chinese company called Orange Connex, its plans have taken root. After launching in Germany in 2020 and in the UK in 2021, "eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex" is coming to Australia, with plans for continued geographic expansion.

In a FAQ on the landing page for the Australian service, eBay answers the question, "Does eBay own Orange Connex?" with the following answer:

"Orange Connex is a global logistics company based out of China. eBay does not own Orange Connex, however it does have a partnership with plans to roll out eBay Fulfilment globally."

Here's the explanation of the new Australian fulfillment service: "eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex is a new solution for delivery of your items. The Orange Connex fulfilment centres, based in Sydney, take care of the storage, packing and delivery of your items at competitive prices."

We couldn't help think back on the numerous toe-dipping eBay has done over the years to explore a rival to Fulfillment by Amazon. One such program (eBay Managed Delivery) was officially announced in 2019, when eBay wrote:

"We anticipate sellers with high-volume inventory in popular categories like Electronics, Home & Garden, and Fashion will benefit the most from our new service.

"With Managed Delivery, our national fulfillment partners will store, pack, and ship your items. You'll be able to seamlessly manage and track your inventory through Seller Hub and third-party integrations.

"Managed Delivery will be available for fulfilling orders whether they're placed on eBay, or other online marketplaces."

eBay's announcement is still live, but the URL to the "eBay Managed Delivery" landing page ( goes to an error page.

eBay isn't the only platform working on an Amazon FBA alternative for sellers - here's what we wrote about Walmart fulfillment when it launched 2 years ago.

How receptive would sellers be to an eBay fulfillment service today? If you've used fulfillment services, what would you tell your colleagues? Let us what you think and why.

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Perminate Link for eBay Fulfillment: Coming to a Country Near You   eBay Fulfillment: Coming to a Country Near You

by: angryllama This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 07:47:51 2022

Not even REMOTELY interested in ANY MORE eBay "fingers" in the pie.  When EBAY touches anything..... that THING dies......

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by: OnlyPollyPocket This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 07:57:52 2022

Ditto!  I would not trust ebay with anything like putting my reputation on the line with reliance on their performance...nope, nay, uh-uh and any other NO you can think of.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Wed Feb 23 08:44:44 2022

No thanks.

"partnership with a Chinese company"   So, exactly how much of your data do you have to turn over to the Chinese company?

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by: catskill This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 10:01:29 2022

I have a company that has been importing from China for over 20 years. We had a 10,000 sf warehouse to store and ship from. So, let me tell you why this is a HORRIBLE idea.

FIRST: Your mfg in China needs to be a closely guarded secret. Finding a good mfg in China takes years. By using a fulfillment svc you are informing them who the good mfg are in China. Don't be surprised if they start mfg the same items with your specifications and kick you to the curb. They can setup a seller on their site. And, you will have no idea that ebay is the seller. It is a recipe of how to go out of business.

SECOND: International shipping has many risk. For example, if you have not filed the 10K with US Customs (CBP) before the ship departs, you will pay MASSIVE fines to CBP. And, you are responsible for the fine. Even if the Fulfillment Svc messed up. Furthermore, they will require that you sign a Power of Attorney over to them. Yikes! Containers fall off ships. Your fault too. As for competitive rates. Competitive to what? DHL, FedEx, and UPS have a 1,000% markup, and do a lousy job. You can use a freight forwarder, but they have a 400% markup. Or, you can ask your mfg to recommend a shipper, where you will pay cost. The shipper in China will setup the entire shipping to a US port. So, instead of paying $10,000 for a container, you can get one for $1,000. You can do FCL or LCL (as little as one pallet from multiple vendors). Once your container gets to a US port more things can go wrong. If your Fulfillment Svc isn't on the ball, CBP could seize your shipment, and you never get it back. I always made arrangements for our own shipping with the mfg. Years ago, I could also fill out my own Customs paperwork. But, CBP will not allow me to do it anymore. So, the best Customs service was K&G out of Illinois. They are excellent. Massive risk in allowing others to do the shipping for you. You need to control it as much as possible. I can't even imagine how horrible it would be to allow ebay to do this. They can't even make their web site work properly, and are always screwing and blaming someone other themselves.

THIRD: US companies cannot own their own business in China. You have to partner with a Chinese company. Essentially, Orange Connex is ebay. Ebay plans on finding out where the good products are mfg in China for their own self serving interest, and then charging seller massive markups on International Shipping. Then ship them out to your customers. What could possible go wrong with that idea? Everything!

FORTH: If you have a problem with ebay, you can bet your stock in their warehouse will be at risk. Look what happen to some of the sellers on Amazon.

The bottom line is that you cannot trust ebay, amazon, walmart, or any of the others with your business. May seem very convenient. Until something goes horrible wrong. And, it will!

Also remember that ebay has been dying for years. To compensate, they keep raising fees until they suck out as much money as possible from your gross profit margin. Now that they have most of the profit, and can't get more, they plan on taking over your business. It is the only way they can stay in business in the long run. Run as fast and far away as possible from this idea.

There may be 100 ways to leave your lover, but there are thousands of ways to get screwed by ebay. Think a million times before considering this terrible idea.  

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by: Opalie This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 10:59:20 2022

Connex has a rotten reoputation, just like Amazon's use of Blue Care Express, and both are often used by overseas sellers and buyers to run their fake tracking number scams.

Check google for many reports of sellers and buyers receiving tiny useless unordered trinkets in deliveries from Connex.

Aside from that, I wouldn't trust ebay to park my car much less anything else they have their fingers in. Every time they "partner" with another company it goes sideways. Anyone remember the "sell your phone the easy way" scheme from a few years ago?

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by: I Must be Crazy This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 11:14:38 2022

The fulfillment train left the station years ago. Ebay is way too late. I am surprised they are wasting what few brain cells they have even considering such the idea.

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by: WaLK-aWAY This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 14:12:12 2022

Brutally comedic. Yeah, sure. "I'll trust EbAy with my merchandise" Haa.
At this point, EbAy is a sitcom. A poorly crafted cartoon even.

I am simply amazed at the desperation from people using their site.
The frat house hazing continues on the public vs.corporate level. I see illustrations of Oliver Twist in my head. "Please sir, may I have another"? "It's to feed my family, Sir"

One can make more money on the Venice Boardwalk in a few hours with a monkey, an organ grinder and a tin cup. Would have more dignity as well!

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 21:29:45 2022

If this is Jimmy's best idea to help grow eBay - he better go back to the drawing board !

1) no one (and I mean NO ONE) cares about fulfillment on eBay.

2) unless you live under a rock - you know better then to trust eBay with anything

3) if you can remember all of eBays other fiascos (eBaynow) etc and the poor roll out of MP - then you know - its a BAD BAD BAD idea

4) eBay is run by people who either dont care, care but are paid not to care, pure psychopaths or d) all of the above - sure - put YOUR business in their hands

5) its not IF but WHEN eBay gets enough brain dead sellers to go along with the scheme - will they use it as a way to exclude sellers that dont (like they do on promotions NOW ????? Xmas promo only open to fbe sellers? (like they also do with refurbs on eBay now?)

Theres a whole host of questions - all with bad answers - stay away from this like the plague!

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 23 22:16:37 2022

eBay hasn’t fulfilled any of its domestic service promises yet.  Anybody signing up for this deserves whatever ‘disappointment’ sure to follow if this becomes a thing.

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by: Mazdaman This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 24 00:10:01 2022

Ironically, I was just today reading a few eBay Forum posts that had to do with the Chinese scams currently being run by the seller on eBay, using - wait for it - ORANGE CONNEX!  It seems that the game involves sending the item(s) purchased to your ZIP CODE - but not to YOU, the buyer.  The order is then reported as "Delivered", with the Chinese seller winning the case.

So is eBay just giving American sellers the same opportunity - to steal from buyers?  Or is eBay's management really that clueless and ignorant.

Inquiring minds want to know, but have a pretty good idea already!

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by: ib30667 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 24 09:53:47 2022

Oh great, another fulfillment center (logistic warehouse) for my area. Just another place for China to drop their POS items.  

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by: Surplus This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 24 15:26:51 2022

Never no way not gonna happen. MY INVENTORY will stay safely stored in MY warehouse.  

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