Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Sept 10 2015 08:23:39

eBay Holds Sellers to New Standards in Fall Seller Update

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay will announce its Fall Seller Update today, which includes major changes to how it judges sellers' performance. And for the first time in its history, eBay executives will be available to explain the changes in person, as it kicks off a brand new "Seller Summit" in San Jose this afternoon.

One if the biggest changes: eBay will no longer use Detailed Seller Ratings in its defect rate, though they will continue to be displayed to sellers. 

In fact, eBay sellers will be judged only on delivery time and two measurements that it says judges the effectiveness of the seller's customer service to resolve any requests for help.

eBay is changing how it calculates shipping time, which appears to be positive news.

Today's issue provides an overview of the changes along with more detail about the new Seller Performance Standards.

Be sure to read about the changes to eBay's returns policy as well. 

Let us know what you think - and what feedback would you give eBay executives gathered at the Seller Summit?

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by: Scotty This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 08:43:21 2015

Is the tracking/scanning within the handling time measured by:
1) Actual scan w/in handling time? I.e. 1 business day handling I now need to wait in line to have the USPS physically scan the package to ensure it is scanned within the 1 business day this the same as long as the scan appears at some time during the journey to the customer?
All my packages are processed within the required handling time....many,,,many scans are not made until sometime later in the journey, many times half-way across the country before the first scan appears.
This will be a disaster if we are now required to physically demand the USPS scan our item before we leave.  Presently, I can put my items in USPS bins and leave them at the drop-off counter at which point they take them sometime during the day and begin processing.  No line....easy in and out.  This needs to be clarified.

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by: Done This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 08:57:01 2015

I've never had luck getting scans at mailing and when I requested one on an expensive item, the postal worker got annoyed and said they don't do scans until the item is delivered.  This is, once again, a ridiculous rule.  People will NOT remember the date they received an item either with accuracy; I know I couldn't.

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by: Bethofvt This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 08:58:35 2015

Glory, glory. I can finally go back to being concerned about what is best for my customer in resolving a transaction, instead of worrying about how it is going to affect my defect rating.

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by: tbyr This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:05:14 2015

I stand int line at the post office: have my packages scanned in at the counter and sometimes the scan does not show up until the package is half way across the USA. So even standing on line at the post office having it scanned in at the counter means nothing to USPS post office it only means something when it gets to a hub and they do there job (if you are lucky) and get it into the post office tracking.. But I can produce every single package with a a recipt from the post office showing the package has have been turned it providing the clerk is agreeable to stand and scan every single package some of them do not like to do that job and give you a hard time.  

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by: Randy This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:17:28 2015

Sounds good, should go off without a hitch! Lmao

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by: songe-d-automne This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:22:43 2015

I am hoping against hope that all that is true!

Like Bethinvt, I too would prefer to focus on keeping buyers happy rather than keeping my defect rate clean.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Thu Sep 10 09:27:27 2015

As I have done for the past 15 years, adapt to eBay's changes and move forward.

As long as the buyers are on eBay I'll also be there. . .

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by: eBayRulez This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:29:40 2015

Yesss!! This is an awesome change! Gonna be hard for the haters to pick this update apart.

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by: blaumann This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:30:19 2015

Complain to the supervisor or Postmaster if clerks refuse top scan packages. That is their job. I could always find a non crowded post office in any area.

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by: rhawk This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:38:04 2015

@Scotty.   The acceptance scan is part of 4 possible verifications along the way. It is not mandatory.  The new system is not much different than now.

RELAX.  These are VERY GOOD changes.

WOW. I can't believe I just said that.

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by: ebayclosed2016 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:48:14 2015

The only problem we see for us is that we have tested too much of the other water at the River... And we like it. So it's a bit of too much too late for us. But is an over positive change.

2 things...
This will push the BS off to paypal.

And.. this is only temporary and too loose. This will be cranked down in the fall 2016 "update". It's only a stop gap to pump up profits for the short term to plump up ebay for a sale.  

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by: vince-q This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:48:28 2015

This is quite possibly the biggest move toward fair seller evaluation from eBay since 2004.

Waiting in line at the post office to have your item(s) scanned is a small price to pay. Of course, this is coming from ''retired person me'' who actually treats ''going to the post office'' as a welcome excuse to get ''out and about'' every day. :-)

Now all eBay has to do is figure out a way to get BUYING activity back to where it was in 2004 and... yes.... then I'll do the REAL ''happy dance.''

This new stuff is a good start.

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by: vince-q This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 09:55:19 2015

Just a side note.

After the remarks I've seen about ''the River'' here and just about everywhere else, I have something to say.

My experiences at the ''river'' have been exclusively as a buyer (with 'riverPrime' membership).

Deliveries have been great, fast, bla bla bla. Not the problem.

The problem? I have had to return roughly 7 out of 10 items for ''broken'' or ''defective'' or ''not what I ordered''.

70% fulfillment failure rate.

And my experience is not unique.

Two friends who also are buyers there (and not sellers) have had IDENTICAL experiences with IDENTICAL failure rates.

And yet people continue to think things are ''better'' there???

What *am* I missing here??

PS: everything that I purchased there and had to return were ''FBA'' items.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iBuyers

Thu Sep 10 10:06:29 2015

Holy Crap!

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This user has validated their user name. by: Al G

Thu Sep 10 10:19:57 2015

I hate to use the word trust, but if eBay is to be trusted in how it values its sellers, than this is a good first step.

I can see where leaving the DSRs in the dust is a good idea. It will then only be used by potential buyers wanting to scope out their seller. Just what the FB system was intended to do on day one.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

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by: RichieC This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 10:25:24 2015

 I lost all hope in FleaBay, long ago. I worry how this is going to benefit FleaBay Customers, The Seller! As everything they have always done was to increase their bottom line at the expense of their Customers, The Seller! So I really hold out no hope for any honest actions from these...

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by: toyman This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 10:28:08 2015

Wow! Just wow!

One can only hope that this is the first of many positive changes by the new eBay management. This one actually seems thought out.

Of course, this is eBay, so I will continue to hold my breath.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 10:39:11 2015

I'm not a hater, I just dont like my "trading partner, just a venue, managed marketplace" conspiring to steal from me .....

This update does nothing for me personally, so I cant complain. ANY improvement from the morons in San Jose (the ones who have ZERO ecommerce experience) is a good thing.

With eBay marketplace sales dropping month after month - they had to do SOMETHING ....!

Its basically an acknowledgement that their buyers are not the final word on tracking and deliveries - which anyone with a 3rd grade education or higher could have told them.

The ignored however, the OTHER sacred cow in the room - the OBSCENE Returns policy that lets buyers steal from sellers ..... guess the profits from the returns labels and the %2 vig from Paypal on the label were just too much to pass up. After all, where will they another $23 million for Wenig from?

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by: ma_seller This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 10:45:06 2015

I am delighted to read about these changes. Selling on eBay without having to be afraid of buyers being irrational and unfair will be a huge relief!

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by: comments This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 10 10:56:55 2015

Why doesn't ebay just close its doors? USPS absolutely refuses to scan packages at the counter and they don't empty the bins every day or scan every item. How in the F is that something I can control? A defect EVERY time a package gets delivered after the 5 day delivery window that didn't get scanned within one day? I'll hit 5% in like 3mo if I don't already have 5% on day 1 when the change goes into effect.

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