Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed Sept 15 2021 20:38:14

eBay Sellers Have More Questions about Fall Changes Ahead

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay announced a series of changes last week, and today it fielded questions from sellers who will be impacted, with topics ranging from new Store features to eBay's new cost-per-click (CPC) "Promoted Listing Advanced" ads program.

Can eBay explain what's changing in the new User Agreement it announced last week to save sellers time?

When are the changes to eBay Stores going to roll out?

When will the new "advanced" Promoted Listing ads become available? 

When Promoted Listing Advanced ads roll out, how will eBay handle trademarked keywords?

How about announcing the dates of future updates in advance?

Those were some of the burning questions on sellers' minds during eBay's weekly chat devoted to the topic of the Fall Seller Update. Here's a quick summary of some of the answers eBay provided:

On the timing of new Store features rollout: "As of right now the plan for the stores feature expansion is to release this broadly for so there shouldn't be too much of a delay."

On the timing of eBay's Promoted Listing Advanced CPC-ad rollout: "We don't have a more definite date outside of what we shared in Seller Update (starting in late September)."

On whether sellers will be able to bid on more than one keyword through Promoted Listing Advanced ads: "It can be a combination of words to make the 'keyword', not exceeding ten words or 80 characters in the 'keyword'. There is not a way to exclude specific keywords though."

On whether eBay would consider keyword exclusion in the future: "I haven't heard of anyone discussing the option to exclude keywords but I'll get this feedback passed on."

On how eBay will handle trademarked keywords in the new Promoted Listing Advanced ads: "Great question. Although I don't have any details on this yet but I will make sure that the community team gets an answer for you when we hear back."

On whether eBay would announce the dates of future Seller Updates in advance: "This is on my wish list as well. Thank you for providing your feedback, it helps us to know that this will be helpful to sellers by providing notification on Seller Update dates in advance."

On a lack of specifics about changes to certain Categories and Item Specifics: "We thought that we had this covered in the Category Changes where we mention: 'When the category structure changes, your listings may be automatically moved to another category, based on the item specifications that you provided.' Thank you for providing this feedback to us. I can take this back to the team and use it as a learning for next time."

You can find the full Weekly Chat session on this eBay seller discussion board thread.

More information about the Fall Seller Update is available on this landing page.

eBay had also set up a discussion board devoted to the Fall Seller Update and made experts available to answer questions, although they were only available to answer questions between 9 - 4 on the day of the announcement (September 8) and eBay locked the board from further comments 2 days later (September 10).

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Wed Sep 15 22:43:58 2021

"the new "advanced" Promoted Listing ads'

next year the new "advanced" extra Promoted Listing ads...we  just take all your dough.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 16 02:18:58 2021

@Geetar, you don't have to use them.  I never do and I do just fine.  But I suppose there are some categories they work better in than others.  

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by: wrslss1222 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 16 05:48:42 2021

Once again eBay is making changes that send sellers into a frenzy.  eBay can't give specific dates on changes as there Support Team (Programmers) do not seem capable of making changes without messing something up.  eBay needs to make changes that help sellers, such as, weekly remind people of each item they have in their Watch List and give them the option to delete, buy, or keep the item.  There are too many people that forget about the items they have in their Watch List.

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 16 06:25:59 2021

Most of my sales, especially clothing are coming from other platforms.  Ebay is an after thought, when I have OLD DEAD STOCK and can't sell it.  I will auction it.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Thu Sep 16 14:23:28 2021

"advanced" Promoted Listing ads

As if search results aren't manipulated enough already with eBay's rigged algorithms.   Buyers are constantly complaining that they can't find what they are looking for.   When you are looking for bananas you don't want to be shown beets.   It's always greed over common sense at eBay.

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by: airbrake This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 16 15:02:35 2021

Buyers are going to really love the policy change we were sent today that all info gathered when buying will be held. This means Ebay is holding on to all of the info from Buyers, CC info, etc. etc. They also state they will use this info to get funds back from the Buyer.

"Yes, Sir, I see we mistakenly double-debited your card by mistake on this purchase. We will refund the money we owe you - It may take a while for it to be returned through all the processing services but be rest assured, it will get there. Thank you for using Ebay".

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by: lancecorp This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 16 15:45:02 2021

It's about time Ebay hold buyers info. Now they need to institute immediate payment when a seller accepts an offer. People are fed up with all these new changes when Ebay hasn't fixed glitches that have been around for years.

I sold an item on another platform and went to end it on Ebay. I searched my actives with the keywords - 0 results. I then went to the specific store category I put it in - I knew I had at least 20 items in that category and Ebay says I only have 2. So I searched all my active listings to see if they dropped some listings - which they did and to edit the others as I thought maybe with their latest changes  they put them in a different store category. Nope the store category was right but they still won't show when I search my active listings. My store subscription expires next May but I'm thinking of leaving after Q4

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 16 21:12:48 2021


Ebay can hold all the information on buyers that they want to but if they put through any charge that was not authorized by the buyer be ready for another slew of chargebacks being pushed at Ebay.  Just having a blanket clause in the UA won't help Ebay on this one because the buyers bank will only be looking out for their customers interests and could care less what Ebay tries to push through.  I know if I got any kind of charge placed to my CC that I did not specifically authorize for something i purchased I would be immediately contacting my bank for a chargeback for a fraudulent charge to my CC.  They must be counting on the buyers not checking their credit card statements very closely so they can manage to steal from them also.

Sounds like Ebay is at the point of trying anything and everything to  show some type of growth as each idea they come up with flops in comparison to the numbers that were projected to begin with on that revenue stream.  I am sure it is to late at this point in time as their reputation is shot in the online community but maybe if they tried to be what they once really were, a venue, and got out of trying to run everybodys business other than their own, Sellers might actually start selling more as well as better items as they did when Ebay was first created and continued to do until Donohoe brought the Bain culture to the organization and decided that all sellers were to Ebay was noise as we brought nothing to the  platform except noise and that only Buyers counted.  Funny how the buyers are now also leaving as more and more Sellers take their merchandise to other platforms rather than continue to allow Ebay to steal from them.

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Sat Sep 18 08:51:25 2021

I used to have a problem. I would order a popular product, list it, and it would sit for a month or 2. Then I would get one sale one day, 2 the next, then all of a sudden It would just sell out. This makes it very difficult to order and always have stock on hand. So now I have to wait 2 months till I get that back in stock. Now it starts all over again. 2 months sitting....

It used to be that I would sell out on ebay before any getting sales on other platforms. Now, a few years later I sell at least 1/2 on other platforms before I get momentum on ebay. It helps with getting a better feel for how much to order and have on hand. I cant just go crazy and order a ton, because we all know ebay sidelines certain listings and they become stagnant (out of search). Not because they are not good sellers but because you then get the "listings recommendations"...trying yo get you to lower your price (ebay scam).

I try not to buy items that will not sell. I think I do pretty well. Of course there are a few that end up being bad sellers, but the vast majority are good sellers at a fair price. I guess this is also where promoted listings come in. I rarely use it, and dont really feel I have to use it. I know I have a selling limit, have plenty of listings that if were shown my sales would be far above my "limit". So why bother with promoted, if at the end that magic limit number will be reached anyway.

Bottom line. You just have to get a feel for the system and the way it works, do your best, and find workarounds, and SELL ON OTHER PLATFORMS. You are only going to sell so much on ebay. They make sure of it. Even if you have mostly good sellers. They cut you out of search after a while to keep you at your limit. So Promoted listings????

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by: ValueAddedResource This user has validated their user name.

Sun Sep 19 20:22:13 2021

For anyone who is interested in seeing how Promoted Listings Advanced works - I've got a discussion going in the community with screenshots.

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