Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Aug 30 2022 21:18:35

A Warning as USPS Restructures Network without Review

By: Ina Steiner

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USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy wants to completely transform the postal delivery network. But despite one observer calling it "the most massive change in postal operations in decades," DeJoy is doing it without consulting the Postal Regulatory Commission.

That's according to Save the Post Office's Steve Hutkins, who was named 2 years ago as "one of the most consistent independent USPS observers looking out for the best interests of ordinary U.S. residents," according to

The USPS revealed the plan in its Eagle Magazine last month, writing, "As part of a massive redesign of the postal processing, transportation, and delivery infrastructure, systematic replacement of many existing facilities will dramatically improve working environments, while improving service performance and operational efficiency."

But in his article this week on, Hutkins details his analysis of the plan and why he gives it a big thumbs down - with ramifications for online sellers who rely on the USPS to get their orders to customers.

Interestingly, the USPS has talked about difficulty recruiting employees. The new plan, according to Hutkins, will result in longer commutes for letter carriers - he estimates by an average of 120 hours a year ("the equivalent of three weeks’ work, unpaid") and an average of 5,000 more miles, which he estimates will cost an extra $3,150 in gas (non-reimbursable). That could exacerbate the staffing problem.

Hutkins also noted that despite receiving tens of billions of dollars from Congress, the Postmaster General continues with his Delivering for America plan that, according to Hutkins, "has already slowed down First Class mail and raised prices across the board, and it will eventually include reducing retail hours, closing post offices, and disposing of historic properties. The PMG is also talking about eliminating 50,000 jobs."

Despite Congress' funding that shows bipartisan support for the Postal Service, it doesn't appear to have concerns about the fact the Postmaster General is disregarding the important oversight role of the Postal Regulatory Commission. It would be helpful to hear from the PRC if it agrees with DeJoy's assessment of the delivery-network plans, or if it shares the concerns raised by Hutkins. 

As far as we know, PRC Chairperson Michael Kubayanda has been silent on the issue of the PMG moving forward on plans the PRC has not reviewed.

It raises the question, what other changes might the Postmaster General be making under the radar?

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Tue Aug 30 22:54:19 2022

Sabotage in the Postal al......
The Communists are on the move.
1) the money supply is in jeopardy
2) the destruction of commerce
3) successful infiltration of Our government
4) successful infiltration of Our military
5) successful infiltration of Our schools
6) Destruction of Our food supply
7) Destruction of Our mail system
8) Reduction in home supply
9) Erasure of Our border
And many, many more...

Foil them before it's too late.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Tue Aug 30 23:02:04 2022

I know all about staffing problems. The post office that handles the delivery of my mail is about a seven minute drive away from my house. I usually go there around noon, and for weeks now, when I go there to have my packages scanned, there is only one counter person, usually handling a line of people with passport applications. When she's doing passports, there's no one available to handle stamp sales or mailing of packages. The next nearest post office is a 15 minute drive away, and at least twice a week I'm forced to drive to it because the clerk doesn't have time to scan my scan sheet and apparently no one else there can handle the counter (she actually tells me to go to the other one). If DeJoy is planning on closing post offices, I can certainly see "my" post office being one that's on the chopping block.

I don't know what else DeJoy is planning, but I think he should end Saturday mail delivery (except for Express Mail).  

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 01:43:24 2022

Doesn't Amazon deliver to just about every street address?

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 05:43:24 2022

Does this mean that USPS will be closing some of these one horse offices in my area. At last count within 20 miles of my house there are about 20 different offices,

@ I heartjack, why aren't you using the free pick up service most people use. Customers don't know the difference and mail doesn't get there any sooner?

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by: UB This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 06:01:55 2022

Amazon does not delivery to almost every address. You clearly should do some research on that. Unfortunately, the mail volume of letters/flats are way down and continue the downward slide. Something has to be done. The Board of Governors approved the 10 year plan. Not sure what this Save the Post office guy is talking about. Staffing issues can be helped by making all current employees and new hires career employees.  

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by: terry55 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 10:00:40 2022

almost sent you this report the other day but couldn't find it again.
This guys FB page is useless, he post these articles but really isn't a movement, doesn't answer any question post on the page.
Sad part is congress is for the support of USPS but their not reading these reports or what "destroy dejoy", my local politicians don't have a clue or care to look into it. The PRC isn't doing their job over watching all the changes. For some its like oh well, but for me its life threatening, without selling online I'll be homeless  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ina

Wed Aug 31 11:07:59 2022

1) "Doesn't Amazon deliver to just about every street address?"

Amazon relies on shipping carriers including USPS.

2) "The Board of Governors approved the 10 year plan."

This is specifically about the delivery network, and the PRC is different from the Board of Governors. states: "The Postal Regulatory Commission is an independent Federal agency that provides transparency and accountability of the U. S. Postal Service's operations."

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Wed Aug 31 12:55:49 2022

@GetAGrip - Since I'm really paranoid when it comes to my customers' packages, I want to know that my packages are scanned and they are safe. I would constantly be worrying that my packages weren't scanned or that they were lost somewhere on the way to the post office if I used the pick up service.

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 14:06:45 2022

@ iheartjack.

Then do as we do. Stand their and watch the carrier scan your sheet.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Wed Aug 31 16:39:45 2022

@GetAGrip - I don't know what you sell, but I sometimes have ten to 20 large boxes to mail. So if my letter carrier picks them up, he'd place them in his truck, correct? It would seem incredibly easy for someone to reach in and grab them. That's one reason I prefer to travel to the post office, where they are scanned and then placed in bins to go to the sorting center.

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 18:41:58 2022

@ iheart.

We mail about 100 packages a day all sizes. All priority mail. That doesn't include first class mail or first class packages. I have three employees that pitch in and help. Everything is on a few scan sheets which the carrier scans in front of us. I have never had a priority mail package or a first class package lost in 23 years of being on ebay. First class mail is a different story. Postal jerks can't read addresses.

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by: Amberlin This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 31 23:40:25 2022

We have strong feelings about our packages arriving on time, of course.

That and DeJoy's slimy fingers on all those upcoming mail-in ballots too.

Our beloved Post Office is being severely damaged...

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 01:10:50 2022


"Doesn't Amazon deliver to just about every street address?"  No they have a long ways to go.

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by: JohnGermaine This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 07:34:57 2022

Why this left over from the previous Regime is still on the job is a mystery to most Americans. Besides being a conflict of interest, he was hired to destroy our postal system and he is continuing to do so.  He needed to be gone January 22, 2021!

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by: That Guy This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 08:04:53 2022

@ The End:

''Sabotage in the Postal al......
The Communists are on the move...''

Are you saying DeJoy is a Communist?

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Sep 1 08:21:21 2022


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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Sep 1 08:22:30 2022

We can not afford to be in a state of "DUH'.
We'll lose America.

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 11:16:33 2022

@TheEnd @That Guy - I don't care so much about USPS, my UTMOST concern is there is a quite clear effort afoot to destroy the middle class - destroy the economy, destroy middle class ability to survive - so there will be only poor people who depend on government for everything. This insidious plan has been around since the 1950s-1960s and like a suddenly metastasizing cancer, it's taken a big step forward the last couple of years. THIS is the crisis, at least IMHO, and if it isn't corrected the post office is going to be among the least of our worries.

As for the post office, if I could ship 100 packages a day (golly, do I wish!!!) I might feel differently, but I don't have a problem with so many small post offices. We don't think about how our local communities are disappearing and we're becoming one large mass - losing personal connections that have always made this country what it is. IMHO the small post offices help keep locals together as a community.

I live on a rural route where carriers were so bad I switched to a post office box in an entirely different zip code (which actually is more convenient).  I'm not sure I would trust a carrier picking up my packages to get it correctly into the system. Rural carriers are the lowest of the low end jobs, always ''substitute'' and usually the people just don't last.   I TREASURE the post office folks where I have my box. Also, IMHO it's one of the better SECURITY moves I have ever made; yes it's public information and can be looked up, but my name and personal information are no longer connected in the postal system to where I actually live.  

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 11:20:23 2022

Sorry, I meant to say

"... so there will be only poor people who depend on government for everything and rich people who essentially own serfs providing the resources for them to be rich. In short, if you don't HAVE a servant, then you ARE one."

I do not think this USPS thing is a quick fix, we have to do the best we can and if we can get some comments to where it will matter, indeed do it !  But I absolutely agree with you about DeJoy !!!  

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Sep 1 14:16:32 2022

@the end

DeJoy is a friend of Trump's and got his position due to Trump.  My best guess is DeJoy is a Republican.

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