Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Feb 14 2019 12:45:25

A Top eBay Exec Departs as Company Reorganizes

By: Ina Steiner

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The head of eBay Marketplaces in the US, Scott Cutler, is leaving as eBay undergoes a major restructuring of its organization. Cutler most recently headed Marketplaces for the Americas and previously headed StubHub. eBay plans on replacing him. 

The reorganization seems to be a defensive move in light of the pressure being applied by activist investor Elliott Management, which has criticized eBay's leadership and performance.

According to eBay's announcement today:

"eBay is bringing the company's geographic regions together under one global leadership team that will be led by Jay Lee, Senior Vice President, General Manager, Markets. The markets included in the new structure will be the Americas, APAC, UK, Central and Southern Europe, as well as Cross-Border Trade."

Lee will be based at eBay headquarters in San Jose, California.

In its announcement, eBay didn't say if other executives would see the chopping block and what the news meant for country managers, such as Rob Hattrell Vice President of eBay UK. However, EcommerceBytes learned that Hattrell still heads UK.

Jooman Park, Senior Vice President of APAC, no longer appears on eBay's leadership chart, but Park will remain in that position. 

It is clear from the announcement that eBay is keeping its Chief Technology Officer Steve Fisher.

TechCrunch reported today that it understood eBay would be laying off "a percentage of its global workforce" - possibly 400 workers.

However, an eBay spokesperson said, "As a result of this Marketplace evolution, along with other actions to deliver on our goals, teams across the company are adapting to ensure maximum focus on eBay's global priorities. We are both adding and removing positions as appropriate."

We asked if there would be any changes impacting eBay sellers, such as a reduction in customer service support or other areas - the changes announced today should not have any negative impact to customers.

In its announcement, eBay wrote, "To ensure each market remains responsive to the needs of their customers, local teams will focus on inventory and merchandising, advertising, marketing, seller and brand acquisition, buyer acquisition and retention, shipping and fulfillment, and payments activation."

eBay cited the following key benefits of the changes:

- Strategic alignment of global priorities (buyer growth, conversion, payments, advertising) across the company's largest markets;

- Faster decision making and execution;

- Streamlined resource allocation with a greater impact on global priorities; 

- Improved and simplified collaboration with the Core Product and Technology (CPT) organization, led by CTO Steve Fisher.

You can read eBay's rather cryptic announcement on this page.

Update 2/15/19: Silicon Valley Business Journal reports eBay will be laying off 135 workers in California alone, citing state filings. In one location, eBay is laying off 15 director-level employees, more than 40 managers, and several software engineers, architects, data scientists and legal counsels, according to the publication.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 13:20:15 2019

If you don't get rid of the top weiner then you just accomplish nothing as said weiner still rules the crapper.

Weing needs to go before anyone. Clean out the chicken coup and the fox won't return.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Thu Feb 14 13:56:49 2019

I wonder what family issues Scott had.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Thu Feb 14 13:59:01 2019

''To ensure each market remains responsive to the needs of their customers, local teams will focus on inventory and merchandising, advertising, marketing, seller and brand acquisition, buyer acquisition and retention, shipping and fulfillment, and payments activation.''

Here is the list of what they are ''focusing'' on:
brand acquisition
buyer acquisition
buyer retention
payments activation

That's 11 things.  Does the word ''focus'' even apply?  When we ''focus'', it is on ONE thing.  That is a shotgun approach.  Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.  No wonder they can't accomplish small tasks.  They trip over themselves trying to identify what small tasks are.

I don't even know how they can put ANY energy into inventory - they have none!  How do fulfillment and brand acquisition apply???  And we know how well they are doing with seller acquisition.  Notice it didn't say seller RETENTION.

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by: hopeforthebest This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 14:02:25 2019

Probably the usual, entirely predictable issues, caused by the Husband/Father being a flaming sack of donkey doo helping jackbooted thugs run a morally and ethically bankrupt evil empire.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 14:38:22 2019

The head of eBay Marketplaces in the US, Scott Cutler, is leaving as eBay undergoes a major restructuring of its organization

HA HA - another one bites the dust!!!

"global leadership team that will be led by Jay Lee, Senior Vice President, General Manager, Markets" .......

Ok so does this FINE GENTLEMAN have any ecommerce experience??? Well Im glad you asked ..... "Previously, Jay was CEO of Korea Thrunet Co. Ltd, a NASDAQ-listed broadband Internet service company" so .... NO he doesnt.

Genius move there DW!

Prior to that Jay worked at Boston Consulting Group, a management consulting firm and leading global advisor on business strategy.

So basically he did nothing but he did go to the right schools - so thats where the genius comes in I guess. How many house/frat parties to you have to go to at Harvard to work at eBay?

"TechCrunch reported today that it understood eBay would be laying off "a percentage of its global workforce" - possibly 400 workers"

Try 1000, 400 = too much bloat.

Cut ALL the overseas CS agents, bring them in house, hire nice normal American workers and you will get farther along.

"To ensure each market remains responsive to the needs of their customers, local teams will focus on inventory and merchandising, advertising, marketing, seller and brand acquisition, buyer acquisition and retention, shipping and fulfillment, and payments activation."

English translation (from eBay Corp legal speak) is "we are just BSing Wall street with all of this - just believe us when we tell you its gonna be all different and new from here on out!

Its all BS ..... and I can smell it from here - all the way across the USA.

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by: bpm This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 14:58:13 2019

"focus on inventory and merchandising, advertising, marketing, seller and brand acquisition, buyer acquisition and retention, shipping and fulfillment, and payments activation.""
- so still no mention of selling stuff, then? Y'know, the core business of Ebay, the raison d'etre, etc etc.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Thu Feb 14 15:03:00 2019

"Faster decision making and execution[.]"

I read that as: 'As soon as a buyer files a claim against a seller, we will immediately refund the buyer, no questions asked."

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ric

Thu Feb 14 15:05:48 2019

eBay's failed Executive team will never comprehend that no matter how many times they shuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic, they ARE STILL ON THE TITANIC and it is sinking fast!!

I have yet to see or hear one idea or concept from Wall Street that is intended to significantly improve the marketplace, and without drastic improvements in the marketplace, eBay will continue to flounder.

As long as eBay's CEO and C-Level executives are distracted by the wants and needs of their Wall Street masters who are as clueless as they are, the unimproved eBay marketplace is destined for continued failures.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 15:44:39 2019

"focus on inventory and merchandising, advertising, marketing, seller and brand acquisition, buyer acquisition and retention, shipping and fulfillment, and payments activation.

Inventory ? they dont own any ... at least none they will admit on their SEC 10k form
merchandising? what? they dont have a physical location ... what are they merchandising?
advertising? they dont really do any advertising, nor do they attend trade shows (MAYBE 1 or 2 a whole year)(and you would think ASD would be a natural!)
seller and brand acquisition? they HATE Sellers and do everything they can to hurt them, so whats the plan there DW?
brand acquisition? are they planing on buying another company?
shipping and fulfillment ? they dont ship anything, their shipping calculator doesnt work right, and the prices they claim they worked so hard to get on USPS are too high - especially when you understand that they take FVF off shipping to its an oxymoron tofight for LOWER shipping
Fulfillment? for the Chinese?

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 17:13:37 2019

with the delusional ceo still having his job, wonder what dirt he has on the b.o.d.

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by: mcposty This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 17:14:45 2019

I concur, until you get a competent ceo who has vision and knowledge, it doesnt matter how many execs you replace, nothing will ever get fixed. The investors should be extremely upset and demanding a new ceo and board of directors.

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by: Scotty This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 21:27:19 2019

All I know is today is a new record for me....4 days straight of ZERO sales....

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by: Frank Abagnale This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 14 22:06:54 2019

So much for the "record" 4th quarter results.

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by: BobNJ This user has validated their user name.

Fri Feb 15 02:45:01 2019

Does "faster decision making" mean they'll make more changes with less thought, just do it and get it done even if it makes no sense????

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Feb 15 05:59:55 2019

It is nothing more than a great big advertising billboard (which is why they need both buyer and seller acquisition run by a CEO with no oars in the water.

Rinse and repeat eBay.  Recycled press release, simply a different head on the chopping block.  And as we have seen over the years, there is nothing worse than putting an ex-Big Four consultant with no ecommerce experience in a leadership role.   Just another pretty resume in an empty suit.

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by: notfunanymore This user has validated their user name.

Fri Feb 15 07:58:21 2019

Zzzz.... card deck shuffling is what’s going on here. Do they believe this is what’s going turn around the sinking ship?? Ok people, we have found a large cache of solo cups.. please take 2 each, (you have 2 hands) and start bailing water. If we all work together on this, we can save the ship, (at least till it gets to port) then we can scrap the metal and contents so all the people running the ship get a piece of the scrap. Oh, you guys bailing the water, well, you should have worked faster and harder, maybe the ship wouldn’t have to be scrapped if you just worked harder at bailing the water from our ship. Shame on you!  BUT! There are no buts... get in line! Or get thrown overboard! But I helpe...d... you have one more chance to get in line or get thrown overboard! You either do as we say, or you go!  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ina

Fri Feb 15 08:56:52 2019

I added an update to this story above regarding some confirmed layoffs per Silicon Valley Business Journal, citing state filings.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Fri Feb 15 09:04:59 2019

Well I have a thought. What if Wenig's replacement has already been found? Wenig was working for the company when he was promoted. What if Jason Lee is the new kid on the block. They have him in charge of all Markets quite an extensive roll. He has also been tasked to find someone to run this position and report to him.

Sounds like hop skip and jump into the top dog spot?

Another smooth move. Layoffs were to commence on yesterday. Happy Valentine's guys. We care.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Feb 15 10:02:03 2019

Scott Cutler is the sacrificial lamb.  Remember a few weeks ago when Ina wrote about the stock holder rabble rouser?

Don't get rid of the tip of the iceberg.  Get rid of the whole iceberg, otherwise the titanic will continue to sink.  Alas, the damage has been done. Don't believe me? Look at the pitiful sell-thru rates on completed listings.

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Fri Feb 15 10:22:37 2019

"Strategic alignment of global priorities...." "Streamlined resource allocation...." "Improved and simplified collaboration with the core product...".

Kupbeans is in the house. More corporate buzz word babble. What the flup does any of that even mean???

How about cleaning up their toxic environment to increase sales, support their sellers and fix their search engine. Address the mass counterfeits, scams and thieves. Fix the infrastructure and hire capable IT people. Stop copying every Johnny-come-lately and develop their own identity. For once in 21 years, have an original thought.  

"This is not expected to hurt customer support." What support??? 900 underpaid Filipinos squeezed into 5x5 cubicles with scripts they can barely read. It's not possible for it to get any worse.

This company and the morons who run it are so out of touch with reality, unless there is a hostile takeover nothing is ever going to improve.  

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