Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sun Mar 17 2019 20:18:29

One Fear about eBay GTC Mandate Is Laid to Rest

By: Ina Steiner

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As sellers brace for the rollout of the eBay GTC Mandate, which could come as early as Monday, an eBay moderator laid to rest fears that eBay would automatically change active listings to "Good Til Cancelled" (GTC). 

On February 26th, eBay announced as part of the Early Seller Update that it would be removing duration options on all fixed price listings. Once the policy is in place, all newly listed fixed-price listing will be Good Til Cancelled, meaning all fixed-price listings will automatically renew every 30 days (and will incur listing fees with each renewal).

During Wednesday's weekly chat session, a seller asked for the date of the rollout and whether their current active listings would automatically change over, or if they would end as scheduled.

"Your listings will not automatically change over to GTC (unless you have automation rules in place). They will end and when you go to relist the only option for duration would be GTC."

The moderator also said, "no word on an official implementation date." The following day, eBay manager Brian Burke wrote on the eBay boards, "The new GTC requirement will go into effect Monday, March 18th." However, eBay has made no official announcement of the date, only stating it would go into effect in "mid-March."

Yet another uncertainty about the GTC mandate: whether eBay will change the duration of GTC listings from the current 30 days to 31 days. eBay executive Harry Temkin left the door open to such a modification in a March 1st post on the boards when he wrote, "We're also aware of concerns about the 30 day auto-renewal period not syncing with monthly billing cycles. We're looking into this. Thank you for your patience." He has yet to announce the result of his review.

With lots of uncertainty about eBay's new fixed-price listing policy, at least eBay is promising that it won't convert active listings to GTC. 

Nevertheless, this might be a good time to print reports and back up your data so you have a record of your listings pre-rollout. We've been around long enough to know that documenting your listings before a major technology change is always a good idea.

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Perminate Link for One Fear about eBay GTC Mandate Is Laid to Rest   One Fear about eBay GTC Mandate Is Laid to Rest

by: industrystones This user has validated their user name.

Sun Mar 17 23:28:38 2019

Typical Losers.
Roll out the changes Quick, Quick Quick - Be the first in line. go go go
We are the pioneers! The innovators! The online force to be reckoned with!

...meanwhile, their system is rife with bugs, codes all f*c%ed up and no one has answers to anything. But hey!  We got our idea out from drawing board to completion. We'll deal with all that small nonsense later on at the expense of our sellers time and energy.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 00:37:37 2019

Ebay has been making promises they do not keep at least since Donohoe took over, although i think it has gotten so much worse under Wenig because he talks out of both sides of his mouth depending on who he is talking to and needs to accomplish.  So lying about anything is deemed business as usual in the ranks since the CEO also does it.

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by: nothingnew This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 01:23:57 2019

I will be doing the EXTRA work to insure to manually end listings on day 29. Unless I want an item to repost. Nothing to see here but a money grab by a pathetic sinking ship.

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by: hawk This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 05:48:49 2019

if ebay would actually do something to help sellers (you know , the ones that actually built there sorry as**s to a huge company) i would drop to the floor. that time they spend screwing with sellers is slowly destroying everything. greed destroys all things in the end.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 06:26:05 2019

If Ebay every had an original idea they would require brain surgery for the idea clot filling their brain.

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by: ZZ This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 06:27:08 2019

One thing we can deduce about this GTC policy is from eBay claiming it will make for better placement if you have multiples of the same item, because the Cassini algorithm will know if you've sold X number of copies. That implies when an item is relisted, regardless the number of copies offered, that Cassini doesn't remember it, which makes me think the whole concept of a "stale" listing is made up BS by eBay.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Mon Mar 18 06:35:48 2019

"Cassini doesn't remember it"

Whether or not items sell is dependent on whether or not Cassini "remembers" it.

They can't just show folks the items that they are actually looking for.  It is should be so simple, but they had to create some search monster that needs to "remember".

A company that can't do simple programming playing with artificial intelligence.  Oey vey!

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 06:36:21 2019

This is the part that should scare everybody:  and will incur listing fees with each renewal).  This might be a good step for someone who sells in massive, or bulk quantity, but for those of us who sell one-off, it's not a good policy. there a guarantee with each GTC listing, your listing will bump to the top of the search -- NO!!!

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by: jewelryqueen521 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 07:40:44 2019

Already last week when I repisted on my cell, it would only allow good til cancelled. On my Regular computer I could still do 30 days. Odd???

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This user has validated their user name. by: VV

Mon Mar 18 08:47:21 2019

Ebay has the short yellow bus of IT

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by: spooky This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 09:59:24 2019

I use 30 days for my non-auction listings. A big problem with the GTC policy is I will probably have to cancel my listings manually on day 29 but I have found that the last day is also one of the most productive for sales nearly equalling the first day or two.

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by: Frank Abagnale This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 11:29:39 2019


"I have found that the last day is also one of the most productive for sales"

These buyers usually watch an item in hopes that the seller will put the item on sale because some sellers will put an item on sale if there are watchers. If you don't put the item on sale then some buyers will buy the item on the last day. One thing you might want to consider is to start all your listings at midnight. Then, when you end your listings, at say 10pm for example, you will get the benefit of the sales on the last day. This of course should work if the automatic renewal is schedule to start at midnight.  

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by: mcposty This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 11:47:46 2019

Ask them about the charging for gallery plus bug please. If not caught, once relisted, you won't really know if you have been charged until your bill comes.

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by: Paul W This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 12:05:51 2019

eBay could make all GTC listings renew on the same date each month with some workaround for February to avoid the double relists in any month.  Seems like that should be simple enough, but with eBay, who knows?

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This user has validated their user name. by: RKTOYS

Mon Mar 18 12:34:37 2019

The part about 31 days surprised me.  It's a little clumsy but it'll work.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Mon Mar 18 12:46:15 2019

@Paul W
You are right, Paul.  I was just thinking the same thing yesterday.  Each listing would have a ''month-iversary'', instead of an anniversary (annual).  You list on the 15th, it ends on the 15th, month after month.  No creeping forward like it does now when relisted for 30 more days during a 31 day month.  You wouldn't even NEED an adjustment for February.  It would just relist on Feb. 15th, like all the other months.  You could never get double-billed.

Or they just do 31 day GTC instead of 30.  Either way works.  EBay will never understand such a simple system, and oh yeah, they don't care!

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Mon Mar 18 15:45:11 2019

Another day, another change to screw sellers. Nothing new.

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by: DRA This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 18 16:34:24 2019

The NEW GTC on Fixed Priced Listings Policy is that Sellers may cancel listings early without penalty...though, as has always been the Case with GTC Listings, the eBay System will not allow GTC Listings to be cancelled within the last 12 hours of the listing. So, you may want to keep this in mind in determining when you want to end your items prior to the 30 or 31 day period (depending on what eBay decides to do about that issue).  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Mon Mar 18 16:58:23 2019

According to eBay's NO-Help section, you can cancel a Fixed Price listing at any time.  It's auctions that can't be cancelled within 12 hours of their end time.  At the top of the relevant page:

"You can cancel an eBay fixed price listing at any time, but auction listings can only be canceled in certain situations."

Here's the URL (that will always come out formatted in a weird way here):

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This user has validated their user name. by: Number 6

Mon Mar 18 18:24:44 2019

Alas, the latest, and for us, probably the final straw, scummy ebay money-grab trick has begun - today I can't list for 30 days anymore - we list all month so keeping track of this is going to be a nightmare, or not, perhaps we'll just knock ebay on its head when our store runs out and concentrate elsewhere, for all its faults at least Amazon (and every other selling website) only charges a monthly fee + fees on items that actually sell - and at Amazon for $40 a month as a Pro Seller you can list as many items (that aren't gated) as you want, a way better deal than a paltry 1,000 items for $60.00 ebay store + 10 cents every extra item over 1,000 a month - anyone who can afford the next store tier up might as well have their own website infrastructure as far as I can see, it'd be way cheaper.

What's great though, is despite telling us GTC gets lost in search rankings, and, as we know, continually emailing is to 'lower our prices as customers [prey telll me, what are they?  An extinct species one bay] are 'looking' at our listings - maybe they'd make more money charging non-buyers to brose the site instead.  Our listings don't even show up in search half the time (I just checked, yep, a whole bunch of our current listings aren't showing up in search whatsoever despite being non-generic type items, Free Shipping and competatively priced)...ebay's had an about turn, apparently GTC is forced on us to help us sell our items, not line ebay's pockets:

• To help you sell your item, fixed price listings can only be listed with a Good 'Til Cancelled duration. The listing duration has been set to Good 'Til Cancelled.

One thing this GTC proves is that ebay makes more money from repeated listings that DO NOT SELL (we all live in hope these days don't we, those of us that are unfortunate to have to eat and keep the lights on), that it then doesn't show in search, unless you pay extra for 'Promoted Listings' and who knows if these are actually seen anyway....than it does from fees on the handful of sold items I now see in just about every different genre of Completed listings on ebay.

Most of our sales come from new listings, listings about to close, and mysteriously a few days before our store invoice is due (when they show our items briefly so we can earn enough to pay them) - with GTC TWO of the main selling periods per month will be gone for good - I'm sure many sellers have experienced this - many buyers treat fixed price items ending almost as if they are auctions coming to a close.

But hey, they're helping us sell our items...

I seriously doubt they'll have more than one or two month's spikes in income from this malarky - when most sellers realise what is happening to their listings and fees they are far more likely to quit selling than they are to come up with workarounds like tracking what to end on day 29, etc.

Of all the things they've forced on sellers of late, I think no-choice GTC is perhaps the nastiest, most deceitful, and to quote Daffy Duck, 'disspicable' treatment of sellers in a long time.

Whatever will they come up with next?

Oh, I know, a fee to END your listings early - bet they're working on that one already.

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