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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu July 13 2023 21:12:23

eBay Explains a Shortcoming of International Shipping Program

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay transitioned sellers to a new international shipping program, but it has a serious shortcoming that it addressed on Wednesday.

eBay International Shipping (EIS) replaced the Global Shipping program (GSP), but during Wednesday's monthly chat session, a seller asked why now it wouldn't let international shoppers who wished to purchase multiple items combine items into a single order.

Specifically, the seller asked: "When will eBay International Shipping allow for combining different items into a single shipment? I'm losing sales on "add-on" stuff from my international customers since February."

An eBay moderator replied with the following response: "Combined Shipping is not an option at this time, as customs declarations require that eBay declares items at single package level. We are working to update this feature in the future."

Presumably the buyer must pay much more to have multiple items shipped separately than if they could be sent in one package to their international destination. Note that eBay gave no specific timeline for adding the feature.

Is this a problem you encounter on eBay for yourself or for your buyers? How does the new EIS compare to the former Global Shipping program?

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Perminate Link for eBay Explains a Shortcoming of International Shipping Program   eBay Explains a Shortcoming of International Shipping Program

by: 1st Armored Div. 1971-1973 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 14 05:35:23 2023

I opted out of ebay's new international shipping program but I still use the old version.

The new international shipping program appears to block any item in a militaria category which is where 90% of my press photos and postcards reside. I would lose 20% of my gross to use the new version.

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by: terry55 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 14 09:30:02 2023

Been asking for combine shipping on their app for over 5 years now, wouldn't hold my breath waiting on them to add it to international sales. I've lost a lot of sales because of the app and I'd opt in to EIS if they add combine shipping.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Jul 14 14:55:22 2023

I can actually see eBay's challenge on this one, but if it were multiples of the same type of item (i.e. 3 orders of socks, or 5 cans of tennis balls) it seems that it would be easy.  My guess is though that most combined orders are not the same type of item.

On international orders you not only depend on your carrier you now have to get the items through various countries' Customs and there are many rules and regulations per country.  I wonder how many sellers know that if you send a used clothing item to Spain that you have to include a certificate that shows the item has been disinfected?  I am sure that there are many other arcane laws like this.

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by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 14 18:06:19 2023

Single package level huh. Customs declaration dispatch note USPS form 2976-R,  April 2016 Allows you to list multiple items. EBay moderator is meaningless and unaccountable. Who was responsible for this program launch? Do they need to be skooled in basic project deployment processes? Maybe you should try to attract talent from Amazon instead of re-hiring people who left you and counting all that future revenue ::snort::

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 14 19:00:34 2023

Is the simple phrase "what if?" allowed at ebay project meetings?
More specifically, are there any genuine logistics types allowed at these meetings?

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by: Ronn This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 14 21:09:56 2023

Recently eBay auto-enrolled me in EIS. This was their stated goal for most sellers months ago. When I opted out, they asked why I opted out.  Simple, nearly 100% of the items I sell internationally don't need a customs form. Moreover, some of my customers buy/win different items which I ship with one invoice and in one envelope.  

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jul 15 10:08:08 2023

“ Customs declaration dispatch note USPS form 2976-R,  April 2016 Allows you to list multiple items. ”

Exactly.  The world’s most self-proclaimed eCom technology ‘innovator’ apparently can’t figure out how to populate a multi-item form list.  Which is precisely done to accommodate multiple items at the “package level”.  

Which wouldn’t matter anyway since it is the physical FORM that is used by customs, not any questionably integrated digital facsimile of it.

Then again, multiple items combined in a single transaction (with combined shipping) means only one transaction fee for eBay.  Might explain their lack of enthusiasm for enabling such capability.

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by: Austiners This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jul 15 14:43:56 2023

Yesterday I had an international sale of two items going to the UK. The buyer used the eBay Shopping Cart, both items were on one order, and the shipping label listed both items.

Instead of trying to send a combined invoice, ask the buyer to use the eBay Shopping Cart.

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by: Surplus This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 00:23:58 2023

We opted out.  It took a demand to speak to a supervisor as the clueless 1st level support said it was not possible to opt out.  The supervisor knew exactly how to opt out and walked me throught he steps.  When asked why I wanted out of such a great program.......I stated "I don't need ebay's help I don't want ebay's just leave me alone to run my business.  I know what I am doing I exported about $400K in product last year I know more than you do about export regs and customs clearance"  

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by: Surplus This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 00:25:45 2023

We opted out.  It took a demand to speak to a supervisor as the clueless 1st level support said it was not possible to opt out.  The supervisor knew exactly how to opt out and walked me throught he steps.  When asked why I wanted out of such a great program.......I stated "I don't need ebay's help I don't want ebay's help just leave me alone to run my business.  I know what I am doing I exported about $400K in product last year I know more than you do about export regs and customs clearance"  

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by: critical_sceptic This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 00:38:34 2023

I generate an amended listing for all the customer's items to provide combined shipping for international orders. Honestly I find myself having to do that for domestic orders as well if a customer buys several items with an x% off y or more promotion as eBay won't let customers request an invoice in those cases. Takes a couple of minutes and generates a happy customer.  

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 01:54:32 2023

The ability to combine shipping on an international order is a HUGE problem for some sellers and it doesn't affect others.  Hard to say how long it will take Ebay to fix this important issue.

I agree with @critical_sceptic.  The only thing I can think of to do if this happens to you is to reach out to your buyer, offer to create a single listings with all the things they want to purchase in the ONE listing.  Make sure the buyer replies agreeing to this and get them to say they want you to cancel the original purchases.

If the buyer has already purchased the items.  Cancel the transactions with the reason the buyer requested it.  Then of course refund the buyer fully and move on to create the new listing.  Email the buyer with the listing number and a link so they can purchase the new listings.

A little bit of work, but often worthwhile since you make the sales and get paid.  

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by: LJW This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 08:12:16 2023

Opted out. I used to sell quite a bit internationally, but this new program has a lot more problems than just combined shipping. The real problem is that Ebay put's a unique number in the address field which makes it look like there are two different addresses. If they quite to that, it would work fine.  

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by: ADINA72 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 09:26:34 2023

I'm currently not enrolled in the new international shipping program, but in the past, when an international customer contacted me about combining shipping, I just created a new listing with all the items they wanted to buy. I had no issues back then.

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This user has validated their user name. by: LasVagueness

Mon Jul 17 09:27:39 2023

I envy the sellers who are securing multiple purchases. That ended for me well over a decade ago.  

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 12:58:07 2023


That is so when the seller ships the item it goes directly to Ebay's processing facility.  Then Ebay processes it on to the buyer's address on the payment.  This isn't going to change as it is the basics of the program.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jul 17 20:13:27 2023

Call me the shipping cost shown to buyers the rack rate, or ebay's rate?
I used to sell a decent amount to Canada, and haven't had a lick of biz since this brain child started.

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by: airbrake This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 18 05:54:51 2023

This is no explanation here from Ebay, just blather. The response from the Ebay is that in the "Future" they will have worked this out? Do you really think that Ebay had no idea Sellers combine shipping to save Buyers money on shipping? Ebay hates for anyone to combine shipping as Ebay makes make less money, pure and simple. Combined shipping has been happening on Ebay since its inception. I told people here when Ebay started this "new" way of shipping there would be problems down the road and this is just the beginning.

This is why I stopped shipping to Countries outside the U.S. as soon as this program started. I understand that a lot of Sellers ship (depend) on foreign sales so they cannot drop their foreign sales. I do not have that many foreign sales but the ones I had were all loyal, fast paying excellent customers that I will miss. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ebay does not even care about their Buyers - all Ebay cares about is MONEY in their pocket taken from Sellers & Buyers, whether it is right or wrong.

So, what's next down the road? Mandatory opting into Ebay's International Shipping Program, you watch. Ebay had already decided ahead of time there would be a backlash against their program before it even started. No foresight for the shipping of combined items but plenty of foresight for Ebay's pocket. The Eastern mob is watching & learning from the Western mob and luvin' it.

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jul 18 15:25:12 2023


"Ebay hates for anyone to combine shipping as Ebay makes make less money, pure and simple."  I highly doubt that is true.  Combining shipping, giving a buyer a discount is proven to INCREASE sales.  So with increased sales, Ebay makes MORE money, not less.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jul 19 09:18:47 2023

““ Ebay hates for anyone to combine shipping as Ebay makes make less money, pure and simple."  I highly doubt that is true. “

It’s not about the likelihood of increasing sales because ‘adding items’ is more likely with combined shipping.  All sellers already know this, that’s why they WANT it.

It’s a relative comparison.  Without combined shipping the (two, three, etc.) items the buyer HAS purchased, when not combined, garner separate ship fees and separate transaction fees (profiting eBay more, relatively) then when they could otherwise be combined for a single ship fee and transaction fee.

While certainly true that eBay makes ‘more’ when two items are sold vice just one (combined or not considering only FVF and any ‘promotions’), it would certainly NOT be the first time eBay would step over a dollar to pick up a dime, so to speak.

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