Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
News and insight focusing on ecommerce.
by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wednesday August 31, 2016
Big Change at EcommerceBytes with Launch of 411
Today we're announcing the  launch of EcommerceBytes 411  as we transition to a hy ...

Tuesday August 30, 2016
Get Ready for eBay Fall Seller Release Today
Sellers will have to deal with more changes as eBay prepares to announce its Fall Seller Release to ...

Monday August 29, 2016
eBay Goes Down for Some Users on Monday
Reports are coming in that eBay's site is down this afternoon, though we can access it as we w ...

Sunday August 28, 2016
eBay Search Is Broken
A reader emailed this morning to report problems with eBay's search, and sure enough, there have ...

Thursday August 25, 2016
New Amazon Vehicles Site vs eBay Motors
Amazon launched a new car-shopping site today, but while you can find pricing and reviews - and ...

Wednesday August 24, 2016
Small Shippers Punished by Shipping Duopoly Pricing?
A new article refers to FedEx and UPS as a "near duopoly" (same concept as a monopoly but with two ...

Sunday August 21, 2016
Would You Pay $400 a Month for Seller Support?
eBay and Amazon are realizing that some sellers are willing to pay for access to customer support a ...

Friday August 19, 2016
Why eBay Hides Some Prices - Strikethrough Pricing Explained
A reader was browsing some items on eBay and noticed that the prices of some items were crossed ...

Tuesday August 16, 2016
Paid Reviews Aren't Just an Amazon Problem
We've been following Amazon's efforts to crack down on paid reviews. Many shoppers rely on reviews ...

Monday August 15, 2016
New Categories Are Closed to Rank and File eBay Sellers
eBay is fond of saying it doesn't compete with its sellers, but it's increasingly entering categor ...

Sunday August 14, 2016
Do You Agree Amazon Return Rates Exceed eBay and Etsy?
We recently asked you what kind of returns you experience on eBay vs. Amazon vs. Etsy, and we have ...

Saturday August 13, 2016
eBay Promo Backfires Due to Misunderstanding
On Wednesday  we wrote about  an eBay promotion in which sellers who were invited to p ...

Wednesday August 10, 2016
eBay to Revamp Forums, Promises Greater Staff Participation
More changes are on the way at eBay, and not to be left out are the discussion boards. On Tuesday, ...

Tuesday August 9, 2016
Why Some Etsy Sellers See Some Residual Payment Delays
Some Etsy sellers are worried that payment processing delays may be a sign that the marketplace is ...

Friday August 5, 2016
Check out Amazon's Planes
It's not exactly a secret that Amazon has been leasing cargo planes to move inventory among its ...

Thursday August 4, 2016
eBay to Ban Active Content, Your Questions Please
eBay has been warning sellers about its upcoming  ban on active content  that it announc ...

Wednesday August 3, 2016
Meg Is Voting for Hillary
Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman is no fan of Donald Trump, but she's now taken things further by endor ...

Tuesday August 2, 2016
Time to Weigh in on eBay TV Ads and Marketing
eBay has been holding back on marketing to a large degree, as even the company's Chief Marketing O ...