Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed Feb 9 2022 08:41:40

eBay Seller Update Winter 2022 Includes Changes to Fees

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay said it would publish changes coming to the site as part of the latest eBay Seller Update today, which it has dubbed Winter 2022. 

The announcement for UK sellers is now live and includes the following noteworthy changes to fees:

Changes to how we refund fees 
Coming later this year: we're adjusting the way we refund fees in two ways.

1) We're updating our credit policies so that when you issue a partial refund to a buyer, we'll automatically refund the prorated portion of your final value fee. We want to support your efforts to make things right for your buyers and adjust your fees accordingly. 

2) We're updating our credit policies on refunds in relation to buyer order cancellations. When a buyer cancels a transaction prior to shipping, we'll refund the final value fee including the £0.30 per-order fee. We recognise that buyers may cancel for various reasons at no fault of the seller, and we want to support you by refunding 100% of the final value fee, including the £0.30 per-order fee. 

As eBay wrote, "We want to support your efforts to make things right for your buyers." While such changes are to be applauded, it's hard not to wonder, what took so long? And we're eager to hear from sellers if they think the changes go far enough.

You can find the UK Seller Update on this page, and we'll update this post with a link to the US Seller Update, which is scheduled to go live by 11 am Eastern. Note that eBay has set up this area on the US Discussion Boards where it will be answering questions between 11 am and 7:00 pm Eastern.

Let us know what jumps out at you - the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Here's a link to New Fees.

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by: AddyUp This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 9 09:05:19 2022

I was hoping that they might reverse the Americanisation of some of the categories. Which is getting worse with some American weights and measures in jewellery categories which like the other are just not applicable and are completely out of place on this side of the pond.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ina

Wed Feb 9 10:49:02 2022

Click on the last link - it's live now

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 9 11:08:55 2022

lmao - the latest seller friendly experience is a raise in rates

Guess sellers have to continue to fund the overly generous perks eBay doles out to its employees as well as foot the liquor bill over at Walkers

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by: Mbrj201 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 9 12:00:36 2022

Why do they gouge books, clothes & watches? I've never understood this.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Wed Feb 9 12:36:49 2022

This is why, as American entrepreneurs, we must have a place to sell our stuff that is NOT smothered by corporate greed.
Right now we're stuck in the Quick Sand of corporate greed.

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by: gimac This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 9 13:11:37 2022

The "cheaper than paypal" commision of mangled payment isn't going to last very long, will it ??

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by: WaLK-aWAY This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 9 13:39:27 2022

My good God . . .
I haven't been on EbAy in over a year, so i am clueless as to what the rates are.
They have every milli-cent accounted for. I have never witnessed such despotism.
Are you all out on the sidewalk with a tin cup and a dancing monkey?? Unbelievable . . . .

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by: ThebigR This user has validated their user name.

Wed Feb 9 17:38:06 2022

If you do things correctly you make your money at the time you purchase a item for resale what fees are charged are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things,but it sure would be nice to see a bunch of smart phone wanna bee sellers take a hike due to the high costs of selling..  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Wed Feb 9 19:55:47 2022

They need a sensible return policy, especially on clothing items.  Poshmark has it down perfectly.    Why should a buyer get to keep an item 29 days, open a return and then take weeks to send it back?  Ridiculous.

Wear and return is the name of the game on eBay.

My guess is if eBay is giving something back that was never theirs to begin with they will be taking it from somewhere else.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Wed Feb 9 20:13:49 2022

“In our continuing effort to mitigate behavior that does not support good buyer experiences and negatively impacts sellers on our platform, we will increase additional final value fees for sellers who do not meet minimum seller performance standards for the US."

Good buyer experiences?  Ha! How about horrible seller experiences created by both buyers and eBay?   I sell on six platforms.  eBay has the WORST and most difficult buyers of all of the platforms.  eBay continues to mollycoddle them. eBay practically begs them to return items or find fault with them.

And as for "negatively impacts sellers on our platform" one more negatively impacts sellers on their own platform than eBay themselves.

"Our platform".    "Our" platform would not exist without the sellers.

I noticed an uptick of sales on eCRATER this year.  Every time I sell an item there I marvel at how low my fees are.

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by: leavingNY This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 00:11:32 2022

Ebays HUGE fees are causing buyers to leave Ebay in droves, because buyers can find the same shit cheaper elsewhere when sellers don't have to charge so much because of Ebay fees. Ebays stupidity rivals the USPS with raising fees thinking that they will retain the people who pay them. Think again, other shipping companies are getting more packages now that the USPS is raising rates 2-3 times per year. Sounds like the same business model for Ebay, raise fees so high that people go elsewhere to do business. STUPID !  

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by: Paul W This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 00:38:02 2022

eBay talks a lot about what they are doing for sellers (and to sellers) but not a peep about what they will do to draw more buyers to the site.  With more buyers and thus more sales we can take another hit on fees, but that's not the trend and I just don't see anything eBay is doing to reverse it.

As mentioned above, eCrater is doing better for me also.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 01:51:36 2022

"The "cheaper than paypal" commision of mangled payment isn't going to last very long, will it ??"
Have you looked at PP's current rates.  They raised their fees last year.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 02:55:06 2022

“ My guess is if eBay is giving something back that was never theirs to begin with they will be taking it from somewhere else.”

No need to ‘guess’.  eBay has indeed instituted more ‘revenue growth’ by charging more to everybody - monetizing their ‘epiphany’ - to more than make up for any ‘loss’ that refunding undeserved fees will entail.  The street will be all a-quiver.  

So sellers get picked up and dusted off and get to go back to square one, but pay more now when they step off it.  Even more if they trip one of eBay’s patented land mines and get branded with the scarlet ‘S’ of the substandard.  A spoonful of sugar, as the song goes.  Terrific.

It’s kind of a theme.  One coin forward, two coins back.  One might only hope that they will soon release another ‘do the right thing’ update that rescinds their SFVF.  Or their tax on taxes.  Then again, didn’t they just benefit from a ‘stealth fee increase’ when carriers raised rates - a month ago?  Might be three coins for that one.

But hey now, c’mon.  It’s something right?  Sellers should look on the bright side.  For example, they’ll now have less income relatively speaking to have to reconcile with eBay’s 1099 lottery.

Just curious though.  Don’t ‘software version updates’ usually entail corrections to ‘glitches’ like the ones that consistently plague this ‘world class technology company’?  Like the moderators keep promising their “teams” are “working hard on”?  Are even one of those ‘updated’?  Or is this just another ‘policy update’ with attendant tweeks to the cash-flow?

Never mind.  Dumb question.  It’s just inflation right, aka ‘everybody’s doin’ it?  

Or maybe - just another ‘educated’ guess here - it’s what inflation IS.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Thu Feb 10 06:53:41 2022

Someone is deflecting again.  PayPal is not the subject of ecommercebytes article.  When one doesn't want to speak about or address an issue, they deflect.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 09:46:12 2022

1) free Covid money is gone, it saved ebays butt back then and now they have NO idea how to make it up

2) a lot of the people I know who have made it rich selling online did it “$5 at a time” not $500 at a time - aka ignoring all you smaller sellers to try to catch the big fish doesn’t really work (sneakers, trading cards)

3) playing cc processor is not as easy as eBay thought it was going to be. eBay made fun of PayPal and probably now wishes/regrets their departure. eBay never was an honest broker but now because they “are the bank”, they won’t eat $1 in losses and there are many! Sellers lost all around in eBay taking over payments

eBay has no real plan on how to grow its business- mostly because it’s matured. It’s no longer special- it’s just another on line selling platform with abusive rules

So how do you grow? Well you can’t side with sellers since it’s the buyers bank that pulls the strings now. You can’t side with manufacturers- since sellers will cry “restraint of free trade” (they tried that already) - so all that’s left is trying to increase you GVM by concentrating on high end goods - but again - eBay is afraid of buyers and their charge backs.

So you go back to the one and only playbook you know - raise prices on sellers and tell them how lucky they are that you even sell.

What’s the ex Walmart idiot gonna go next???

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This user has validated their user name. by: Carl

Thu Feb 10 11:49:33 2022

As a UK seller who is sick of cancellations & being hit with the 30p fee, I see nothing in this announcement to complain about for once.
My fees will not change and I will now actually be a little better of.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 14:02:25 2022

"Someone is deflecting again.  PayPal is not the subject of ecommercebytes article.  When one doesn't want to speak about or address an issue, they deflect."

If you take a closer look at what I posted it was specific to what someone else posted.  And it did have to do with the subject at hand or at least the other poster thought it did.

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by: Mazdaman This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 10 21:15:23 2022

Everyone posting here about the new update is correct, save one poster.

Your guess as to who.

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by: Rogue This user has validated their user name.

Fri Feb 11 05:44:44 2022

Madam Marie Again selling fortune’s that will never be.

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