Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
News and insight focusing on ecommerce.
by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Oct 4 2022 10:11:34

Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

By: Ina Steiner

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Amazon is once again rolling out a more generous return policy during the holiday season with which all of its sellers must comply. For the 3rd consecutive year, Amazon is giving shoppers until the end of January to return goods purchased in October. 

In previous years, the holiday policy kicked in on November 1st, but in 2020 and 2021, the Amazon Extended Returns policy kicked in on October 1st.

This year, Amazon rolled the date forward by one week to October 7.

In years past, sellers have expressed concern that buyers would be able to use their goods for 4 months and then return them for a full refund. Merchants who sell Halloween-themed goods have expressed particular concern since they feel some customers "rent" items like costumes and decor at no charge, leaving sellers out-of-pocket with goods that can't reasonably be resold until the following Halloween season - if ever, if the items are returned in used condition.

However, Amazon's holiday return policy has the potential to boost sales by giving early shoppers confidence they can return items that recipients don't like for whatever reason. And by encouraging early holiday shopping, it can ease the inevitable delivery problems that develop close to the Christmas holiday.

Amazon's 2022 Extended Holiday Returns policy requires most items purchased between October 7, 2022, and December 31, 2022, to be returnable through January 31, 2023. The policy applies to orders shipped by Amazon and by third-party sellers.

"Although the returns window for most orders is extended, the returns eligibility for all orders remains the same," Amazon said. You can read the full post on Amazon Seller Central along with sellers' reaction. 

Some merchants pointed out that the generous returns policy will impact sellers differently depending on what types of goods they sell.

A seller using the handle DavidReflect asked, "What if the extended holiday returns was presented an option?" with different conditions applying to items purchased outside the normal Amazon return policy - such as restocking fees, or a requirement the buyer pay for return shipping  in such cases. "The extended returns make sense for holiday shoppers, but there does need to be a line of responsibility when you’re giving people 120 days, 1/3 of the year, to return any Amazon purchase."

Let us know what you think!

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Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: gregtoys This user has validated their user name.

Tue Oct 4 11:36:14 2022

Walmart has the same policy. They both are discounters that encourage prices race to the bottom while requiring we provide the white glove service of a luxury experience at our expense.

For someone to receive a toy and allow a child to destroy it for months and then return it within policy is absurd. That leaves us on the hook for multiple shipping charges and then we can only keep a 50% restocking fee on an unsalable item.  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: Get OFF my LAWN! This user has validated their user name.

Tue Oct 4 12:41:11 2022


Why WOULDN'T they implement these barbaric policies??  They can get away with them, right?
You all agree to the masochistic WEEKLY UPDATED user agreement and use THEIR website . . . They can obviously do what THEY want.
A nation of sheep. Lot of old school sellers have no other financial means or desperately NEED ebay and Amazon. Guess what?  No one cares.  They don't care for CERTAIN.
I am struggling like hec without the ''Old-Ebay'' extra household money.
Know what?
That's Life.  There's no WAY on this Earth these corrupt companies are getting my irreversible action/checking account info.  Things change.  Business models change.  More corruption, More greed, More brutal mandates, Oh, well.

It is called learning to evolve and adapting to your surroundings.  I am in awe at the complaining and sore feelings from sellers who STILL continue to use these jokers' services! It's literally a case study in a first year psychology curriculum!  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Tue Oct 4 18:39:12 2022

I don't get it.
Then why bother to shop at all.
We're baby sitting bored seniors and idiots.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Wed Oct 5 06:57:10 2022

My Amazon store goes on vacation, starting today until the end of January.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: postbuster This user has validated their user name.

Wed Oct 5 07:00:02 2022

@ get off my lawn

While I don't disagree with you entirely, many of the sellers are voicing their gripes and the downsides of using these platforms (once good),  because of the corporate abuses.

They may as well be the 'commerce side' of fascist government.
Z-bay, Et-Z, and Ama-Z are increasing more oppression on the sellers at an alarming rate.
Even up to the point of invading the Steiner's private home for retaliation.

Without voicing concern and calling out the radical executives and their greed, it is also assumed that there is an involuntary compliance to getting ripped off, and sharing personal, and banking information from the sick minded and insecure prepubescent's who run the economy. (Or even countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Rwanda, Congress, and Senate)

But I have left and took my wares with me.
I agree that speaking about it only goes so far, but it is good (also nice) to read and document all of the nefarious ways these people abuse sellers while wallowing in their own hypocrisy.  (we need to build a case if there ever will be one)

Until the Heavy hand of justice comes and slaps these people, we are stuck in this commerce purgatory.  History has shown that luck is not on our side in this instance.

I still believe that it is important to not snuff out the last flame of resistance.
Then it would be complete comply and submit.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: CT Bay This user has validated their user name.

Wed Oct 5 07:59:29 2022

With a blocked list developed over twenty years hopefully I can mitigate some of the return abusers.
  Just because ebay allows you a return four months later doesn’t mean I won’t block you for it. I block anyone who returns anything and if they lie to get a free return I put them on the blacklist as well. Google the blacklist. Its about the third result or similar.
   Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, you can’t fool me twice, I blocked you.
   A deal is a deal. Thats called integrity. Ebay can remove integrity from the system but I will maintain it as part of my system.
   People who return things shouldn’t get to leave feedback and a successful return should see any feedback left removed. They didn’t buy anything and their opinion has no value to anyone. It only serves to make feedback irrelevant.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Wed Oct 5 12:05:18 2022

My daughter just moved to Minnesota for 3 months, maybe Amazon is her answer.
Is there a limit on how much you can return?

Doesn't eBay do something like this?

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Wed Oct 5 14:29:20 2022

I'm so glad I can have a "no returns" policy on eCrater. A few weeks ago a guy bought an item from me in its original sealed package with original price sticker. He emailed me that if he'd known what it originally sold for he would have returned it, but saw that I don't take returns. I assumed he was looking for a partial refund, but took the time to enumerate all the costs involved in selling online. I haven't heard from him again.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: Get OFF my LAWN! This user has validated their user name.

Wed Oct 5 16:06:20 2022


I almost feel like redacting my post.  You are 100% correct and I have to agree with you. I come off as shamelessly callous - perhaps I am just winded at all the oppressive edicts put forth by these corporations.  I shouldn't be stifling those who still have steam left IN THEM!  :P

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Wed Oct 5 19:01:58 2022

Ahahahahah. I don't sell on the Amazon.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 01:23:18 2022

Et-Z allows sellers to declare their return policy. No repression to talk of here.

I may have my beef with Etsy, but Etsy allows sellers to have a return policy, or not.  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: Fried Chicken Addiction This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 01:30:09 2022

I can't seem to comment on this article, "Firm Buying Poshmark for $1.2B Sees Global Growth, Ad Revenue, and Live Shopping Potential"so I will here.

The firm is backed by Amazon, the same people who sent worms into eBay to work their way up and slowly destroy the company. Jeff Bezos has the money to do this. It is very easy to send worms into these companies and either turn them into arms of Amazon or kill the company outright...think about it. Bezos bought the Washington Post and a big home near the White House....yeah think about it. Wealthy beyond your imagination and economically cut-throat to boot.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: BackOff This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 02:01:52 2022

The only thing worse than bogus returns are the idiots that send me offers, accept my counteroffer, pay immediately and then tell me they want a refund a few minutes later. I had two of these morons do this in the past few weeks. I denied a cancellation for the first guy since I had other interested buyers, I gave the second one his cancellation because he was located in China and had zero feedback on a 6 month old account.  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: BackOff This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 02:03:25 2022

Also, thanks for the ebay Blacklist, I'm going to be adding these dirtbags to my blocked buyers.  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: Gumball This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 03:26:04 2022

I am glad I do not sell on Amazon or I would have to close my store until the 120 day return season is over. I just Googled and Amazon returns are at all time high rate of 21%. That means if you sell $10,000 over the Holiday Season you will end up with an average of 2100 in returns, plus postage costs.  I used a low figure as most will probably sell a lot more than that, but should be able to add it up at $2100 for each ten grand sold plus shipping costs. Better start figuring if your boat is going to spring more leaks than you can afford and you end up in the red.  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: postbuster This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 06:12:58 2022

@ get off my lawn

No worries.

I've been there plenty of times myself.
Corporate is the one to blame here.  

I'm sorry about your struggles through all of this.
But the fact that the struggles are imposed on us because of their greed is a huge sign of the corporate personal insecurities.

When the garbage collector runs all around town from 2 a.m. to noon for very little money.  Why are these suits making 15 to 20 times more for doing far less than that?  Then they have the nerve to demand (not ask) for more.

My friends son works as a metal fabricator, welder and overall machinist with contracts for train wheels.  He stands to pull in maybe $60K to $70K this year.
Why do executives think they deserve 3 to 4 times more than that?

I respect your fight against them, it's the same as mine.   : )
It's the gross negligence and neglect from the 'Marie Antoinette' mentality that is literally rocking our foundation.
It forces me to hope for the same fate to happen to them as it did her.

Either way this is why I appreciate what the Steiner's have done for us in regards to ecommerce.  Those idiots in their board meetings just keep giving the writers here so much to work with.

You are so right when you say that no one cares.
But thanks to David and Ina, it shows that we do care.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 12:15:09 2022

“I just Googled and Amazon returns are at all time high rate of 21%.”

I’ve heard retail analysts say that a good percentage of returned goods on Amazon are in clothing and shoes. Clothing can be a difficult “fit” which is why returns are high.

I sell on Etsy, not Amazon...Etsy allows sellers to declare their own return policies. This return policy by Amazon is over the top ridiculous!  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 13:30:34 2022

Amazon doesnt care about returns - since it has routes to deal with them - for items IT owns.

For items it owns directly, most go back to the manufacturers (they get arm twisted .. "if you dont take the stuff back we wont sell your items but if we have to - we will hide them as much as we can and promote your competitor", or it sells them at a loss (thank the US taxpayer) via auctions aka liquidation. Thats why liquidations have very little of most brands - its the Chinese junk and abit of everything else that gets liquidated - stuff that mostly came from 3p sellers. (Most US brands take back stuff from Amazon).

For 3P stuff, the rules are so onerous that Amazon never encounters an issue - take it back or we close your account (basically). Anything sitting, anything where the seller leaves stuff there or refuses to pay for reverse logistics gets auctioned off as new returns and the tax payer eats the loss.

Its how Amazon pays no taxes - it takes all returns off as a business loss so it can afford to take back almost anything.

Extended returns? Its like touching Small Pox - deadly to ones health as a business, but since its not Amazon taking the loss - they dont care.

While eBay may be bad visa via returns, AMAZON IS %100x WORSE.

What you will sell over the holidays will come back to you should a buyer not want to deal with it after Jan 1.

Be part of this at your own peril - Im decidedly NOT.

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 15:59:15 2022

I've been purchasing clothing and shoes from catalogs since the 1970s, and fit isn't a problem if knowing your measurements and sizes isn't a mental health issue for you.  In more than 50 years, I've returned maybe a handful of items (that is, maybe 5).  All returns were due to the merchant sending me the wrong item or size, or the product was defective.  In all cases, the merchant paid ALL the shipping costs and I got the correct item without any hassles.

The problem with American women buying clothing online is mostly cultural, and there is no business practice that can overcome it.  

Perminate Link for Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?   Extended Holiday Returns: Buy Now, Return in January?

by: fusgeyer This user has validated their user name.

Thu Oct 6 19:10:16 2022

This is why I do not sell on Amazon or eBay. My shop has a NO RETURNS policy unless something was damaged in shipping or I made a mistake. To prevent "renting" of items, I use tags from

If the tag is removed or damaged, the item is not in new, unused condition. The tags are placed in such a way that you cannot use the garment without the tag being very visible. It cannot be removed and reattached.Glasses, bags, backpackd, clothingd, shoes, jewelry or other items that are worn have this tag placed through them in a very conspicuous location, like down the front of a dress or shirt. Works like a charm. I am not affiliated with them in any way, I just like their product.

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