Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Mon Oct 21 2019 11:32:04

Sellers Grow Desperate Waiting for eBay Payouts

By: Ina Steiner

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Sellers enrolled in eBay Managed Payments tell EcommerceBytes they are growing desperate as they wait for eBay to release their funds. 

"We are sinking fast and are out of cash," wrote one seller who said eBay is holding $4,000 from transactions processed through the new payments system - the last payment she received was on October 11.

She told us her mortgage and medical bills, which must be paid from her checking account, are due tomorrow. "We do not have enough cash to cover it because of this payout delay. This is disappointing service from a company that we have been a part of since 2002," she said.

She's referring to funds that her buyers paid to eBay through the new Managed Payments program.

In a FAQ on the Managed Payments landing page on, it states:

When and how can I get my payouts?
To get paid, you'll need to add a bank account to your eBay seller account. You'll get paid directly to your bank account, regardless of which payment option the buyer selects. If you sell daily, you will receive regular payouts into your bank account. There's no need to transfer funds between accounts. Depending on your bank, you can typically expect payouts to be sent to your bank account within 2-4 business days of an order confirmation. We aim to pay you as quickly as possible, but are dependent on the credit card brands (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) and banks for payout processing and timely funds settlement. We are also looking into ways for our sellers to have more options and faster access to their funds.

One seller told us that since enrolling in Managed Payments, it has taken 2 days from payout to bank account, but he too is now experiencing delays. He has not received his payouts from October 15 - 17th. 

"Something is wrong and eBay has been very evasive, blaming the Columbus Day holiday which was prior to the payouts. I've been with Managed Payments for about 7 months and never had a holiday interfere unless it was during the processing period."

Another seller reported she hasn't received a payout in a week and said eBay owes her over $10,000. Another seller said eBay owes him nearly $16,000. "This is a massive problem and I generally think this is a lot bigger than anything eBay is letting on," he wrote.

eBay has a discussion board where sellers can discuss Managed Payments, but unlike other boards, it is a closed group reserved only for enrollees of the program.

Note that eBay had informed some sellers in August it would require them to sign up for Managed Payments by October 22, 2019, telling them they would not be able to create new listings after that point and suggesting they join sooner rather than later "to avoid any interruption to your business." 

We don't know how many sellers will be forced to enroll on Tuesday, but eBay may provide an update about Managed Payments when it releases its 3rd quarter earnings report on Wednesday. eBay's new interim CEO Scott Schenkel may also feel compelled to comment on ongoing technical issues that disrupted sellers last week.

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by: mcposty This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 11:47:18 2019

was there any doubt that Ebay would royally screw up managed payments?

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 12:15:51 2019

another great job fleecebay.

no surprise

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by: industrystones This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 12:23:32 2019

Hilarious (or sad?) that anyone needs Ebay this desperately to conform to this.
I am amazed I still sell frivolously with the whole fees on our shipping thing - but watch the bluff be called when or if I am forced to reveal my checking account info.
That will 100% surely be the last time I venture on ebay.

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by: Mark4 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 12:33:56 2019

Welcome to ebay.

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by: wowjewelryco This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 12:49:32 2019

They have been giving me the run around since Friday, Oct. 18.

Their first excuse was the Monday holiday delayed deposit at the bank .  
Try again, its Friday.

Excuse #2, funds have been processed, was it was my bank delaying deposit
Try again, my etsy payments are on time

Excuse #3,  I now need to verify my bank account
I have been a seller since 2003

At then end of the conversation, their customer no service got hateful and now I get no response from them

I say they have been hacked  I am certain we will get paid, but when.  In the meantime, my seller fees are scheduled for withdrawal from this same bank account on Oct. 23.  I have cancelled that card so the bill will not be processed by my bank.  I guess Ebay will want to speak to me then.  

Of course, then excuse #4 will be, they won't release my funds until my account is current.  Those same funds that were supposedly released to me on Oct.12

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by: b86fiero This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 13:04:37 2019

My heartfelt sympathy to all sellers dealing with this nightmare.  There is no excuse for anyone to suffer this mess.  

For the record, my managed payments payout sent 10/17 by eBay had been posted as deposited when I checked this morning.  (10/21).  All of my previously sent payouts posted as expected.  I use Fifth Third bank.

My Friday & Saturday payouts have been posting as deposited into my account on Mondays, except holidays.  I expect my 10/18 and 10/19 payouts to be deposited later today or Tuesday morning.  

Again, my deepest sympathy to those sellers who rely on daily managed payments deposits to pay shipping costs.  And to those who want to know exactly where beyond Pluto their money is floating.  And to everyone who lost earned interest on their floating funds.  And to everyone who was forced to incur credit cards charges, and possible interest charges, to cover their operating expenses.

Irreparable harm eBay, irreparable harm.  

How will the interim CEO and board make sellers whole over this?

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by: gimp This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 13:22:58 2019

Payouts sent the 15th, 16th & 17th. really? where the heck are they? they for sure are not in my bank account still! and have sales since then. am I supposed to keep selling, buyers have their items but I don't get my money? This is inexcusable!

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 13:23:40 2019

It is starting to sound like Ebay either got hacked or did another of their infamous untested program updates.  Then Ebay wonders why Sellers are so hesitant to join the Mangled Payments Program!!  

If I do continue selling at all on Ebay once I am forced into Mangled Payments I guarantee you that the bank account will be completely separate from all of my other accounts so that nothing Ebay does will ever effect my ability to pay my bills.  I understand that even if the OP had a separate bank account the fact that Ebay is not paying them would still cause them to not be able to pay their bills, but that is something that these large companies don't seem to understand.  Their inability to actually do what they are supposed to do is having a major cash flow effect on their customers and once again Ebay does not seem to care or be concerned about it because it is not effecting their ability to pay their bills.

I would love to see whichever government agency is in charge of credit card processing by companies would add a policy that if the company is unable or unwilling to pay what they owe their customers from Credit Card processing that every employee of that company cannot receive their paycheck until the problem is fixed, period.  This should especially include the CEO, CFO, CTO, COO and every member of the BOD.  I would also like to see their stock options restricted so they cannot convert or cash any of that in to tide them over so they can feel exactly what their customers (the Sellers, who Ebay does not even consider their customers, even though we are the only ones paying them any money) are going through.  I bet that would sure get a fire lit under any issues that are happening.

This just looks like what everybody can expect in the future as Ebay can make more money off of the float that they cannot seem to figure out how to send to their Sellers.  Nothing but another criminal act by Ebay and shows that the Interim CEO is also in over his head just like Wenig was.  

Ebay needs to find some competent personnel to not only run their company but to be placed on the BOD while there is anything left to try and run.  All of their competent employees were either fired, laid off or got fed up with Wenigs criminal way of running Ebay and left for greener pastures, even the Executives!!!

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 13:27:24 2019

Also these types of issues is exactly why Ebay keeps the Mangled Payments folder closed to anybody not already in the program.  If Sellers read about all the problems and issues Ebay was happening nobody would join, they would just leave Ebay!!

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by: seb This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 13:33:30 2019

I do not use managed payments and this just adds another reason why I will be closing my store and leaving eBay when we are forced to use managed payments. I've been here since 1998. Sad the way they treat their sellers.

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Mon Oct 21 13:44:39 2019

My heart goes out to all the sellers who are experiencing delays. Tens of thousands of dollars? It's utterly unthinkable, yet eBay manages to do the unthinkable every single day.

SCOTT SCHENKEL. Take two major issues to fix, tell us what they are (I hope the massive eBay mangled late payments is the primary), then tell us you are committing to stay at your office until the first primary issue is fixed. No going home. No analysts going home. Set up a top notch team of the very best you have left (lord knows what that would look like) of your techs and show your sellers, YOUR customers that you mean what you say. If you can't even do that, you have no business being the interim anything.

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Mon Oct 21 13:47:51 2019

ebay collects interest on all monies it holds. Yet another dirty money grabbing tactic. Despicable company who should be sued for this.

While this list is for PayPal, it should apply to ebayaiden as well. If I were affected by this, I would start here.

and here


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by: Mamak This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 14:07:14 2019

They cant even update the sales made in the last 4 days on the hub.  How would you ever trust they could know how to be a payment service.  They need to stop this insanity and get down to bare bones selling our stuff.  Very sorry to those affected this is inexcusable!  

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by: longtimepowerseller This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 14:20:11 2019

Add me as another one who has not had a deposit from ebay since 10/16. The deposits I did receive were from the previous week after they stopped paying us unless we updated our banking information (even though nothing changed). The rep told us that we hit a ''threshold'' but didn't say what that ''threshold' was. Credit card processor, Paypal and amazon have no problems making deposits.
This is not anyone on here's bank having an issue, it is ebay.
No funds tomorrow, I'll probably shut down the ebay store for good.

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by: NHaven54 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 14:47:53 2019

I'm one of the accounts that has not received payouts from last week. The 15th, 16th, and 17th. All should have been in my bank account by today. I've been with Managed Payments for approx. 7 months. From payout to my bank has always been 2 days. This last week my payouts from the 15th, 16th, and 17th are nowhere to be found.
When I first called CS I was told it was because of the holiday. Which is complete garbage because my payouts happened after the holiday.
On my fourth call on Sat. I was told at least 1 payout would be in my bank account by Monday. It has not happened.
The CS rep on Sat. also kept repeating transfers are not considered a concern until after 3-4 days even though I told him it has never taken that long. The dishonesty and lack of transparency with Ebay is amazing.
And now I have 5 orders in pending funds 3 of which are from the 18th that have not gone to available for payout. I wondering if Ebay has suspended payouts until they can correct the problem.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: CanBrit

Mon Oct 21 14:50:45 2019

@Silver Ice King

I think a hack is very plausible. Who knows how many buddies Wenig had?

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 14:55:46 2019

WOW! Everyone said it. I listened, and stayed away from MP.

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by: leathermermaid8 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 15:37:18 2019

The interest eBay earns from hanging onto money they are "processing" for sellers to be given to those same sellers for any damage suffered through this apparent screw up.  As a TECH company there is no reason why the new payment system can't disgorge funds within 3 days or less.

Didn't something similar happen at PayPal or was it Etsy?

And nobody should waste any time getting to Twitter Facebook and any other outlet to get this problem out there.  Having enough money to wait out the glitcharama isn't the point; it's money you earned.  Nobody else would get away with this, why is eBlunder immune?

Time to go the media and anyone else who will listen.  Nothing funny about not being able to pay your bills because money you earned is floating around West Goink and Uranus.

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by: NHaven54 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 16:09:39 2019

I finally had a couple of pending funds move to available for payout. At least that's no longer a concern. Now its just not having payout money to pay my past due Ebay bill and afford shipping costs.  

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by: thriftyone This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 16:14:26 2019

Everyone who is impacted needs to light up any social media page that is public....their facebook business page, twitter, instagram and/or inform any other news/media outlet.....

They need to be held accountable and there needs to be more transparency when these platforms accept payments on our behalf, rather than trying to push the blame onto the banks. Also, how nice to direct everyone to the closed  managed payments group page for help....trying to contain any negativity so that people that are not in the program will not see the problems and not join MP on their own accord? Someone needs to investigate them!!!

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