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Mon Mar 20 2023 16:51:31

Etsy Surveys Sellers about Its 2023 Plans

By: Ina Steiner

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Etsy made some announcements on Monday and asked sellers to take a survey to weigh in on the news. "We want to know what is most important to sellers like you." 

The key takeaway from Monday's announcement was that Etsy would focus on the following three key areas for sellers in 2023:

1) Helping sellers get discovered by more buyers, more frequently.

2) Improving the tools and resources that help sellers run their businesses.

3) Building a community to support sellers as they grow.

Etsy asked sellers to visit a page on and provide feedback about its 2023 areas of focus.

The survey asked sellers to rate their overall reaction to the update and included a place for them to post their comments. Etsy also asked sellers the following question:

Which one of the three focus areas outlined for 2023 do you believe would provide the most benefit to your business?  Please select one choice. *

- Helping you get discovered by more buyers, more frequently.

- Enhancing the support and community offerings that connect you to shoppers and to each other.

- Optimizing the tools and resources that help you run your business.

We wrote more about the announcement in EcommerceBytes Newsflash.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Mon Mar 20 20:08:20 2023

#1, which is naturally placed at the top by Etsy:  "Helping you get discovered by more buyers, more frequently."

Choose this one, and no matter how you answer, Etsy's interpretation will be "they want to buy more advertising".

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by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Tue Mar 21 03:28:13 2023

Wow helpful and so sweet too. Good job etsy!

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Tue Mar 21 07:08:02 2023

Shop owners need better Customer Service from Etsy, not ''community offerings''.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Tue Mar 21 10:19:58 2023

Have you sellers been paid yet?

That would be my #1 question or who are you now banking with?

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Tue Mar 21 23:19:12 2023

*** How the tide has turned ***

Typically, for this time of year, sales on Etsy begin to increase as many U.S. consumers begin to receive their Income Tax Refunds. However, I follow many shops of all types of products and Etsy sales, overall, have grown very cold!

With inflation, and now the worry over bank failures, many analysts say that if consumer confidence begins to decline, consumers will stop spending.

It would be prudent for Etsy to give Sellers more tools. If Sellers cannot sell, Etsy is nothing.

I would like for Etsy to find me more buyers at THEIR expense. This is the type of economic cycle where Etsy needs to “give back” to their Sellers.

Etsy should also reduce Seller fees so that products can be sold for less money. Etsy got too greedy these past few years and now the economic tide is beginning to turn.  

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Wed Mar 22 15:20:14 2023

I am currently in a test on Etsy that has the SHOP NAME link at the top right of the listing page disabled.  In order to visit a shop's main page from a listing I clicked on in search results, I have to scroll all the way down to the seller's name on the right side of the listing page to find a new link to the shop.

So, yeah, it looks like Etsy is helping buyers on the site NOT find ALL your listings, whatever good that may do sellers or Etsy to help increase sales.

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by: flybuy This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 01:39:42 2023

My request would be let me control how I get paid.

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by: Queen of the Jungle This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 09:01:10 2023

When the execs say "We're from Etsy and we want to help you" LOOK OUT.

Every single thing that they do is designed to put money in THEIR pockets, NOT OURS.

Last year was the worst in history for both my shops and this year is not much better.   Etsy is not a place for vintage and handmade.  

It is a high priced Ali Expess or Home Goods.

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by: spooky This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 10:20:42 2023

I just this morning received an Etsy message to try various promotions to increase sales. "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it" comes to mind

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by: Dea This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 11:37:25 2023

I read this and it felt like smoke and mirrors with nothing specific, more non transparency from Etsy.  Also the thought from you post today about them bringing in high end items from home fashions like furniture, they need to have those buyers are the platform, and their high end buyers are certainly not their target market.  They have so many things that need fixing, the list is long.  They need to focus on those issues.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Mar 23 12:04:13 2023

They need TWO Etsys.
"Etsy Bargain" and "Etsy Designer".
It's really that simple.

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by: Whatever This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 13:24:33 2023

as just a buyer because I gave up on selling on Etsy when it started to treat the seller just like ebay. So I actually bought something over there yesterday (miracle) when Etsy says "Etsy could be planning to add more services that sellers could buy - or may be considering expanding to new categories beyond handmade, vintage, and supplies" Lemme tell you there's TONS of cheap Chinese under handmade. I guess made by a small Chinese person qualify's.  Just for giggles I occasionally look for the SOLD items. There's isn't any I guess that's Etsy's point

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 13:46:13 2023

''New categories beyond handmade, vintage, and supplies''?  That sounds like different ways to describe mass manufactured new products imported from Asia.  As in MORE OF THE SAME now called by a different name.

Thanks for the laugh about Etsy Designer vs, Etsy Bargain.  Maybe I should reopen one of my inactive shops and list a bunch of stuff as handmade I purchased from China at less than $3 per unit, now priced at $50 to $80 per unit.  INSTANT DESIGNER.  There are millions of listings active on Etsy as I type that have been ''designed'' exactly this way.  

Etsy is a vast steaming pile of fraud with a small percentage of handmade or vintage items buried in all the poo poo.  Something stronger than K.I.S.S. is needed to clean that mess up.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Mar 23 13:53:32 2023

Vetted Shops is the answer.
They must be American, they must be verified individual artists.
Use the same method to verify as the SSL Certificate people.
Then have "shoppers" exercise the shops for truth.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Mar 23 13:56:54 2023

Etsy lost a Premier American Porcelain Carver because of Etsy's close proximity to imported garbage.
Etsy lost a lot of American talent.

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by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 23 17:53:57 2023

Actually you can. You put a tube down their throat and with pressure it all goes down their throats. Its very inhumane.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Mar 23 19:41:09 2023

Just visited the Etsy Home Page.
It looks silly.
There is some good merch pictured, but the other stuff looks like you may as well flush your money down the toilet.
Our best man once said "You can put sh*t on a stick and someone will buy it."
Etsy needs to remove that factor.
Home page should have gateways to various "departments".
Right now it's all too busy with stuff.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Mar 23 19:55:36 2023

It's just a matter of Etsy charging serious fees, while not having a serious appearance.
Etsy needs to be ironed out.

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by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Sun Mar 26 03:26:31 2023

Maybe the etsy sellers need a boycott day. No selling. No buying.  spend that day for a hard slam on every channel you got. Festivus airing of grievances

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by: Ms. Snazzy This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 27 08:34:23 2023

How canny to dictate what they want to hear rather than giving Etsy sellers the option to provide their own thoughts about what they really think.

They need to cut through the fairydiddle:

• Etsy is starting to feel more like Amazon. Sellers can’t compete with overseas manufacturing and a company like Amazon.

• Etsy sellers are fed up with the number of fees needed to pay in order to sell. Fees have doubled (or even tripled) over the past few years.

• While top sellers get their own digital ads— something that should be a perk, Etsy charges sellers a huge fee for those ads, and there’s no way for sellers to opt out.

• Etsy offers no support from real humans. Even if you do get through the red tape to speak with someone, they are not friendly and anxious to hang up.

• Your store gets lost in the sea of competition and you wind up having to charge less to attract buyers, making it much harder to earn a profit.

• Unless you have a registered copyright of EVERY item in your store, Etsy does absolutely nothing about the thousands of sellers who fragrantly copy your designs down to the finest detail.

• Your shop can be shut down at any time without notice or justification.

• When Etsy customers are treated unfairly and badly by customers Etsy does not care and does nothing.

• Etsy is run on a corporate level. Etsy’s high-level executives take seven-figure bonuses and are offered multi-million-dollar severance packages. Why isn’t that money going toward investing in sellers?

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