Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Mon Jan 14 2019 23:24:56

eBay Floats Fulfillment Pilot Program for Sellers

By: Ina Steiner

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Last week eBay invited some sellers to participate in "Fulfillment for eBay," but the pilot program works differently from the rival Fulfillment By Amazon program (FBA). Instead of building out its own fulfillment centers, as Amazon has done, eBay is working with third-party fulfillment services. 

Keep in mind that one of the most compelling things about Amazon's program is the fact that FBA products qualify for free delivery through Amazon Prime, meaning sellers' listings become more appealing to shoppers.

It's unclear if eBay is considering rolling out a Prime-like program as it did in Australia this summer, where shoppers pay $49/year to qualify for free shipping through the program, called eBay Plus. eBay is also using a third-party fulfillment company in Australia rather than building its own infrastructure there.

eBay enticed sellers on last week by promising that participants' listings would qualify for "Guaranteed Delivery" to 90% of buyers: "end-to-end fulfillment on 3-day deliveries are standard for 90% of buyers in the continental US," it stated.

eBay described additional benefits of participating in the fulfillment pilot program as follows:

- Enjoy special eBay negotiated, variable shipping rates.
- See increased velocity that can boost your sales.
- Focus on selling, while eBay and our partners handle the rest

In order to participate in the pilot program, sellers must use either eBay listing tools or use one of the following listing tools: ChannelAdvisor, Shopify, Zentail, SellerActive, GeekSeller, InkFrog, or WooCommerce. eBay is looking for sellers who can turn over their inventory within 3 months, and sellers must be able to split their inventory into at least two locations.

eBay will run the pilot for a limited period of time and then evaluate its performance to determine the future direction of the program.

eBay has been floating the idea of offering its own fulfillment program on and off for the past decade. eBay currently offers a fulfillment program in Germany as well as Australia. eBay Germany hired former Amazon EU's Director of Prime Michael Pasch in 2017.

Let us know if you'd be interested in participating in the program and what you think of it.

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by: industrystones This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 14 23:41:36 2019

Like a little school girl who HAS to have the same Pokemon sweater as the OTHER little girl. Their bumbling inept attempts at relevance eclipsed only by their ridiculous transparency.  Just call it a day already.  .  .  .  

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by: smallstuff This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 00:01:38 2019

No, No way.  Nuff said.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Tue Jan 15 00:27:35 2019

So, how many more times is Devin going to tell us that eBay doesn't want to be Amazon? And splitting inventory into two locations is going to cut out all small sellers (which they were going to reconnect with).  

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 01:52:07 2019

Ebay could not build out their own locations as they have blown all their cash on trying to create and fix Seller Hub and all the stock buybacks that Wenig keeps proposing to the board to try and artificially inflate the stock price.  They also do not have the talent to even attempt to do this and anybody that Wenig would approve to run it would be another useless connection from his past and have no idea how to run a fulfillment center.  I feel sorry for anybody who falls for another one of Ebays money making scams which will fail quickly.

Based on their requirement that the inventory sell out within 3 months (how about that - another short term quarter program to try and boost revenue) the test will probably end then and they do not want to have to deal with returning unsold merchandise to the Sellers.  I wonder if they will consider the leftover inventory as forfeited since it did not sell, or charge the Seller some ridiculous amount of money to package it and get their inventory returned.

Sellers beware as this is somehow going to wind up costing you a mint (will probably have all of these fulfillment centers in Managed Payments) as the fulfillment center is going to now also get a nice cut of your profits and Ebay will somehow get more revenue from it.  Whether they charge the fulfillment companies to be in the program or take a share of the sales from the deal, in addition to their 10% this is going to be a costly experiment for Sellers who will wind up the losers on the deal.

This is just another sign of Ebay getting more and more desperate to get more money out of their sellers as they cannot grow the company the normal way by bringing in new buyers.  They chase them off faster by encouraging the newbies to sell their used I-phone and when that deal goes bad tell them sorry, that is a cost of doing business on Ebay and there goes not only a Seller but a potential buyer who then bad mouths Ebay to all their friends.

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by: angryllama This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 04:26:21 2019

{{{ URP  }}}   I just vomited in my mouth.   How on Earth can all these eBay BOZOS possibly remember to breath IN every time the breath out?

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Tue Jan 15 05:44:25 2019

Duck Tape the morons to their chairs.
Get rid of ALL the stupid ideas.
Just want a "clean" venue.

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by: maxmad This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 06:17:29 2019

Complete and utter non-sense.

ebay knows most of the sales and traffic are now coming from private websites, and they are trying to get a cut, for doing nothing

How stupid does ebay think we are ? ChannelAdvisor, Shopify, Zentail, SellerActive, GeekSeller, InkFrog, or WooCommerce are all WEBSITE platforms,

in fact We use the WooCommerce plugin for our websites, the last thing in the world I would do, is to introduce some half baked WordPress ebay plugin to start screwing up my site ,then on top of all that start paying ebay again to do nothing, it makes absolutely no sense.

Third party fulfillment, OMG, I truly believe ebay thinks sellers are complete idiots, because they would need a ton of stupid for this to work. if I want Third party fulfillment I can easily do it myself.

best of luck to ebay, on their new Fulfillment Pilot Program "software"

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 06:33:46 2019

All this from a company who refuses or because their IT department consists of fools can't even fix the site that they have now. The incompentence of Ebay is amazing but what is more amazing is how many sellers will join this charade of glitches and then whine when something goes wrong and cry about how unfair Ebay is. I'm not sure who is the most ignorant Ebay or the sellers who can't live without this nonsense.

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by: maxmad This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 06:53:36 2019

"""" eBay will run the pilot for a limited period of time and then evaluate its performance to determine the future direction of the program """

I think they left out some important detail,,,it really should be...................

eBay will run the pilot for a limited period of time, once we get enough stupid sellers to buy into this fake service, and after the third party fulfillment centers and our glitch software fully destroys sellers feedback and reputation, we will terminate it like many of our other failed software programs and simply let the sellers worry about how to fix their ruined business,

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 07:03:47 2019

As noted by Silver - without the (hidden) additional fees and costs - the information provided is useless.

Its just another eBay profit center, with the seller getting some vague promise that once again they will get "some kind of increased selling velocity" - which in english means "screwing anyone who wont go along with the latest money making scheme".

Like the mafia that they emulate - its jut another pay for nothing money grab.

Sellers would have to ship to that center which 1) could be further away then a buyer making it take LONGER to get an item 2) will increase costs inbound 3) will increase costs outbound 4) what kind of liability does eBays warehouse carry (is this a game like GSP where eBay said X about the program and then later on changed it to Y ?) 5) why does it matter who a seller uses (what you you need Inkfrog for and what are THEY getting out of it?) 6) where do returns go? 7) how are returns covered ... since there cant be any INR and if eBay has it (themselves) and its what the buyer ordered - then there cant be SNAD ... can there be?

In any case - if you are letting the morons in San Jose deal with this stuff for you - and UPFRONT they refuse details - RUN - RUN FAR AWAY.

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by: OnlyPollyPocket This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 08:12:15 2019

Not a prayer!

ebay peeps can't be trusted to look both ways when crossing a way would I trust them with my merchandise nor to properly fulfill orders.

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This user has validated their user name. by: thehosst

Tue Jan 15 08:48:35 2019

As usual, anything that eBay does, they do it for worse, somehow, they are amazing at screwing 2+2 tasks. Amazopoly Prime is an abuse to so many sellers. By the way, if you have many loses or returns from customers, have them retrieved, you will soon realize that Amazopoly sells your "lost" stuff as open box or warehouse items, or auctions it. Amazon may be good for some, but truly bad for most.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Tue Jan 15 09:29:03 2019

Was this the email ebay sent out?


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by: maxmad This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 09:52:30 2019

I cannot even begin to imagine how bad this will end up for sellers, it's a recipe for complete disaster, anyone who has been asked to join should think long and hard, before handing over your items, it's going to be a nightmare, ebay will be responsible for absolutely nothing, other then collecting your money, and for sellers who are naive enough to buy into this non-sense, here's my message in advance,,,,,,

We told you so, it's your own fault , you deserve it, LOL

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by: mamie14425 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 10:20:25 2019

YIKES!!.....eBay is just like the government....they can't do anything right...and all of their programs are failures.....Why in the name of sam hill would anyone do fulfillment with eBay.....when you can do it with Amazon.....

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by: buffalochick This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 11:00:55 2019

The answer to this is VERY simple. If it is being run by ebay, DO NOT GO NEAR IT. RUN, run far away in the opposite direction. Do not click anything in any message that has anything to do with it. Keep your head down and walk around anything run by ebay. CYA

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by: Ebay Little Shop of Horrors This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 11:09:46 2019

The sellers still selling on ebay are not independent thinkers and they will sign up for this. Have you seen the seller board lately? Not Mensa members. Poor things.

I was delighted to see that Jeff Bezo is divorcing. He has a girlfriend, "Alive Girl". We all know what that means.

I hope Mrs. Devon serves him by drone. That would make my day.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Tue Jan 15 13:04:45 2019

"eBay is looking for sellers who can turn over their inventory within 3 months"

So I'm guessing this will be for their favored sellers whom they actually give visibility to.

Before they broke search and starting playing hide and go seek with my listings I turned over 85% of my inventory in a month.  It's all about who gets the visibility.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Tue Jan 15 13:20:22 2019

For sellers of new product this might be a blessing in disguise

I'm sure this will work for some sellers, but not for me!

I sell used stuff and almost everything is different when it's used.

But if you can get new merchandise at a great cost you can afford to have eBay drop ship for you!

Now, if we can only get eBay to sell me some video space on a listing.

People want to see my air tools in action!

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by: kilogirl78 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Jan 15 13:58:57 2019

I wonder if its the UPS fulfillment centers that UPS is pushing. I think ebay gets pitched an idea, and jumps on it then looks at the fine print but by this time, a few sellers are committed and end up getting hosed.  

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