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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed Nov 7 2018 20:32:15

New Head of eBay Seller Experience Details Major Changes

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay's new Vice President of Seller Experience Harry Temkin revealed in an interview on Wednesday changes that will be coming to the marketplace and described how they will impact sellers. 

eBay CEO Devin Wenig brought his former colleague from Thomson Reuters on board last month as he tries to revive growth. 

With a background in financial information and technology, Temkin is tasked with helping Wenig achieve his vision of a more powerful central dashboard for sellers, called Seller Hub. 

Temkin envisions sellers viewing their listings in Seller Hub with realtime pricing data on one side and promoted listing settings on the other - and it's easy to see why. Amazon's marketplace success is in part due to fluid product pricing, but it also makes it an incredibly competitive place on which to sell. And making it easier for sellers to pay-for-play increases eBay's take rate.

Here are changes Temkin announced:

Multiple Top Pick (MTP)
eBay already provides pricing guidance, but MTP takes it further. eBay will display off-eBay "web-based" prices of products (low, mid, high), and it will display prices for the top 5 comparable products on eBay (taking into account sellers' policies). MTP is launching to a limited audience starting this week with a full rollout next year.

Price-too-high Notifications and Adjustments
Temkin wants a mechanism to inform sellers in realtime if their product prices aren't comparable to other prices (on or off eBay), and give sellers the ability to either have eBay adjust the price for them, or reduce prices themselves in bulk by a set percentage relative to the prices eBay found.

Seller Initiated Offers
Sellers will be able to initiate an offer to anyone who is watching their listings.

Buyer Initiated Offers
Buyers will be able to initiate an offer to sellers. For example, Product X is listed by multiple sellers at $50. A buyer willing to pay $45 will be able to send a notification to those sellers asking if any would be willing to sell at the lower price.

Listing 1.0 
Some of the features eBay foists on consumer sellers will be available as options to business sellers. For example, sellers will be able to choose to automatically relist items that don't sell at a pre-determined lower price or with the Best Offer feature.

Multi-user Access and Authentication
eBay will roll out multi-user access and authentication sometime in the first three months of 2019. This allows an eBay seller to give employees partial or full access to their account.

Social Sharing from Seller Hub
eBay made it easier for sellers to socially share listings using eBay's mobile app, and it will extend that functionality to Seller Hub. 

Seller Protections
eBay will work on seller trust issues in 2019 - "As the head of seller experience, it's my job to protect you as the seller," Temkin said. "It's a high priority to add more seller protections."

Temkin's presentation indicates more fluid pricing and paid promoted listings are priorities for eBay in the year ahead.

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Perminate Link for New Head of eBay Seller Experience Details Major Changes   New Head of eBay Seller Experience Details Major Changes

by: thriftyone This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 20:52:07 2018

I can hardly wait for these new seller experiences.....said no one ever....

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by: Glassaholic This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 21:07:38 2018

There goes the neighborhood!

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by: dans parts This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 21:12:25 2018

So, clicked on the YouTube link Ina/David put in here, and the video began, but I quickly decided I wanted to watch it later, so shut it off.

The screen then showed the next video up.  Titled "How to Remove a Stump - Cheaply & Effectively".  With a fire burning on top of a tree stump.

Hmmm, does someone know something we don't know?

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This user has validated their user name. by: NoMoreEbay

Wed Nov 7 21:20:57 2018

"Details Major Changes"

As opposed to what, the other 5 billion MAJOR changes in the past year and every year before that for the past decade.

You want change, go back to they way you were before the last two bozo's destroyed this site and drove away it's customers. It's BECAUSE of you ebay is so messed up, no in spite of you.

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by: sellerchick This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 21:28:07 2018

Because a background in financial information and technology fully qualifies him for....RETAIL/MARKETING/SALES HOW?????

This whole competitor price thing is a 4 alarm DUMPSTER FIRE on the walmart marketplace. Especially because BOTS can't READ MEASUREMENTS or tell the difference between something made from steel made in the USA and something made of tin foil from China.

Not to mention CONDITION AND COLLECTIBILITY among other subjective criteria are totally ignored in this "algorithm" which are MAJOR factors in pricing.  

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by: Frank Abagnale This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 21:31:14 2018

Ebay once again is thinking that they own the inventory.

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by: hopeforthebest This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 22:15:15 2018

Let's see, shall we?

''Buyers will be able to initiate an offer to sellers.'' - Nothing new here.

''sellers will be able to choose to automatically relist items that don't sell'' - nothing new here.

''inform sellers in realtime if their product prices aren't comparable to other prices'' - they already do this when you relist. Nothing new here.

''eBay will work on seller trust issues in 2019'' - I've heard this song before, and so have you. Nothing new here.

Seriously, this is going to save EBay?

Dream on.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ric

Wed Nov 7 22:23:12 2018

Another non ecommerce executive appointment full of ideas for things sellers do not want or need.

This is a huge laundry list of things which will roll out as completely dysfunctional the way every eBay change rolls out.

This will drive sales down even further, decimate seller profits, and bring eBay even closer to the brink of shutting down.

As to seller projections.... Horse hockey..... eBay profits when sellers miss performance targets and is not about to protect sellers when that protection means eBay will not be able to squeeze their sellers harder.

The so called seller protections will be the usual unenforced, unobtainable remedies that are more rumor than functional for sellers.

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Wed Nov 7 22:44:46 2018

"It's a high priority to add more seller protections."

How many other eBay executives have said the same thing, while protection for sellers continues to get worse? Will they take substantive action against liar buyers? I doubt it.  

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 23:14:09 2018

So Wenig brings in the person that helped him push Thomson Reuters into a losing proposition thinking this would help Ebay.  What this probably means is he cannot get any good help to come to work at Ebay as they have become the laughing stock of the Technology World.  So he brings back a cohort who helped him destroy the last company that they ran into the ground to help him finish the job here so the Chinese can take over Ebay as he has been stating was Ebays goal for years.

What a joke hire, as again making a major hire who has zero retail online experience.  To me it looks like another lackey hire so that he has another yes man around him because nobody else would agree with anything he is doing based on his results.  I would bank on this hire and re-partnering of a former disaster team to be the final blow to Wenigs Reign of Ignorance at Ebay as the this has to be the last chance they are giving him to bail himself out of the disaster he has produced at Ebay.                                      

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by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 23:19:43 2018

If eBay wants to compare the prices of my items to those of other sellers (whether on or off eBay), I suggest that they come up with a way to determine which items are THE SAME and which items are DIFFERENT.  I am constantly seeing items (both mine and from other sellers) in search that say something along the lines of "get it brand new for just $xx.xx".  However, once you click that link, it takes you to a different item!  The item might be similar in some respects, but is generally a FAR less valuable item.  If I'm asking $100 for an item, chances are that no other eBay sell is selling it for $15, but that's what eBay will tell you.  Only when you click on that ad, you see an item worth $15, NOT the far more collectible item you were looking at to start with.  It's false advertising and is flat-out illegal.  But every time I tell eBay about it, they say something like "thanks for the suggestion, we'll take it into account."  It's NOT a suggestion, it's me informing eBay that they are BREAKING THE LAW!  And I tell them that and still they don't care!

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 7 23:47:15 2018

More BS. Just keep plugging your listings into other venues to offset the sales decline on ebay. It's a bit of work, but at least I still have grown. To me, you just have to follow the buyers if you can. Unfortunately they are either leaving ebay, and or ebay is playing with listing visibility. Either way its the same outcome, lower sales for me on ebay. Just have to make it up elsewhere!

Too bad. Ebay used to be great. Now its just too much dodging bullets!

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by: Bubbles This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 8 00:16:31 2018

These clowns are absolutely clueless!!!!!!!!! They just won't listen to sellers.

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by: dsimporting This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 8 00:20:51 2018

Ebay is clueless. Since 2005 eBay has sunk into a big nothing. Any of you can go to a flea market and make more in 1 day than you can in a week online. Sad this is what eBay has become

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This user has validated their user name. by: LasVagueness

Thu Nov 8 00:54:50 2018

"How can we make eBay even more...complicated?"

1) Multiple Top Pick (MTP)
2) Price-too-high Notifications and Adjustments
3) Buyer/Seller Initiated Offers
4) Multi-user Access and Authentication
5) Social Sharing from Seller Hub (like Poshmark?!!!!!!?)
6) New and Improved (!!!) "Seller Protections"

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This user has validated their user name. by: LasVagueness

Thu Nov 8 00:58:38 2018

How to make eBay less...complicated:

1) Basic is good
2) Simple is good
3) Uncluttered is good
4) Whittling down is good
5) Reciprocity is good
6) Seller control is good

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by: Sierra This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 8 01:07:28 2018

Anyone want to start a petition to bring back Meg Whitman?

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by: Paul W This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 8 01:35:15 2018

Most of my collectibles have little competition on eBay or elsewhere.  If eBay tries to compare them to other items there will be some very silly comparisons that I will happily ignore.

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by: val2525 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 8 01:48:12 2018

I like it.  I use Thomson Reuter products at my RL job and they're good. Their research info is top-notch.  It sounds like his job title should be changed though - maybe Seller Tech Development. I just hope this means an improved seller hub AND some REAL traffic reports.

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by: Silver Ice King This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 8 02:05:56 2018

@val2525 -

Temkin left there in 2013 and Wenig was terminated from in 2011 as he could not manage to grow that business either.  In fact if I remember correctly from what I read the business went downhill under his regime just as Ebay has under it.  So now he brings another piece of his past back to work with him so I guess we an expect a repeat of the historical debacle he created there.

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