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Established: 2010

Overall Rating:5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating

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Ease Of Use:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

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Value:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars


FBAPower for lightning fast listing, labeling, pricing, and batch creation.

FBAScout (iPhone and Android) for mobile scouting with exclusive features such as all FBA offers, product images, multiple search result support, seller quantity and FBA Net prices (price + shipping) for every item from every category on Amazon.

FBARepricer for leveraging FBA status and maximizing margin by keeping your FBA items competitively priced against all offers (merchant fulfilled and FBA sellers).

Sites Supported


FBAPower Pack: $59.95/month
Includes FBAPower, FBAScout, & FBARepricer

Also available

FBAPower (includes FBARepricer): $39.95/month

FBAScout: $39.95/month

FBARepricer: $25/month

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)

FBAPower & FBARepricer: Web-based: Mac & PC

FBAScout: iPhone & Android

Latest Reviews (1)

allened: Simply OUTSTANDING. Has met and exceeded my...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 20, 2011

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