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Place an ad in the AuctionBytes Classifieds for $25 for the year. Here's what it gets you:


- Your ad will be seen on the AuctionBytes Classifieds section of the AuctionBytes.com website

- The photo from your ad will be rotated along with other ads on the front page of the AuctionBytes home page

- Your ad will also appear on a rotating basis in AuctionBytes' NewsFlash newsletter


You can advertise an individual item and include a PayPal button, or you can advertise your website, storefront or even a brick & mortar store! You can buy as many AuctionBytes Classified ads as you like (each one costs $25).

Ease of use!

It's simple to set up an AuctionBytes Classified ad, and you can change the ad yourself anytime you want!!

A Bargain!

For $25, you get a classified ad that will be seen on the AuctionBytes website and newsletters, and you can change the ad yourself anytime!

FAQs - What are EcommerceBytes Classifieds & How Does It Work?

What are EcommerceBytes Classifieds?
EcommerceBytes Classifieds is an affordable classified ad service where you control the listing. You can sell individual items and choose to include a PayPal button in the ad, or you can advertise your auctions, Web site and storefronts! Paid advertisers will have a Classified ad listing for One Year.  During that time, you can go in and change your ad any time.

What Can I Advertise in My Ad?
You can advertise individual items in your EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad. You can also promote any of your selling venues - such as auctions, storefronts, brick & mortar stores or Web sites. Use a classified ad to promote your business, service or sell individual items. You can purchase as many EcommerceBytes Classifieds ads as you like, they cost $25/year and you can modify them anytime.

How Much Does an EcommerceBytes Classifieds Ad Cost?
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, which will expire with no further obligation. If you choose to purchase an EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad, it will cost $25 for the entire year.

How Will Buyers See My Ad?
EcommerceBytes Classifieds is prominently displayed on the 
EcommerceBytes.com home page. Buyers can search or browse EcommerceBytes Classifieds ads. We also advertise paid EcommerceBytes Classifieds listings in the EcommerceBytes NewsFlash email newsletter on a rotational basis! Paid EcommerceBytes Classifieds ads will also get 125x125 banner rotation on the EcommerceBytes home page!

How can I track the effectiveness of my EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad?
EcommerceBytes Classified ads have counters, so that you can see how many people have viewed your listing. There are several ways that you can track who is coming to your Web site through the EcommerceBytes Classifieds. You may want to set up a special email address that only appears on EcommerceBytes Classifieds. If you own your own domain, you might create an email address such as abclassified@mydomain.com. You can set up an AOL, Hotmail or Yahoo! account with the same type of name. If you have access to the logs on your own Site, you might also consider adding a query to the link to your site in your EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad. For example: http://www.mydomain.com/?abc. That will mark any requests with the ?abc query as coming from your ad. You will need to have access to your logs to count them.

Are there tools that track how many visitors go to my Web site after viewing my EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad?
There are special tools that can track the effectiveness of outside advertising on your own Web site to find what ads work best, for example, Web Trends. Some of these tools are free and some cost money. You should talk to your Webmaster to see what he/she recommends.

Why aren't more people buying things from my EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad?
Experts say you should always test, test, test your marketing efforts. You can try different headlines to capture people's attention. You can try different descriptions, or try selling a different item! But remember, just because you don't get sales doesn't mean people are not viewing your ad. You should use some of the methods described above to track the effectiveness of your 
EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad.

How Frequently Can I Change My Ad?
You can change your ad as often as you'd like. Change the description, upload a new image, change contact information or even change category! You will have a password and can edit your ad yourself any time, as often as you like.

Can I list an ad in more than one category?
You can list your ad in only one category, but you can change the category at any time. If you want an ad in more than one category, you will have to purchase multiple ads. 

How to Purchase an EcommerceBytes Classifieds Ad

How do I purchase an EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad?
In order to purchase an 
EcommerceBytesBytes Classifieds ad, you must first register. Go to the registration page:
and enter your name, address and email address. Create a User Name and Password  Make sure you choose a secure password, one that incorporates both capitals letters and lower-case letters, and numbers. An email will be sent to you confirming your registration and pointing to the link where you can set up your EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad. (IF you already registered, see the next question.)

How much does an EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad cost?
EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad costs $25 for the entire year.

How can I pay for an EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad?
EcommerceBytes Classifieds ads can be purchased using PayPal, Money Order, or personal check.  If you're paying via PayPal, click on the PayPal button on this page and follow instructions. If paying by check or money order, click here and follow the instructions on that page. Listings paid for by check or money order will be added within 5 days of receiving payment.


I forgot my password, what do I do?
You should check the email we sent you that contains your User Name and Password. If you can't find it and you forget your password, go to http://www.ecommercebytes.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/class-login.pl?ForgotPasswd 
and enter your email address. We'll send it to you again.

The screen says my image upload was successful. Why isn't my image showing up in my ad?
There may be several reasons that your image doesn't show up. You may be trying to upload a file that is not compatible with the 
EcommerceBytesBytes Classifieds program. Only GIFs and JPGs may be used in ads. 200 pixels high x 200 pixels wide and less than 70 kilobytes. Also check to make sure that your image has an extension at the end of the file name. The program recognizes .jpg .jpeg and .gif file extensions

Why does my image look distorted or fuzzy?
If your image is fuzzy or distorted, the most likely reason is that you've uploaded an image that is smaller than 200 pixels wide.  The software resizes smaller images to fill a window 200 pixels wide which can stretch out the pixels in your image and reduce its quality.  To ensure the best quality image, reduce your picture in your image editing software to 200 pixels in width and less than 70k in file size

How do I add a link in the description box?
You may add a link in your description by using the following HTML tags:
Click'>http://www.mylink.com">Click Here</a>
You must replace the URL within the quotation marks with the URL you are linking to. Instead of "Click Here", you can use any phrase you'd like within the tags. You can add several links within your description. Be sure to keep your links on separate lines, so that they're easier to read. Use a <br> tag (break tag) at the end of each link to start a new line.
For example:
Click'>http://www.mylink.com">Click Here</a><br>
Click'>http://www.mylink.com">Click Here</a>

Can I have more than one ad in the EcommerceBytes Classifieds?
Yes. You can have as many ads as you'd like. Each 
EcommerceBytesBytes Classifieds ad is $25.

Why does my image look so bad in the Home Page 125x125 banner?
The image that appears in the 
EcommerceBytesBytes Home Page 125x125 banner is a thumbnail of the image that you placed in your EcommerceBytesBytes Classifieds ad. Because the image is reduced, the optimal image should be 'squarish' in shape. Long, narrow images will not show up well in the Home Page banner.

Miscellaneous Questions

Can I place a link to my ongoing eBay auctions in my EcommerceBytes Classifieds ad?
To link to your auctions, you'll need to use these HTML tags before and after your link:
<a href="
Click'>http://www.url-to-my-eBay-auctions">Click here to see all my eBay auctions!</a>
You'll have to find the actual URL to you eBay listings and insert it within the quotation marks in the first tag. You can also ad any text you'd like to be visible as the link by adding that between the opening tag and the closing tag.

The Best Tool For Re-Sellers & Collectors

How to be included in the AuctionBytes Classifieds

1) Register for AuctionBytes Classifieds

2) Set up your classified ad.

3) Once you have registered, pay for your classified via PayPal.

AuctionBytes Classified ads get additional exposure on the home page of AuctionBytes as well as rotation in the AuctionBytes NewsFlash newsletter.

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Steiner Associates LLC assumes no responsibility for misprints or claims and actions by its advertisers. Neither Steiner Associates LLC nor its agents assume any responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of any description or item advertised and makes no warranty as to either. © Copyright Steiner Associates LLC.