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eBay VP Says Managed Payments Is a Win for Buyers and Sellers

eBay Managed Payments
eBay VP Says Managed Payments Is a Win for Buyers and Sellers

eBay announced Monday it’s expanding Managed Payments, and its executive in charge of Global Payments had a message for buyers and sellers.

eBay announcement follows:

eBay Expands Managed Payments — Here’s Why This is A Win for All of Us
By: Alyssa Cutright, VP of Global Payments

eBay is expanding its management of payments for buyers and sellers in five countries.

Today’s a big day: eBay is now expanding its management of payments for our buyers and sellers in five key countries — and beyond. This expansion is a significant step on our journey to becoming a simpler, more modern managed marketplace.

For the past few years, we’ve worked hard to make it possible to manage your payments and we’re proud that this moment is here. This is an accomplishment for all of us: with the new way business is done on eBay, our buyers win, our sellers win, and our marketplace wins.

Why it’s a win for our buyers
Before eBay managed payments, there were fewer ways to pay, creating an inflexible checkout experience that didn’t keep up with buyers’ shifting needs.

Now, the checkout process is simple and integrated with more ways to pay, delivering the retail standards our buyers want and expect. Buyers can check out on their terms, with a range of payment options including credit cards, debit cards, gift cards and PayPal. Apple Pay is available as a payment option on iPhone and iPad. Google Pay is also available on the eBay site and on the eBay Android App. We have also enabled SEPA direct debit as a payment option for buyers in Germany, Afterpay for buyers in Australia and PayBright for buyers in Canada.

As we continue to expand our management of payments, we will also continue to expand payment options for buyers. This provides our existing buyers with new choice and flexibility and opens the door for new buyers worldwide to join our community.

Why it’s a win for our sellers
Before eBay managed payments, sellers had to work with two different companies to sell on our platform, creating hassle with supplemental reconciliation, time delays, and support challenges.

Now, selling is end-to-end and integrated on eBay, with everything you need to sell and get paid in one place. That means no third party fees, automatic payouts to your bank account, and a single source for reports, refunds, protections and support. And for most sellers, these streamlined operations will mean savings for their business, too. We believe these changes will help us better support our sellers and equip them to grow.

In the U.S., we’re hearing from longtime sellers like Theresa Cox who are already seeing the benefits. “I’ve been in the managed payments program for nearly two years now. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…this has to be one of the best, if not the best, programs eBay has rolled out…ever!” she said. “Features were added over time, usually ahead of schedule. … I am looking forward to the continued growth, sales and benefits as the program rolls out site wide,” she said.

And in Germany, sellers are also seeing how managed payments streamlines their business and offers buyers more choice. “I have been using the new payment processing since March and cannot say anything negative,” said Ramona Karsten, a seller in Germany who has been on eBay for nearly 20 years. “I don’t care how the payment goes, the main thing is that the customer buys and pays and my account fills up.”

Hundreds of thousands of sellers have already registered. A majority of sellers will be activated by the end of 2020. When eBay is ready to manage your payments, we’ll be in touch to get you registered. As we continue to modernize our platform, managing payments is critical in that transformation. Thank you for your continued partnership, we appreciate your support in the journey.

Why it’s a win for our marketplace
Our marketplace exists to create connections between buyers and sellers across the world. Payments is an essential component of making those connections and until now, our ability to empower and maximize opportunity for our community was dependent on a third party.

By managing payments, eBay is taking control of its own destiny. We are investing in our buyers and sellers, creating an integrated end-to-end platform, and enhancing the eBay experience by breaking down barriers and removing complexities for our customers.

Today, we are proud to manage payments in five countries and moving forward, we’re excited to bring these new benefits to our buyers and sellers across all countries where eBay operates.

For more information, check out our Seller Center.

SOURCE: eBay Announcement

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Ina Steiner
Ina Steiner
Ina Steiner is co-founder and Editor of EcommerceBytes and has been reporting on ecommerce since 1999. She's a widely cited authority on marketplace selling and is author of "Turn eBay Data Into Dollars" (McGraw-Hill 2006). Her blog was featured in the book, "Blogging Heroes" (Wiley 2008). She is a member of the Online News Association (Sep 2005 - present) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (Mar 2006 - present). Follow her on Twitter at @ecommercebytes and send news tips to ina@ecommercebytes.com. See disclosure at EcommerceBytes.com/disclosure/.

Written by 

Ina Steiner is co-founder and Editor of EcommerceBytes and has been reporting on ecommerce since 1999. She's a widely cited authority on marketplace selling and is author of "Turn eBay Data Into Dollars" (McGraw-Hill 2006). Her blog was featured in the book, "Blogging Heroes" (Wiley 2008). She is a member of the Online News Association (Sep 2005 - present) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (Mar 2006 - present). Follow her on Twitter at @ecommercebytes and send news tips to ina@ecommercebytes.com. See disclosure at EcommerceBytes.com/disclosure/.

14 thoughts on “eBay VP Says Managed Payments Is a Win for Buyers and Sellers”

  1. ok, when they explain to me when having to wait for your money several days, if not more by most accounts is better than having your money basically immediately via PP through your debit card, or for a 1% fee within minutes then I’ll consider it.
    Etsy managed payments works relatively well, and steady, then you have Tradesy, it’s generally a week before you get your money after you request the transfer, most are around 10-14 days.
    Also, from what I understand, your money will be held when there is a return request, unlike PP, and this can be a hassle.
    I currently have a return request from May 25, buyer decided she would keep it, I asked her to cancel, she didn’t know how. Anyways, it was supposed to close after 30 days, NO, ebay extended it to July 15, then it was supposed to close, now I get an email, it says “return delivered, please refund buyer”, they have no tracking for delivery because it wasn’t. Still won’t close. Thankfully PP never held my funds, but under new MP, my funds would still be tied up.

  2. Alyssa the only win is for fleecebay. if you were Pinocchio your nose would be at least 5 foot long

  3. Maybe it’s just my old school grammar, but when you put “no” in front of the 1st noun in a series of nouns in a sentence, it applies to all the nouns in that series.
    I know what he meant, but it’s not what he said. Classic eBay.

  4. Alyssa,

    If it is such a GREAT win for both sellers and buyers, when is China going to have the privilege of dealing with Sellers Hub and Mangled Payments???? I have yet to ever hear anything about China ever being included in this great Ebay program, which tends to make me think that they were smart enough to make sure that Ebay could never control their business and money like they are now forcing on all Sellers in almost every other country. In fact I have been asking this question for a couple of years now and have yet to ever have any response from Ebay. Not even an acknowledgement that while the rest of us are going to continually get screwed over by Ebay whenever their is any type of accidental glitch where Ebay just happens to not pay out the correct amount of money or delays the payment for some erroneous reason. Why can’t Ebay just admit that China is never going to be included in the program so that the rest of us can once again understand how Ebay continues to favor China, who of course according to your former CEO is Ebays future???

  5. I just want a benign US selling venue.
    Running silently in the background.
    3% take from the transaction.
    MY payment gateway.
    My policies.

  6. Alyssa Cutright, another eBay employee whose only job is to lie to the customers, the sellers.

    “Before eBay managed payments, sellers had to work with two different companies to sell on our platform, creating hassle with supplemental reconciliation, time delays, and support challenges.”

    Alyssa, all of those hassles and challenges were on the eBay side of the equation. Your colleague, Jordan Sweetnam, said that after the Wenig debacle that eBay would be more transparent with its partners, the sellers. But trying to get a straight answer on Managed Payments is like pulling teeth. It looks like the secrecy it at your orders, why the need to hide everything Alyssa?

  7. fixed:

    eBay Expands Managed Payments — Here’s Why This is A LOSS for All of Us

    Alicia, Alicia – what a liar you are. Liar liar cheap pants suit on fire.

    Ive been here since 1998 and no buyer ever said to me “I couldnt buy your stuff because I wanted to use X payment method and eBay didnt let”. Does it happen? yes – but whats your excuse when people ask if they can use personal check or cash?

    Paypal was never the REAL issue – they made money (ie they had real growth) and OUTSIDE investors forced the separation. Why? Because when a company says “we are part of eBay”, they get shown the door – no one takes eBay SERIOUSLY.

    Besides, isnt eBay “Just a venue”? hmm guess they lied AGAIN in court.

    Its also bad for sellers because when it was 2 different companies – sellers had a better chance to win cases – dealing with eBay means that most times as a seller – you are SOL.

    NEVER believe the liars at eBay, NEVER

  8. I buy pennies on the dollar. Everytime Ebay raises any rates we raise everything 5 per cent, Same with the USPS, Has worked for us just fine the past 21 years, As long as I’m making money I don’t care who they climb in bed with nor do I care who they screw. I’m making enough to be smart enough to look the other way and just raise prices. At 79 years old I will die before they make it impossible for us to list.

    1. Nice to hear you have no skin in the game simply because you’re going to die soon. As for the rest of us who will still be here, we have something to fight for. Too bad you couldn’t use your knowledge to help out fellow sellers in their fight rather than belittle everything they say because it doesn’t affect you. Glad you don’t have to care, Who Really Cares.

  9. Hmmm…instant access via my own PayPal business account or wait for what could be a rather long time (ya never know on eBay)? Add the fact that the latter would cost more or wash out for the majority rather than save them anything? Do you think we can’t do math or something? Maybe it’s you who can’t do the math, which wouldn’t at all surprise me. Sorry, but K-Mart Blue Light Specials don’t constitute as degrees — either that or you paid a lot of money to learn nothing. Like to party did ya?

  10. I’ve been a longtime eBay buyer/seller since the late 90’s… but I think I’ve had enough 🙁
    For the last 10+ years it’s just been a slow death of 1000 cuts (and fee increases) over there for sellers

  11. Let’s face it, Ebay’s management has severe character issues and is devoid of ideas. Managed payments is just a mindless way to juice revenue on the backs of sellers. Commission on taxes? Really? The notion that it is a win for sellers is offensive.

  12. I wish Ebay would just be honest. Management is fearful they will be run off for poor fiscal performance. Managed Payments is just a super simple way to juice the numbers for the short term. The board should just clean house and bring in a management team with creative ideas. Cut loose the cretins who stalk the truth tellers instead of investing in creative ideas for growth.

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