Comments on: Have You Noticed eBay Is Faster? Ecommerce Industry News Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:38:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: cfrphoto Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:38:08 +0000 I haven’t noticed any speed improvement. Even if pages load faster search is ineffective in the Stamps category. Left panel filters seem to depend on exact match with predefined Item Specifics. Unfortunately, eBay has chosen recommended values inconsistent with abbreviations commonly used by most stamp dealers. Other recommended values mirror coin terminology and are inconsistent with the Scott catalog, used by most US stamp collectors. Worst of all, search by catalog number is not supported except for string matches in titles that return too many irrelevant results.

How could search latency be improved:

1. Stop returning obviously irrelevant results. A catalog number for a stamp is not a price or a motorcycle part number. String searches should screen out prices and owner inventory numbers.
2. Recommended item Specifics values should not be abbreviations or acronyms.
3. Filtering should not fail if characters match but punctuation is different.
4. Searches should not wander out of category unless categories in different trees have a nexus. This is necessary for some books and other items that may be listed in more than one category. It does not excuse matching a stamp catalog number with an electronics part number.
5. In-category indexes or accelerator tables, if they exist, should be more carefully defined. Subject matter experts, now lacking at eBay may be needed to resolve some chronic search issues.

By: CanBrit Sat, 25 Jan 2020 15:46:16 +0000 Well, to be honest, I have to say when I’m adding new listings to a sale, it used to take hours, sometimes a day. Now I can get the item listed in about 15 minutes, not faster than Etsy, but a huge improvement.

As for the search being faster, everyone needs to read the eBay forum’s WEEKLY CHAT from Jan22nd. I have never seen the Blues under so much attack before. It was hilarious. People were really sticking it to them. You could tell some tempers were getting flared a lot.

By: RL15 Fri, 24 Jan 2020 15:32:56 +0000 No changes, just more garbage for the acting ceo to spew to the investors of what a great job he’s doing.

By: who really cares Fri, 24 Jan 2020 13:03:37 +0000 The only faster thing we have notice on Greedbay is how fast they take our money. Other than that they make a turtle look fast.

By: aris Fri, 24 Jan 2020 11:33:23 +0000 Ha ha, nope! In fact, I’ve had more “WE’VE LOOKED EVERYWHERE for the page..” (blah blah) error than usual for the past few days. And on my selling pages, there have been a number of graphics that don’t fill in.
Complete opposite of the nonsense stated in that article.
