Comments on: eBay GTC Changes Throws Some Sellers for a Loop Ecommerce Industry News Sun, 04 Aug 2019 04:23:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silver Ice King Sun, 04 Aug 2019 04:23:01 +0000 @bargainzbabylon

So does this mean that Ebay is going to AUTOMATICALLY give these overcharges back to the Sellers, or is it another one of these, “If you catch us and call us out on it” we will refund you? My bet is that if a Seller does not call and have the exact information on what they were overcharged on, Ebay will once again do nothing but gladly keep the Sellers money. They can easily discover who was overcharged and refund that money, but that is just not how Ebay operates. They operate using the “GOTCHA” method of billing unless you catch them and call them out on it. Ebay depends on all of these so called glitches to show any kind of growth.

These things happen with every change that Ebay makes because they no longer have a Beta Testing Department in house. They use us, Their Sellers, to do all the QC work on their changes because they are to cheap to do it themselves. They also make more money this way because as funny as it sounds, every glitch that happens seems to favor Ebay making more money. Purely Coincidence? I highly doubt it, as Ebay has been showing their true colors for many years now. The one glitch that I remember that was in the Sellers favor happened a couple of years ago and Ebay had not invoiced many Sellers for all of their FVF’s. Funny how Ebay caught that error and had it corrected in about a day where all of these other “glitches” rarely if ever get fixed and Ebay gladly keeps accepting the stolen money month after month.

Despite all of the “glitches” and other problems that Ebay continues to have, they continue use the offshore programmers whose work is shoddy at best and bring in more and more H1B Visa employees because they can pay them less than a US citizen would be paid plus they have so much control over them. If any of them were to ever disclose or say anything about Ebays practices you can be sure that Ebay would terminate them immediately and they would be required to go back to the poverty stricken country they came from. Also many of them come from countries where these types of practices are considered SOP.

By: bargainzbabylon Fri, 02 Aug 2019 21:55:09 +0000 For anyone reading this now, eBay is working on this and sellers will be credited for any accidental relists.

Not sure why it happened to begin with – don’t they do QC on their changes? But at any rate, a resolution is in the works.

By: eBay Shill Thu, 25 Jul 2019 17:12:13 +0000 eBay claims they are refunding all the fees from these phantom automatic relists that their GTC fee generation script created fraudulently, but they never gave a reason to us on how it happened, they claim as always it was a ‘glitch’ and they mumbled about the new GTC policy changes.

I told them the items were never close to ending and want the reason that their GTC fee generation script renewed thousands of listings that never were close to ending.

They will not get back to you Ina, eBay is hiding something very large here from the seller community.
