Comments on: How Mercari’s New Guaranteed Returns Policy Works Ecommerce Industry News Wed, 15 May 2024 23:16:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: eBray Sat, 30 Mar 2024 04:56:34 +0000 Imma return my half-eaten chocolate bar for a full refund, bruh!

By: NYSteve Thu, 28 Mar 2024 15:29:37 +0000 interesting, i remember leaving Mercari, as a seller, because i mistakenly put in a low price for one of my Asins, and I was blocked from correcting it to a higher price…
their reply ‘we at Mercari like low prices, we dont believe in raising prices’

By: None Such Thu, 28 Mar 2024 05:54:19 +0000 I’m still digesting all this. One thing that is not completely clear to me is whether as a seller of a low value item in a case where the buyer has buyer’s remorse and Mercari doesn’t require the item to be returned, am I still docked the price of the good? Because if so, and I don’t get the good back, then selling low prices items may no longer be attractive on Mercari.

By: MARK NICHOLS Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:29:40 +0000 RETURNS … I already had 72-hours to make a RETURN or DISPUTE a purchase with Mercari if need be. It was very rare to have an issue buying on Mercari. This “new return policy” adds NO VALUE to me and asking me to pay MORE FEES!


What makes Mercari think “they are doing something special” … when all they are doing is trying to make their BUYERS have to PAY MORE. Sure, you can have NO SELLER FEES for Sellers … but WHAT HAPPENS if you have NO BUYERS?!!

I have made OVER 100-PURCHASES on Mercari since I found them a few years back as an ALTERNATIVE to eBay. Now, as I understand it … not only am I paying for the ITEM, SALES TAX, SHIPPING FEES, now I am EXPECTED TO PAY a “BUYERS FEE” as well as “CREDIT CARD FEES” on top of everything else???!!! Ha … ha … ha … ha … ha … ha … ha!!!!!!! NOT!

When I walk inside a STORE or RESTAURANT … if I find they CHARGE EXTRA for use of a CREDIT CARD then I make note NOT to return!! It has been the GOAL of BANKS to get BOTH the CONSUMER and BUSINESS to PAY for the use of CREDIT and DEBIT CARDS … these days more and more merchants are trying to “shift” the fees to their customers. If I have to PAY TO HAVE ACCESS TO MY MONEY then I will AVOID all such businesses. I would support a business with a CASH and/or CHECK only rule … but don’t make me PAY MORE to SPEND MY MONEY!!

Not only does Mercari want me to PAY for the CREDIT CARD FEES … now, I am EXPECTED to pay a BUYERS FEE as well?!!! SORRY, it’s BAD ENOUGH that I am stuck with SHIPPING FEES and SALES TAX … this is all TOO MUCH!

SHIPPING FEES are the REAL DEAL KILLER … it’s funny how Amazon can ship just about everything for FREE and they are the ONLY business in the United States that I know of that is getting such a DEAL from the United States Postal Service (and HOW so?!!). But, if I want to try and SUPPORT a SMALL SELLER online … many times what I have to pay for SHIPPING can COST AS MUCH AS THE ITEM itself!!! Now, a BUYER is EXPECTED TO PAY more than all of that?

I have a feeling that I will not be shopping with Mercari sellers going forward.

PRICE ABUSE … as it is, because Mercari has NO LISTING FEES already, you will sometimes see an item being sold for MUCH MORE than its “true” value. Do you think I want to shop a marketplace knowing prices are “jacked up” because a seller knows they don’t have to pay fees … what will this NEW POLICY do?

I know sellers have to put forward a lot of effort just to list and then try to sell their goods online … then they got blasted with more & even higher marketplace SELLER FEES, national SALES TAX COLLECTION bookkeeping, and now SALES VOLUME THRESHOLDS for the collection of FEDERAL & STATE INCOME TAXES!!! I think that BOTH the ONLINE MARKETPLACES and GOVERNMENT is doing all that it can to DESTROY this online economy! Should we all just go back to YARD SALES and SWAP MEETS?

I suppose … the GOVERNMENT, the POST OFFICE, the BANK, and the ONLINE MARKETPLACE will make sure to get THEIR money! HOW MUCH (if any) is left for SELLERS?

SORRY, everyone … but this CONSUMER has just about had ENOUGH!! When SHIPPING CHARGES turn out to be the DEAL KILLER … DON’T EXPECT ME TO PAY MORE for BUYERS FEES and CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FEES!!! Ha … ha … ha … ha … ha … ha … ha!!!!!!!
