Comments on: eBay Partners with FedEx to Help Korean Sellers Ship Internationally Ecommerce Industry News Sat, 23 Mar 2024 04:43:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: MARK NICHOLS Sat, 23 Mar 2024 04:43:45 +0000 ONE WORLD TRADE — With companies like Temu … what US consumers are buying on this LAND is coming DIRECTLY from a FOREIGN LAND and I don’t know IF anyone KNOWS or CARES what harm it could bring to the US economy??? These companies BYPASS all US retailers (and AUCTION SELLERS) … and NOTHING goes in the POCKETS of any US worker. Merchandise can flow directly from a manufacture in China and straight inside a home here in the US … again, no US worker benefits!

The PROBLEM is … if YOU and I (or any store) want to sell goods coming from the US and going to one of these FOREIGN LANDS, well, we CAN’T!!! That’s because WE CANNOT AFFORD THE COST OF INTERNATIONAL MAIL SHIPPING RATES to deliver our goods. But, now, companies like Temu SELL DIRECTLY TO YOU and sell you something you could once buy from a DOLLAR STORE and they could sell it for the SAME PRICE if they wanted (and SHIPPING FROM CHINA IS INCLUDED! ). HOW SO??? They can sell directly to you and I here in the US – BUT – WE CANNOT SELL TO THEM???

IMPORT DUTIES … this is what’s used to PROTECT both US manufactures (DO WE HAVE ANY LEFT?) and US resellers (LOOK AT ALL THE STORES HERE IN THE US THAT HAVE CLOSED!!) and all US consumers (SOME NOW LIVING ON OUR STREETS) from being LOADED with a bunch of FOREIGN GOODS. International trade is fine … yet, it better go BOTH WAYS – but – right now the US government is not making it easy for US manufactures and resellers to trade overseas.

KIND OF LIKE AMAZON … they can sell their goods to you and me and then offer FREE SHIPPING – BUT – if you and I wanted to ship THAT VERY SAME ITEM then you could expect to PAY MORE FOR SHIPPING THAN THE ITEM IS WORTH. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? WHY IS THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE giving AMAZON such a “DEAL” – BUT – no other retailer in the entire UNITED STATES OF AMERICA gets the SAME DEAL that ONLY AMAZON receives? IMAGINE if our SMALL, LOCAL MERCHANTS could OPEN up their stores to both US and INTERNATIONAL markets!!!!

All of this ABUSE needs to STOP … the marketplace needs to be FAIR for EVERYONE!

I don’t know about you … when I go shopping I like knowing that what I spend will help a person and family KEEP FOOD ON THEIR TABLE – and – that “LOVE” better start “RIGHT HERE AT HOME!!”

ENOUGH of these CORPORATIONS having goods made in China and other locations … only to ship it all back directly to the US and putting MORE PEOPLE OUT OF WORK in this country. It’s bad enough seeing Amazon and Walmart use ROBOTS to get rid of workers … now this too!

Now, as we read … it appears that both eBay and FedEx have plans to bring more FOREIGN GOODS directly to US consumers – and, with that – will it harm even more US workers and the US economy???
