Comments on: Amazon Prime October Sale Attracts Tens of Millions of Holiday Shoppers Ecommerce Industry News Mon, 17 Oct 2022 17:34:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stoned11 Mon, 17 Oct 2022 17:34:47 +0000 Funny. This is Amazons spin, however, others see this data differently…

Last Friday, on CNBC, a group of retail analysts and Stock Market fund managers say that Prime October was a flop. Even though “millions” showed up for the sale, the dollar amount per transaction was 20% less than sales generated in Prime Day, this past summer.

What this says to investors, is that the consumer is indeed holding back on spending which is always noticed on the amount spent per transaction, rather than the amount of people who showed up for the Sale.

By: cvsharkey Mon, 17 Oct 2022 12:27:12 +0000 Just not sure why or how Amazon is able to falsely promote “savings’ on Prime Days and continue to rake it in. I’ve checked on items I’ve purchased on Prime Day later & in most instances the regularly offered price is the same as it is on Prime Day. And a couple of times I’ve found it to be less. I’m sure there are valuable items offered at a discount–and those are “on the clock.” That is what will hold people’s attention. Plus, items placed in the cart will time out. So impulse purchases are continuously made.

Honestly, it is so sad how much Amazon is using decades old techniques to con people into making a purchase & believing they have gotten “a deal.”

DROP your Amazon Prime membership. Take a step back & if you have items in your cart–leave them there until you get the min $25 to get free shipping. Often I think you’ll find you have items in your cart that looked good at the time, but you rethink later.

Yes, having dropped my membership I am STILL ordering from Amazon. But the savings I’m accruing by using this method has dropped my monthly spending by more than half. Now I see my savings account increase instead of holding or decreasing each month. Feels good. Real good.
