EcommerceBytes-NewsFlash, Number 2793 - April 30, 2012     2 of 6

Etsy Opens Wedding Shopping Hub and Registry

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Etsy is a popular place for brides and grooms planning their wedding and looking for invitations, party favors, fashion and keepsakes, and over the weekend, Etsy launched a new portal ("browsing experience") called Etsy Weddings in order to offer "inspiration and guidance."

Etsy also launched a Wedding registry, which it said had been much-requested by users. "From personalized decor to vintage kitchen items, the registry makes it easy for couples to choose gifts that match their distinct taste and lifestyle." Etsy said as brides and grooms share their registry with their guests, it hoped new shoppers would discover Etsy.

Etsy described the new Weddings portal as "a combination of wedding items, trends, how-to's, expert advice and the stories of real couples - all in one place. Featured items will change frequently to represent trends in the Etsy marketplace and beyond."

Etsy Weddings will replace the previous weddings category and subcategories and will remove the Showcase. Etsy Product Marketing Manager Natalie Schwartz wrote in a post on the Seller Handbook, "As we look to make further developments we'll explore opportunities for sellers interested in promoting their items to this audience."

Schwartz said the order for any items within the shopping pages of Etsy Weddings will rely on relevancy factors based on multiple, relevant search results and aggregate shopping and browsing behavior.

She wrote, "Provided you are optimizing your listings for search sorted by relevancy, there's nothing different you need to do to for your items to be eligible to show in Etsy Weddings. Make sure your titles and descriptions use shopper-friendly keywords and accurate and descriptive phrases."

She also offered a tip for sellers to boost visibility: display clear beautiful product photos, available in high resolution.

Both Weddings and Registries will be accounted for in sellers' Shop Stats. For now, sellers won't be alerted when their items are added to a registry, but sellers will be able to see Registries as a traffic referrer in Shop Stats. "If you're noticing a lot of referral traffic from this source you may want to consider increasing your quantity since sold out listings cannot be added to registries," Etsy advised sellers. "In addition, your order page will reflect whether a purchase was made from a registry."

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About the author:

Ina Steiner is co-founder and Editor of EcommerceBytes and has been reporting on ecommerce since 1999. She's a widely cited authority on marketplace selling and is author of "Turn eBay Data Into Dollars" (McGraw-Hill 2006). Her blog was featured in the book, "Blogging Heroes" (Wiley 2008). Follow her on Twitter at @ecommercebytes and send news tips to

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