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Site Issue Reported Status
 January 29, 2024
  11:20 AM
In Orders, Awaiting Shipment, the last item shipped keeps showing up under "Awaiting Shipment".  I noticed this last week.  The last item just stays there and you can't get rid of it until you ship another item that will eventually take its place.

Reported By: lstreeter
Are you experiencing this issue?
JL Verified
February 02, 2024
  00:44 AM
Same problem. Item goes away eventually.

Lightning Verified
February 03, 2024
  19:11 PM
If you know the item has been shipped, and it keeps appearing, I think you could Archive it to make it go away. I would try it myself, but I don't have the situation occurring to try it on.

Actual Seller Verified
January 31, 2024
  17:36 PM
Not happening but they ARE however still there and they say "Shipped". Been a few months of them in awaiting shipment as shipped.

spooky Verified
January 29, 2024
  12:35 PM
yes, happening to me again. It happened a couple months back and lasted awhile. The shipping pages and listing scheduler have had many glitches

airbrake Verified
January 29, 2024
  12:14 PM
Same here. This has been going on intermittently for years. I fix it by copying the tracking number, mark the item as not shipped, then mark the item as shipped, add the tracking number & refresh the page. This usually makes it go away.